
This package provides services which make object detection more convenient.

The main service provided by this package performs the following:
 * Grabs a recent point could from a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 source
 * Transforms the received cloud into the base_link frame
 * Extracts objects and surfaces using [[rail_pcl_object_segmentation]]
 * Names each object and surface, publishes them to various topics, and informs [[http://moveit.ros.org/wiki/Environment_Representation/Overview | MoveIt's Planning Scene]] of the results
 * Returns the named objects

== Services ==

=== Object Discovery - provided by discover_objects_server ===

This is the highest-level service which provides the most convenience for discovering objects. This service implements the entire workflow listed above. The discover_objects_server service processes messages of the type !DiscoverObjects.srv.

=== Updating the Planning Scene - provided by update_environment_service ===

This service encapsulates the process of naming object and surface point clouds, publishing them to various ros topics, clearing the state of [[http://moveit.ros.org/wiki/Environment_Representation/Overview|MoveIt's Planning Scene]], and adding all discovered objects and surfaces to the Planning Scene.

== Launch Files ==

=== object_discovery.launch ===

This launch file is the recommended way to start the object discovery service.

The following nodes are always started:
 * discover_objects_server
 * extract_objects from [[rail_pcl_object_segmentation]]
 * cluster_bounding_box_finder_server.py from [[object_manipulator]]

The following nodes are only started when updating the environment is enabled:
 * update_environment_service

==== Arguments ====

{{{ update_state_cloud_timestamps }}} (boolean, default=true)
 Point clouds may be received which are too old to compute a tf transformation for. If this flag is true, the latest available transformation will be used when this occurs; otherwise, a service call will fail. 

{{{ update_environment }}} (boolean, default=true)
 When true, the discovered objects will be given string names and be published such that [[planning_environment]] is made aware of them. Note that any/all objects tracked by [[planning_environment]] will be cleared during a discover_objects service request.

{{{ sensor_topic }}} (string, default=/xtion/depth_registered/points)
 The topic on which the discover_objects service will wait for a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 message when a service request is received.

{{{ target_frame_id }}} (string, default=/odom)
 The tf frame which the received sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 should be transformed into before extracting objects.

== Nodes ==

=== discover_objects_server ===

This node provides an implementation of the !DiscoverObjects.srv service.

==== Parameters ====

{{{ ~/sensor_topic }}} (string)
 The topic on which to wait for a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 to arrive from when a service request is received.

{{{ ~/target_frame_id }}} (string)
 The tf frame to transform a received sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 message in to before extracting objects from it.

{{{ ~/service_name }}} (string, default="discover_objects")
 The name under which this service should appear in ROS.

{{{ ~/extract_objects_service_name }}} (string, default="extract_objects")
 The name of the service to use for extracting objects from a point cloud. This service must conform to !ExtractObjects.srv as defined in [[rail_pcl_object_segmentation]]. 

{{{ ~/update_environment }}} (boolean, default=true)
 If true, an !UpdateEnvironment.srv request will be delivered to the service at the name specified by ~/update_environment_service_name.

{{{ ~/update_environment_service_name }}} (string, default="update_environment")
 Defines the name at which to send requests to update [[http://moveit.ros.org/wiki/Environment_Representation/Overview|MoveIt's Planning Scene]] with object information, if enabled.

{{{ ~/update_old_cloud_timestamps }}} (boolean, default=false)
 In the event that a point cloud is received which is too old to process a tf transformation for, this flag determines whether to use the latest available transformation or throw an error. If true, the latest available transform is used; otherwise, the affected service request fails with an error.

=== update_environment_service ===

This node provides an implementation of the !UpdateEnvironment.srv service.

==== Parameters ====

{{{ ~/service_name }}} (string, default="update_environment")
 The name under which this service should appear in ROS.

{{{ ~/bounding_box_service_name }}} (string, default="find_cluster_bounding_box2")
 The name at which a bounding box service which fulfills the [[object_manipulation_msgs]] !FindClusterBoundingBox2.srv interface can be called.

{{{ ~/output/collision_object_topic_name }}} (string, default="collision_object")
 The name of the topic to publish collision object messages suitable for consumption by [[http://moveit.ros.org/wiki/Environment_Representation/Overview | MoveIt's Planning Scene]].

== Using This Package ==
Make sure a depth camera is generating point clouds. Determine if you need to change any of the default parameters of the object detection, then launch it with those arguments:
roslaunch rail_object_discovery object_detection.launch

When you wish to extract objects, call the `/discover_objects` service with the desired constraints. Here are some example ones:
rosservice call /discover_objects "constraints:
object_min_sensor_range: 0.2
  object_max_sensor_range: 4.0
  object_min_spherical_radius: 0.01
  object_max_spherical_radius: 0.1
plane_slope_tolerance: 2.0"
Alternately, you can run the `extract_objects.sh` script included in the package, which uses the constraints in the above example.
rosrun rail_object_detection extract_objects.sh

If you wish to view the extracted objects in rviz without using !MoveIt, you can view each extracted object and plane cloud separately by making a !PointCloud2 display for each of them. The objects are published to `/extract_objects/object_#` and the planes are published to `/extract_objects/plane_#`, where # is 0-9.

Furthermore, a file called `vision.rviz` is included in the `extra/` folder. If you paste its contents into an rviz configuration file, it will add a group of displays for vision-related topics, including Images for the rgb and depth images of the camera, !PointCloud2s for the camera and each extracted object and plane, and a !MarkerArray which displays the name of each object above its center.

## CategoryPackage