Indice Index
• Abstract • Abstract
............................................................................................................ 3 3
• •
Introduzione Introduction
................................................................................................... 5 .................................................. ................................................. 5
• •
Capitolo 1 Chapter 1
........................................................................................................ 9 9
1.1 Mapping 1.1 Mapping
.......................................................................................... 9 .................................................. ........................................ 9
1.1.1 Fonte di informazioni......................................................... 10 1.1.1 Source of information ............................................ ............. 10
1.1.2 Creazione della mappa....................................................... 11 1.1.2 Creating the map ............................................ ........... 11
1.1.3 Mantenimento della mappa.................................................12 1.1.3 Maintenance of the map ............................................ ..... 12
1.2 Path Planning 1.2 Path Planning
.............................................................................. 15 .................................................. ............................ 15
1.2.1 Definizione del problema................................................... 16 1.2.1 Problem definition ............................................ ....... 16
1.2.2 Soluzioni Geometriche...................................................... 17 1.2.2 Geometric Solutions ............................................. ......... 17
1.2.3 Soluzioni basate sul controllo............................................ 26 1.2.3 Solutions based on control ........................................... . 26
1.3 Conclusioni 1.3 Conclusions
................................................................................... 27 .................................................. ................................. 27
• •
Capitolo 2 Chapter 2
...................................................................................................... 29 29
2.1 Ros Ros 2.1
.................................................................................................. 29 .................................................. ................................................ 29
2.1.1 Concetti chiave.................................................................. 30 2.1.1 Key Concepts ............................................. ..................... 30
2.1.2 Funzionamento................................................................... 32 2.1.2 Operation .............................................. ..................... 32
2.2 MoveIt! 2.2 MoveIt!
.......................................................................................... 35 .................................................. ........................................ 35
2.2.1 Octomap............................................................................. 36 2.2.1 Octomap .............................................. ............................... 36
2.2.2 OMPL................................................................................ 38 2.2.2 OMPL .............................................. .................................. 38
2.2.3 MoveGroup........................................................................ 40 2.2.3 MoveGroup .............................................. .......................... 40
2.3 Conclusioni 2.3 Conclusions
................................................................................... 43 .................................................. ................................. 43
• Capitolo 3 • Chapter 3
...................................................................................................... 45 45
3.1 Gazebo & Hector Quadrotor 3.1 Gazebo & Hector quadrotor
.................................................... 45 .................................................. .. 45
3.2 Configurazione 3.2 Configuration
............................................................................ 49 .................................................. .......................... 49
3.3 Test 3.3 Test
.................................................................................................. 53 .................................................. ................................................ 53
3.4 Conclusioni 3.4 Conclusion
................................................................................... 57 .................................................. ................................. 57
• Capitolo 4 • Chapter 4
...................................................................................................... 59 59
4.1 Integrazione dell'applicazione in ambiente reale 4.1 Integration of the application in real environment
................ 59 ................ 59
........................................................................................ 61 .................................................. ...................................... 61
4.3 Possibili integrazioni in SHERPA 4.3 Possible additions in SHERPA
.......................................... 63 .......................................... 63
4.4 Conclusioni 4.4 Conclusions
................................................................................... 66 .................................................. ................................. 66
• Bibliografia • Bibliography
.................................................................................................. 69 .................................................. ................................................ 69
1 1
2 2
Abstract Abstract
Scopo di questa tesi è quello di realizzare un sistema in grado di risolvere il The purpose of this thesis is to provide a system capable of solving the
problema della “navigazione autonoma di un velivolo automatizzato all'interno problem of the "autonomous navigation of an aircraft in automated
di un ambiente a lui precedentemente sconosciuto, mappato dinamicamente of an environment previously unknown to him, mapped dynamically
mediante l'uso di sensori di profondità” come base di studi per future by the use of depth sensors "as the basis of studies for future
applicazioni all'interno del progetto SHERPA. applications within the SHERPA.
La trattazione si divide in una prima parte teorica in cui vengono descritti i The discussion is divided into a first theoretical part in which are described the
principali algoritmi disponibili a livello di ricerca per risolvere i problemi di main algorithms available in research to solve problems
ricostruzione della mappa e navigazione della stessa, seguita da una seconda in reconstruction of the map and navigation of the same, followed by a second in
cui verrà creato, sfruttando il framework Ros, un sistema in grado di ricostruire a which it will be created, using the framework Ros, a system able to reconstruct in
partire da dati provenienti da sensori rgbd la mappa di un luogo e di creare From data from sensors rgbd map of a place and create
traiettorie per un quadrirotore all'interno della stessa. trajectories for a quadcopter within the same. Infine il sistema così creato Finally, the system thus created
sarà testato mediante un simulatore per verificare le prestazioni reali dei vari It will be tested using a simulator to verify the real performance of the various
approcci proposti nella fase teorica. approaches proposed in the theoretical stage.
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Introduzione Introduction
Se c'è qualcosa che caratterizza l'epoca in cui viviamo è l'ingresso di prepotenza If anything characterizes the era we live in is the input of arrogance
dell'informatica nella nostra vita quotidiana: tutti abbiamo a che fare ogni giorno information technology in our daily lives: we all have to do every day
con oggetti informatici, che sia per il lavoro o per svago viviamo circondati da with computational objects, whether for business or leisure we live surrounded by
computer, smartphone e sistemi di elaborazione e controllo più o meno potenti. computers, smartphones and processing systems and control more or less powerful.
Ma cos'è un computer? So what is a computer? Una macchina formidabile in grado di metterci in A formidable machine able to get in
contatto con persone all'altro capo del mondo, di darci accesso ad una fonte contact with people halfway around the world, to give us access to a source
inesauribile di conoscenza, di elaborare milioni se non miliardi di dati in un inexhaustible knowledge, process millions if not billions of data in a
battito di ciglia... Ma molto limitata per sua stessa natura. blink of an eye ... but very limited by its very nature.
Come ci dice il nome un computer non è altro che un sofisticatissimo sistema in As the name tells a computer is nothing more than a sophisticated system
grado di computare: fare dei calcoli per raggiungere un risultato seguendo una able to compute: make calculations to achieve a result following a
serie di istruzioni impartite. series of instructions. E' solo grazie all'abilità e alla genialità di chi li And 'only thanks to the skill and ingenuity of those who
programma se riusciamo a sfruttarli per fare cose che fino a pochi anni fa program if we can use them to do things which until a few years ago
sembravano fantascienza. They seemed science fiction.
Questa fondamentale limitatezza ne complica l'utilizzo quando si cerca di This fundamental limitation harder to use when trying to
emulare il comportamento di un essere umano: sono ancora tante le attività che emulate the behavior of a human being: there are still many activities
per un uomo sono istintive, mentre per una macchina sono impossibili o for a man they are instinctive, while for a machine are impossible or
realizzabili solo con costi computazionali altissimi. achievable only with high computational costs. Pensiamo ad esempio a tutti i Take, for example to all
casi in cui nella vita di tutti i giorni ci affidiamo all'istinto, all'intuizione, alle Where in the life of every day we rely on instinct, intuition, to
impressioni o ai nostri sensi per prendere decisioni in maniera rapidissima, tutte impressions on our senses to make decisions in a rapid, all
operazioni che un programma non è ancora stato in grado di emulare alla operations that a program has not yet been able to emulate the
perfezione. perfection.
Per capire quanto effettivamente un computer sia limitato nelle sue capacità To understand how a computer actually is limited in its capabilities
prendiamo come esempio il problema di muoversi verso una destinazione in una take as an example the issue of moving to a destination in a
stanza prima sconosciuta. room before unknown. Un uomo o un bambino non hanno neppure bisogno di A man or a child does not even need to
pensare per eseguire questo compito, è puramente istintivo, per un robot think to perform this task, it is purely instinctive, for a robot
automatizzato invece rappresenta un problema non banale. automated instead is a nontrivial problem. Quello che per noi è What for us is
un non-problema per la macchina può rappresentare un ostacolo difficile da a non-issue for the car can be a difficult obstacle to
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sormontare per le diverse capacità a sua disposizione. overcome for the different capacity at his disposal.
Se pensiamo a tutto quello che inconsciamente il nostro cervello fa per condurci If we think about all that our brain is unconsciously to lead
ad una meta ci possiamo rendere conto del perché: prende coscienza del mondo a goal we can realize why: become aware of the world
che lo circonda fondendo informazioni provenienti da cinque fonti diverse, i surrounding it by merging information from five different sources, the
cinque sensi, si posiziona all'interno dell'ambiente osservato anche in five senses, is positioned within the environment observed in
movimento, si ricava a colpo d'occhio la strada più veloce, diretta e priva di movement, is obtained at a glance the road faster, direct and free of
ostacoli per raggiungere la metà e fa tutto ciò dinamicamente mentre comanda i obstacles to reach the middle and does everything while dynamically controls the
muscoli del corpo per muoversi, adattando le proprie decisioni ad eventuali body muscles to move, adapting their decisions on any
mutazioni dell'ambiente che lo circonda. mutations of the surrounding environment.
Realizzare tutto ciò in una macchina automatizzata è un operazione non semplice Achieve this in an automated machine is a task not easy
che coinvolge l'utilizzo obbligato di sensori e pesanti sforzi teorici, algoritmici e which involves the use of forced sensors and heavy theoretical efforts, and algorithmic
computazionali. computational. Per questo è stato possibile solo negli ultimi anni To this it has been possible only in recent years
commercializzare i primi semplici robot in grado di guidarsi da soli in ambienti commercialize the first simple robot that can drive themselves alone environments
sconosciuti evitando ostacoli e solo negli ultimissimi tempi si è iniziato a parlare unknown avoiding obstacles and only in very recent times has begun to talk
di veicoli automatizzati per il trasporto di persone. of automated vehicles for the transport of persons.
Scopo di questa tesi sarà quello di realizzare un sistema in grado di far navigare The purpose of this thesis is to provide a system able to navigate
un velivolo autonomo all'interno di un ambiente 3D in precedenza ricostruito an airplane autonomous within a 3D environment previously reconstructed
mediante dati provenienti da sensori rgbd montati a bordo. using data from sensors mounted on board rgbd.
La trattazione dal punto di vista teorico si concentrerà principalmente sullo stato The discussion from the theoretical point of view will focus primarily on the state
dell'arte degli algoritmi per la ricostruzione tridimensionale di un ambiente e la of the art algorithms for the reconstruction of a three-dimensional environment and
successiva navigazione all'interno di esso. next navigation within it. Dal punto di vista pratico, invece, From the practical point of view, instead,
scopo finale sarà la realizzazione di un sistema in grado di far volare un ultimate goal will be the realization of a system able to fly a
quadrirotore all'interno di un ambiente ricco di ostacoli di cui ha quadcopter in an environment full of obstacles that have
precedentemente ricostruito una mappa con lo scopo di confrontare all'interno di previously reconstructed a map with the purpose of comparing within
un simulatore le diverse soluzioni algoritmiche al problema presentate nella parte a simulator different algorithmic solutions to the problem presented in the
teorica. theoretical. Scopo della tesi non è quindi quello di produrre nuove soluzioni, ma di The purpose of the thesis is therefore not to produce new solutions, but of
realizzare un sistema che implementi il meglio di quelle disponibili come provide a system that implements the highlights of the ones available as
software open-source, in modo da poter servire come base di partenza e banco di open-source software, so it can serve as a starting point and bench
test per futuri algoritmi. test for future algorithms.
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Questa applicazione servirà inoltre come base di studio per future applicazioni This application will also serve as the basis of study for future applications
all'interno del progetto SHERPA (Smart collaboration between Humans and within the SHERPA (Smart collaboration between Humans and
ground-aErial Robots for imProving rescuing activities in Alpine environments) ground-Aerial Robots for Improving rescuing activities in Alpine environments)
volto allo sviluppo di una piattaforma robotizzata eterogenea per il supporto aimed at the development of a robotic platform for heterogeneous support
all'attività di salvataggio umano in ambienti ostili. Human activity rescue in hostile environments.
Nel primo capitolo verranno descritte le basi teoriche ed i vari algoritmi che In the first chapter it describes the theoretical basis and the various algorithms
riguardano la ricostruzione di mappe tridimensionali di ambienti e la successiva concern the reconstruction of three-dimensional maps of environments and the subsequent
creazione di percorsi privi di ostacoli all'interno degli stessi. creating paths free of obstacles inside of the same.
Nel secondo verranno descritte le componenti software che forniscono The second will describe the software components that provide
un'implementazione reale di questi sfruttando il sistema “ROS” come base. a real implementation of these leveraging system "ROS" as a base.
Nel terzo si fornirà una descrizione del sistema creato sfruttando queste The third will provide a description of the system created using these
componenti e se ne darà una dimostrazione pratica facendo volare components and they give you a practical demonstration by flying
autonomamente un modello di quadrirotore all'interno del simulatore “Gazebo”. independently a model quadcopter within the simulator "Gazebo".
Nel quarto infine si parlerà di come questo sistema potrà essere integrato per In the fourth Finally we discuss how this system can be integrated
funzionare in situazioni reali ed in particolare all'interno del progetto SHERPA. work in real situations and in particular in the SHERPA.
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Capitolo 1 Chapter 1
In questo capitolo verranno descritte le basi teoriche e lo stato dell'arte degli This chapter describes the theoretical basis and the state of the art
algoritmi necessari per risolvere due dei problemi fondamentali algorithms necessary to solve two fundamental problems
nell'automatizzazione di un robot: creare una mappa dell'ambiente in cui si trova in automation of a robot: create a map of the environment in which is located
( “mapping” ) e definire all'interno di esso un percorso privo di ostacoli per ("Mapping") and defining within it an obstacle-free route for
raggiungere una destinazione ( “path planning” ). reach a destination ("path planning").
1.1 Mapping 1.1 Mapping
Molte applicazioni di robotica richiedono una mappa tridimensionale Many robotics applications require a three-dimensional map
dall'ambiente che le circonda creata partendo dai dati registrati con appositi the environment that surrounds them created from data recorded with special
sensori. sensors. Creare e mantenere questa mole di dati in maniera efficiente non è Create and maintain this amount of data in an efficient manner is not
un'operazione banale, un buon metodo di gestione della mappa dovrebbe a trivial operation, a good management method should map
garantire: ensure:
• Possibilità di modellare spazio libero, occupato e non ancora esplorato: • Ability to model space, occupied and not yet explored:
ad esempio per applicazioni di esplorazione è fondamentale differenziare for example, for applications of exploration it is imperative to differentiate
le aree non esplorate dalle altre. areas not explored by others.
• Rapidità e semplicità di creazione e aggiornamento: a seconda della • Quick and easy creation and modification: depending on
tecnica di memorizzazione scelta potrebbe essere più o meno complesso storage technique choice could be more or less complex
elaborare i dati in ingresso, spesso è infatti necessario discretizzarli in process the input data, often it is in fact necessary in discretizzarli
qualche modo. some way.
• Rappresentazione probabilistica delle informazioni: tipicamente i dati per • Probabilistic information: typically the data for
creare la mappa provengono da sensori 3D di svariati generi accomunati create map come from 3D sensors of various kinds in common
dalla presenza più o meno importante di rumori di misura e quindi di falsi by the presence of more or less important measurement noise, and then false-
dati. data. Un approccio probabilistico alla gestione della mappa permette di A probabilistic approach to the management of the map allows you to
fondere molte misure incerte per ottenerne una certa, in altre parole un merge many measures uncertain to obtain a certain, in other words a
punto è indicato come occupato o libero in base ad una stima point is indicated as busy or free according to an estimate
probabilistica sulle ultime misurazioni effettuate. Probabilistic on the latest measurements.
• Efficienza: sia in termini di tempi di accesso per ottenere informazioni su • Efficiency: both in terms of access time to obtain information on
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di un singolo punto, sia in termini di memoria occupata per rappresentarla. of a single point, both in terms of memory occupied to represent it.
• Multi-resolution: potrebbe risultare comodo avere una mappa in grado di • Multi-resolution: it can be handy to have a map that can
visualizzare lo spazio a più risoluzioni in base alle esigenze del momento. display space for different resolutions according to the needs of the moment.
1.1.1 Fonte di informazioni 1.1.1 Source of information
I dati in ingresso possono provenire da svariate fonti, ma nell'ambito di questa The input data can come from a variety of sources, but in the context of this
tesi si sono presi in considerazione solamente sensori in grado di generare una thesis are taken into consideration only sensors able to generate a
nuvola di punti, o pointcloud , 3D. point cloud, or PointCloud 3D. Queste rappresentano la porzione di mondo These represent the portion of the world
osservato mediante una matrice di punti ciascuno caratterizzato da un valore observed by means of a matrix of dots each characterized by a value
numerico che ne indica la distanza dal sensore; number that indicates the distance from the sensor; la posizione nello spazio è data the position in space is given
quindi da questo valore e dalla posizione all'interno della matrice. then from this value and from the position within the matrix. Un'evoluzione Evolution
di questo concetto sono le immagini RGBD : ad ogni pixel sono associati quattro of this concept are the images RGBD: to each pixel are associated four
valori numerici, tre per i colori (rgb) e uno ( d ) per la distanza del punto rispetto numeric values, three colors (RGB) and one (d) to the distance of the point from
all'osservatore, nel nostro caso la distanza dal fuoco della camera. to the observer, in our case the distance from the focus of the room.
In entrambi i casi quello che otteniamo è una rappresentazione dell'oggetto In both cases, what we get is a representation of the object
osservato mediante migliaia di punti posizionati nello spazio, nel caso rgbd ad observed by means of thousands of points positioned in space, in the case rgbd to
ogni punto è anche associato un colore. each point is also associated with a color. Queste rappresentazioni sono considerate These representations are considered
lo standard per applicazioni di ricostruzione di ambienti 3D poiché permettono di the standard for reconstruction applications of 3D environments because they allow
unire in maniera semplice e computazionalmente efficiente informazioni join in a simple and computationally efficient information
riguardanti l'aspetto della scena osservata e la sua conformazione concerning the appearance of the observed scene and its conformation
tridimensionale. three-dimensional.
E' possibile ottenere una pointcloud da fonti molto diverse, ad esempio proiettori You 'can get a PointCloud from very different sources, such as projectors
laser, telecamere stereo o sensori rgbd come Microsoft kinect o Asus prime. Gli laser, stereo cameras or sensors rgbd as Microsoft Kinect or Asus first. The
ultimi rappresentano l'ultima soluzione arrivata sul mercato ma anche quella che last represent the ultimate solution came on the market but also one that
si sta espandendo più velocemente in quanto coniugano alta risoluzione e It is expanding as fast as they combine high resolution and
precisione nella creazione della pointcloud ad un basso costo ed ingombro, precision in the creation of PointCloud at a low cost and dimensions,
limitando però la capacità di ricostruzione dell'ambiente a distanze piccole, restricting the ability of reconstruction of the environment at small distances,
nell'ordine di 5-6 m dalla camera. in the order of 5-6 m from the room.
La risoluzione dei dati in ingresso è spesso esagerata rispetto alle esigenze The resolution of the input data is often exaggerated compared to the needs
tipiche di un sistema robotizzato, è quindi prassi comune applicare una typical of a robotic system, it is therefore common practice to apply a
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discretizzazione alla pointcloud mediante l'uso di voxel : cubi di dimensione fissa discretization to the PointCloud by the use of voxels: cubes of fixed size
che associano ad un singolo punto, il loro centro, e ad un valore numerico la combining in a single step, their center, and a numeric value the
rappresentazione della porzione di spazio che racchiudono. representation of the portion of space that is enclosed. Intuitivamente la Intuitively
nuvola di punti in ingresso viene suddivisa in volumi equivalenti , a ciascuno di cloud of input points is divided into equivalent volumes, to each of
essi viene associato un centro e un valore (occupato o libero) in base alla metrica they are associated with a center and a value (busy or idle) based on the metric
scelta per filtrare i punti in ingresso. choice to filter the input points.
1.1.2 Creazione della mappa 1.1.2 Creating the map
I dati provenienti dai sensori sono una sequenza di pointcloud legate fra di loro The data from the sensors are a sequence of PointCloud connected to them
solo da un ordine temporale, sono solamente un video tridimensionale di ciò che only by a temporal order, they are only a three-dimensional video of what
il sensore ha osservato, non creano un modello tridimensionale dell'oggetto the sensor observed, do not create a three-dimensional object
osservato senza ulteriori elaborazioni. observed without further processing.
Questo perché alla pointcloud manca un'informazione fondamentale: dove si This is because the missing information PointCloud fundamental: where
trovava il sensore all'interno dello spazio mentre acquisiva quell'immagine. was the sensor within the space while that image acquired. La There
conoscenza tridimensionale dell'ambiente ottenuta si limita alla posizione degli knowledge obtained three-dimensional environment is limited to the location of
oggetti osservati rispetto al sistema di riferimento che ha come origine il sensore. observed objects with respect to the reference system that has as its origin the sensor.
Non avendo nessuna informazione assoluta rispetto ad un sistema di riferimento Having absolutely no information with respect to a reference system
fisso, non siamo in grado di determinare la posizione relativa delle varie fixed, we are not able to determine the relative position of the various
pointcloud per poterle quindi posizionare nello spazio ed ottenere così una PointCloud for them then place in space and thus to obtain a
mappa. map.
E' quindi necessario un sistema che tenga traccia degli spostamenti del sensore in E 'therefore need a system that keeps track of the movements of the sensor in
modo da poter posizionare ciascuna nuvola nel luogo in cui è stata acquisita, so you can position each cloud in the place where it was acquired,
ovvero un sistema che calcoli l' odometria del sensore: come si è mosso nello or a system that calculates the 'odometry sensor: as he moved in
spazio. space. Per far ciò tipicamente vengono unite informazioni provenienti da sensori To do this typically are merged information from sensors
indipendenti per garantire la maggior precisione possibile, ad esempio IMU, GPS independent to ensure the greatest possible precision, for example, IMU, GPS
o altri. or others. Particolarmente interessanti sono le applicazioni basate unicamente su Particularly interesting are the applications based solely on
dati provenienti da sensori video, dette visual odometry , che tenendo traccia di Data from video sensors, called visual odometry, that keeping track of
punti caratteristici, features, in immagini successive permettono di ricostruire lo landmarks, features in successive images allow us to reconstruct the
spostamento del sensore senza bisogno di altri fonti di informazioni. displacement of the sensor without the need for other sources of information. L'uso della The use of
sola odometria visuale per costruire mappe tridimensionali dei luoghi osservati only visual odometry to build three-dimensional maps of the places observed
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prende il nome di VSLAM (visual simultaneous localization and mapping). It called VSLAM (visual simultaneous localization and mapping).
Questa sembrerebbe la soluzione ottimale sfruttando il solo stream di immagini This would seem to the optimal solution using only the stream of images
rgbd per odometria e mapping , ma richiede una notevole potenza rgbd for odometry and mapping, but requires considerable power
computazionale, non è applicabile con semplici pointcloud (necessita anche delle computational, is not applicable with simple PointCloud (needs both
informazioni sui colori) e non funziona in ambienti dotati di poche features . color information) and does not work in environments with few features.
Sapendo come il sensore si è mosso nello spazio è possibile posizionare Knowing how the sensor has moved in space you can place
correttamente le pointcloud in un sistema di riferimento assoluto e ottenere così correctly PointCloud in an absolute reference system and thus obtain
una rappresentazione consistente del mondo osservato. a consistent representation of the observed world.
1.1.3 Mantenimento della mappa 1.1.3 Maintenance of map
Una volta creata la mappa si pone il problema di come mantenerla in memoria in Once the map is created, there is the problem of how to keep it in memory
modo che sia efficiente da utilizzare e che occupi poche risorse. so that it is efficient to use and that it takes up very little resources.
Nel corso della storia sono state proposte varie soluzioni: Throughout history, various solutions have been proposed:
• Point-Cloud: • Point-Cloud:
Non si applica nessun tipo di trasformazione o Not apply any kind of transformation or
discretizzazione ma si salvano direttamente i discretization but are saved directly
dati che provengono dai sensori esterni: una data coming from external sensors: a
serie di coordinate (x,y,z) che indicano punti set of coordinates (x, y, z) which indicate points
occupati nello spazio. occupied space. Da un punto di vista From a point of view
computazionale è sicuramente il metodo computational method is definitely
migliore: non c'è nessuna trasformazione o best: there is no transformation or
elaborazione da effettuare, i dati sono salvati processing to be performed, the data is saved
così come sono. as they are. Non c'è però nessuna There is no particular
rappresentazione esplicita dello spazio libero o non esplorato e non c'è explicit representation of free space or not explored and there is
modo di gestire il rumore inevitabilmente presente sui dati non filtrati. how to handle the noise inevitably present on unfiltered data. La There
quantità di memoria necessaria a salvare i dati inoltre è eccessiva: i amount of memory needed to save the data also is excessive: the
moderni sensori rgbd sono in grado di generare nuvole dell'ordine dei rgbd modern sensors are capable of generating clouds of the order of
10000 punti per frame lavorando a frequenze di 30 Hz; 10000 points per frame working at frequencies of 30 Hz; è perciò evidente It is therefore clear
che memorizzare direttamente questi dati senza nessun tipo di that store this data directly without any
discretizzazione non può essere efficiente né per la gestione della discretization can not be efficient nor for the Management of
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1.1 - Rappresentazione di 1.1 - Representation
un albero mediante a shaft by
pointcloud PointCloud
memoria, né in termini di tempo di accesso ai dati e navigazione della memory, either in terms of access time to data and navigation of
mappa: non c'è nessun tipo di gerarchizzazione. map: there is no type of hierarchy.
• Voxel Grid [1]: • Voxel Grid [1]:
Viene applicata una discretizzazione dello spazio mediante l'utilizzo di It is applied to a discretization of the space through the use of
voxel. L'ambiente è rappresentato mediante una griglia 3D di cubi, voxel. The environment is represented by a 3D grid of cubes,
ciascuno rappresentante tutto lo spazio al suo interno mediante un singolo each representing the entire space in its interior by means of a single
valore: (occupato/libero/non esplorato). value: (busy / idle / not explored). Migliora l'efficienza nel consumo Improves efficiency in consumption
di memoria ma non la velocità di interrogazione, non c'è ancora una memory but not the speed of interrogation, there is still a
struttura gerarchica ben definita che lega i blocchi tra loro. well-defined hierarchical structure that links the blocks with one another. La dimensione The dimension
della griglia inoltre deve essere nota a priori per poter suddividere i punti the grid must also be known a priori to be able to divide the points
in voxel . in voxels.
• Elevation Map [2]: • Elevation Map [2]:
Si sfrutta una griglia 2D per modellare lo It uses a 2D grid to model the
spazio, per ogni cella della griglia si salva space, for each cell of the grid is saved
l'elevazione massima raggiunta dagli ostacoli the highest elevation reached by obstacles
al suo interno; inside; spesso viene indicata anche often it is also shown
come “griglia 2,5D”. as "2.5D grid". Questa rappresentazione This representation
è considerata ottimale in termini di efficienza It is considered to be optimal in terms of efficiency
di memorizzazione e di interrogazione, ma ha storage and interrogation, but has
il grande difetto di non dare una the great disadvantage of not giving a
rappresentazione volumetrica dello spazio ma solo un discretizzazione volumetric representation of space but only a discretization
relativa ad un piano. for a plan. E' la rappresentazione ideale per tutti i robot che E 'the ideal representation for all the robots that
hanno la necessità di navigare su un piano. They need to navigate on one floor.
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1.2 - Rappresentazione di 1.2 - Representation
un albero mediante a shaft by
elevation map elevation map
• Multi Level Elevation Grid [3]: • Multi Level Elevation Grid [3]:
Si sfrutta una griglia 2D, per ogni cella It exploits a 2D grid, for each cell
vengono salvati tutti i voxel occupati che si They save all voxels that are occupied
trovano in quella porzione di spazio. located in that portion of space. C'è una There is a
rappresentazione volumetrica, ma non è volume rendering, but it is not
possibile distinguere tra spazio libero e spazio You can distinguish between free space and space
non esplorato (anche se sarebbe possibile not explored (although it would be possible
ovviare a questo salvando anche la lista di obviate this also saving the list of
voxel liberi per ogni cella). voxel free for each cell). L'aggiornamento The update
della mappa è ancora computazionalmente pesante perché non c'è nessun the map is still computationally heavy because there is no
tipo di gerarchia esplicita tra i voxel , inoltre non è ancora possibile type of explicit hierarchy between voxels, also not yet possible
ottenere risoluzione variabile della mappa. get variable resolution of the map.
• Octomap [4] [5]: • Octomap [4] [5]:
Lo spazio è rappresentato The space is represented
mediante un albero ottale: by a shaft octal:
tutto l'ambiente osservabile the whole environment observable
viene suddiviso in otto It is divided in eight
volumi, tipicamente cubi di volumes, typically cubes
ugual dimensione, a sua same size, at its
volta ciascun volume può essere ri- After each volume can be re-
suddiviso ricorsivamente in altri otto più recursively divided into eight more more
piccoli. small.
Sfruttando questa tecnica si può procedere a Using this technique you can proceed to
suddividere lo spazio fino alla precisione dividing the space up to the precision
voluta. desired. Ad ogni passaggio di ricorsione si At each step of recursion
creano nella zona considerata dei voxel più create that zone of the voxel
piccoli per rappresentare lo spazio. small to represent space. La There
ricorsione si ferma quando la dimensione recursion stops when the size
dei volumi raggiunge la misura minima stabilita a priori. volume reaches the minimum amount fixed at the outset.
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1.3 - Rappresentazione di 1.3 - Representation
un albero mediante multi a tree by means of multi
level elevation grid level elevation grid
1.4 - Decomposizione ricorsiva di un cubo 1.4 - recursive decomposition of a cube
sfruttando larappresentazione ad albero ottale exploiting larappresentazione tree octal
1.5 - Rappresentazione di 1.5 - Representation
un albero mediante a shaft by
octomap octomap
Il mondo così discretizzato può essere rappresentato mediante una So the world can be represented by a discretized
struttura ad albero dove ogni nodo ha otto figli e rappresenta una porzione tree where each node has eight children and is a portion
di spazio con una ben determinata risoluzione, data dalla dimensione del of space with a well determined resolution, given the size of the
lato. side. L'approccio è ottimale in quanto permette di lasciare parti di mappa a The approach is optimal since it allows to leave parts of the map in
diverse risoluzioni o addirittura non inizializzate senza intaccare la qualità different resolutions or even uninitialized without affecting the quality
complessiva della rappresentazione. overall representation. La struttura ad albero permette inoltre The tree also allows
di minimizzare il numero di informazioni da salvare per ogni nodo (la to minimize the amount of information saved for each node (the
posizione nello spazio è ricavabile a partire dal nodo radice), di position is obtainable from the root node), of
velocizzare l'interrogazione della mappa e di salvare informazioni nel caso speed querying of the map and save information in case
in cui quel particolare volume sia libero, occupato o inesplorato. that particular volume is free, busy or unexplored. Inoltre a In addition to
seconda della profondità a cui tagliamo l'albero è anche possibile ottenere Depending on the depth to which we cut the tree you can also get
mappe a risoluzioni differenti. maps at different resolutions.
Quest'ultima soluzione ha quindi tutte le caratteristiche per essere considerata la This latter solution therefore has all the characteristics to be considered the
soluzione ottimale per le esigenze di questa tesi e per tutti i campi in cui è optimal solution for the needs of this thesis and for all the fields in which it is
necessario creare una rappresentazione tridimensionale di un ambiente con un need to create a three-dimensional representation of an environment with a
consumo relativamente contenuto di risorse. a relatively low consumption of resources.
1.2 Path Planning 1.2 Path Planning
Se il sistema automatizzato dispone di una mappa dell'ambiente che lo circonda If the automated system has a map of the surrounding environment
può sfruttarla per pianificare il percorso migliore e privo di ostacoli per It can use it to plan the best route and free of obstacles to
raggiungere una meta o una configurazione specificata detta goal . Questa azione reach a goal or a configuration specified that goal. This action
prende il nome di path planning ed è oggetto di ricerca scientifica con ottimi It takes the name of path planning and is the subject of scientific research with excellent
risultati dagli anni '70 in quanto basilare per qualsiasi applicazione reale di results from the 70s as a basis for any real application of
robotica. robotics.
Per poter sfruttare la mappa per generare un percorso il sistema deve To take advantage of the map to generate a path the system must
necessariamente conoscere altre due informazioni: una descrizione geometrica necessarily know two information: a geometric description
dello spazio occupato dal robot, in modo da poter verificare correttamente the space occupied by the robot, in order to complete verification
eventuali collisioni, e la posizione di partenza all'interno della mappa. collisions, and the starting position within the map. Nel caso In case
in cui sia il robot stesso a creare la mappa la seconda informazione è già ottenuta in which both the robot itself to create the second map information is already obtained
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implicitamente, poiché è necessario che il robot sappia dove si trova per poter implicitly, since it is necessary that the robot knows where to
ricostruire la mappa di un luogo. reconstruct the map of a place.
Le traiettorie generate dagli algoritmi di planning non necessariamente tengono The trajectories generated by the algorithms of planning does not necessarily hold
conto dei limiti cinematici del robot e degli attuatori, molto spesso sono soluzioni account of the kinematic limits of the robot and actuators, are very often solutions
puramente geometriche, per questo di solito alla fase di determinazione della purely geometrical, for this is usually the step of determining the
traiettoria segue una di raffinamento che ha lo scopo di produrre la sequenza di trajectory follows a refinement which has the purpose of producing the sequence of
comandi necessari per condurre il sistema alla configurazione di goal; commands necessary to conduct the system configuration of goals; i n questo i n this
caso si parla di path planning geometrico . Esistono metodi che tengono già It is called a geometric path planning. There are methods that already take
conto delle dinamiche del robot e producono una serie di comandi già attuabili account the dynamics of the robot and producing a series of commands already feasible
per raggiungere il goal , si parla in questo caso di path planning orientato al to reach the goal, we speak in this case of path planning oriented
controllo. control.
1.2.1 Definizione del problema [6] 1.2.1 Definition of the problem [6]
Da un punto di vista matematico il robot che deve essere pilotato e gli ostacoli From a mathematical point of view that the robot is to be controlled and the obstacles
che deve evitare possono essere schematizzati come figure geometriche: poligoni It must avoid can be summarized as geometric figures: polygons
se il robot si può muovere solo in un ambiente 2D o vincolato ad un piano, if the robot can only move in a 2D or constrained to a plane,
poliedri altrimenti. polyhedra otherwise. Data una mappa si definisce W l'insieme di tutti i punti che la Given a map defining W the set of all points that the
compongono, è quindi possibile definire due sottoinsiemi: O la regione in cui make up, you can then define two subsets: Or the region where
sono presenti ostacoli e il suo complementare F la regione libera di spazio. There are obstacles and its complement F region free space.
Parallelamente si definisce anche l'insieme C composto da tutte le In parallel we also defines the set C consists of all the
configurazioni, o posizioni, in cui si può trovare il robot all'interno dell'ambiente configurations, or positions, in which one can find the robot within the environment
e Cfree il suo sottoinsieme contenente tutte le configurazioni appartenenti a F. Cfree and its subset containing all configurations belonging to F.
Date una configurazione iniziale del robot ( start) e una finale ( goal) appartenenti Give an initial configuration of the robot (start) and an end (goal) belonging
a Cfree calcolare un percorso tra di esse equivale a cercare la sequenza di Cfree to calculate a route between them is equivalent to the search sequence
elementi appartenenti a Cfree che permettono di passare dalla partenza all'arrivo. elements belonging to Cfree that allow you to switch from start to finish.
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1.2.2 Soluzioni Geometriche 1.2.2 Geometric Solutions
Questa serie di soluzioni è interessata ad ottenere solamente la traiettoria per This series of solutions is only interested in obtaining the trajectory for
passare da start a goal , senza nessuna informazione sui comandi da impartire al go to start in goal, without any information on the commands that shall be given to
robot, si parla quindi di path planning geometrico. Per poi muovere il robot sarà robot, is referred to as path planning geometric. To then move the robot will
necessario un successivo raffinamento della traiettoria e una conversione in necessary a subsequent refinement of the trajectory and a conversion into
comandi effettivi da impartirgli. D urante gli anni molte soluzioni sono state actual commands to impart. D uring the years many solutions have been
proposte a questo problema, per la maggior parte basate sulla creazione di grafi o proposed to this problem, for the most part based on the creation of graphs or
alberi che descrivano, schematizzandolo, il mondo in cui il robot si trova a trees that describe, schematizzandolo, the world in which the robot is
muoversi. move.
Una notevole eccezione a questo approccio è l'utilizzo di potential fields [7]: il A notable exception to this approach is the use of potential fields [7]: the
robot viene schematizzato come un punto soggetto ad un campo di forza, il goal robot is modeled as a point subject to a force field, the goal
genera forza attrattiva, mentre gli ostacoli forze repulsive. It generates attractive force, while obstacles repulsive forces. In questo modo per In this way for
ogni configurazione del robot è possibile calcolare il vettore forza che agisce su each configuration of the robot it is possible to compute the vector force acting on
esso, ovvero lo sforzo necessario ad avvicinarlo alla meta. it, that the effort needed to bring it closer to the goal. In questo modo non In this way not
solo ho determinato una traiettoria priva di ostacoli, ma per ogni punto della I have only given a path free of obstacles, but for every point
stessa è possibile ricavare il vettore forza da applicare al robot per condurlo alla you can get the same vector force applied to the robot to lead to
meta. half.
Sembra quindi una soluzione ideale: semplice da realizzare e in grado di It therefore seems an ideal solution: simple to implement and able to
determinare sia traiettoria che comandi per raggiungere il goal. Ha però un grave determining both trajectory commands to reach the goal. He, however, a serious
difetto: i “ punti di minimo ”, punti in cui la somma delle forze prodotte è 0, se il defect: the "minimum points", points in which the sum of the forces produced is 0, if the
robot si trova in uno di quei punti non è più in grado di uscirne e rimane quindi robot is in one of those points is no longer able to get out of it and then remains
bloccato. blocked. Una semplice soluzione potrebbe essere quella di immettere A simple solution would be to enter
casualmente del rumore nei comandi in modo che sia impossibile che il robot random noise in the command so that it is impossible that the robot
rimanga bloccato per un tempo indefinito in un punto. be blocked for an indefinite time at a point. Altro problema è che per Another problem is that for
ricavare la sola traiettoria è necessario integrare il vettore forza, operazione derive the single trajectory is necessary to integrate the force vector, operation
computazionalmente costosa. computationally expensive. Spesso risulterebbe utile poter separare la Often be useful to separate the
traiettoria dalla sua attuazione. trajectory from its implementation.
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Per questo nascono tutti gli algoritmi basati sull' uso di grafi in cui il problema For this arise all algorithms based on 'use of graphs in which the problem
viene risolto in due passaggi, prima si crea un grafo rappresentante una is solved in two steps, first creating a graph representing a
discretizzazione di tutte le configurazioni possibili nello spazio in cui il robot si discretization of all possible configurations in the space in which the robot
muove e si connettono start e goal alla struttura generata che prende quindi il move and connect the start and goal to the structure generated which then takes the
nome di roadmap . name roadmap. A questo punto il problema di planning è stato semplificato At this point the problem of planning has been simplified
notevolmente, diventando un problema di routing su un grafo già ampiamente greatly, becoming a routing problem on a graph already widely
studiato e ottimamente risolto. well studied and solved.
Gli algoritmi di generazione di grafi sono vari: The algorithms of generation of graphs are various:
• •
Scomposizione in celle dell'intera mappa: Break it down into cells of the entire map:
tutta la mappa viene It is all over the map
suddivisa in celle, poligonali nel caso la mappa sia in due dimensioni, divided into cells, polygonal in case the map is in two dimensions,
poliedriche altrimenti e si crea un grafo rappresentante lo spazio libero otherwise multifaceted and creating a graph representing the free space
considerando come nodi i centri delle celle libere e connettendo tra di loro Whereas nodes as the centers of the free cells and connecting between them
solo quelle adiacenti. only adjacent ones. A questo punto rimane solo da determinare in quale Now it only remains to determine how
celle si trovano start e goal per ottenere una roadmap consistente. cells are start and goal to achieve a consistent roadmap. Questo This
metodo permette di raggiungere in tempi finiti la soluzione al problema, method allows you to reach in a finite time the solution to the problem,
se questa esiste, o di indicare con sicurezza che non può esistere; if one exists, or to state with confidence that it can not exist; si dice they say
quindi completo . then complete. Necessita però di un'analisi esaustiva di tutta la mappa, However, it requires a comprehensive analysis of the whole map,
per questo queste soluzioni vengono dette combinatorie . for this these solutions are said combinatorial.
Esistono molti algoritmi per la suddivisione in celle della mappa: There are many algorithms for the division into cells of the map:
1. Celle omogenee: 1. Cells homogeneous:
Tutta la mappa viene suddivisa in celle di ugual dimensione, la The whole map is divided into cells of equal size,
risoluzione della mappa è unica e stabilita a priori, così come le resolution of the map is unique and established a priori, as well as
dimensioni del grafo risultante. size of the resulting graph.
2. Celle poligonali [6]: 2. Cells polygonal [6]:
Gli ostacoli sono schematizzati The obstacles are summarized
come poligoni o poliedri, da ogni as polygons or polyhedrons, from any
vertice si tracciano linee rette Summit will draw straight lines
parallele ad uno degli assi, a due parallel to one axis, two
se in 3D, fino a quando non if 3D, until
intercettano un altro ostacolo o il intercept another obstacle or
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1.6 - Decomposizione in celle 1.6 - decomposition in cells
poligonali e grafo ottenuto polygonal and graph obtained
bordo della mappa. edge of the map. Come nodi vengono presi un punto interno ad As nodes are taken to an interior point
ogni cella e uno nelle rette, il punto interno sarà collegato tramite each cell and each other's lines, the interior point is connected via
rami a quelli che stanno nelle linee che delimitano la sua cella. branches to those who sit in lines defining his cell. Così So
facendo si ottiene una suddivisione ottimale in celle della mappa che making you get optimal split in the cells of the map which
permette di minimizzare le dimensioni del grafo, ma con costi allows to minimize the size of the graph, but with costs
computazionali molto alti in fase di creazione. very high computational being created.
3. QuadTree/Octree [8]: 3. quadtree / octree [8]:
La There
mappa map
viene It is
suddivisa divided
ricorsivamente in quadrati, se 2D, recursively into squares, whether 2D,
o in cubi, se 3D, in modo che or in blocks, if 3D, so that
possa will
essere be
rappresentata represented
mediante through
un a
albero tree
rispettivamente quaternario o respectively or quaternary
ottale, la ricorsione viene bloccata octal, recursion is blocked
a to
seconda second
della of
precisione precision
desiderata per quella particolare desired for that particular
area. area. In questo modo la dimensione delle celle non è fissa, ma si può In this way the size of the cells is not fixed, but can be
adattare dinamicamente alla zona che deve rappresentare, dynamically adapt to the area that has to represent,
intuitivamente vicino agli ostacoli le celle saranno più piccole, intuitively close to obstacles cells will be smaller,
mentre nelle zone libere più grandi. while in the free areas larger.
4. Diagramma di Voronoi [9]: 4. Diagram of Voronoi [9]:
Si suddivide la mappa in aree It divides the map into areas
identificate ciascuna da un proprio each identified by its own
punto caratteristico detto “centro”. characteristic point called "the center".
Un punto per appartenere a quella A point to belong to that
casella deve essere più vicino al Box to be closer to
suo centro che a qualsiasi altro its center than to any other
punto nell'insieme dei centri. point in all the centers.
Ponendo i centri all'interno degli Placing the centers within the
ostacoli, si ottiene una roadmap ottimale considerando come nodi i obstacles, you get a roadmap optimal considering how the nodes
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1.8 - Decomposizione in zone di 1.8 - decomposition in areas of
Voronoi di una mappa Voronoi of a map
bidimensionale two-dimensional
1.7 - Decomposizione di una 1.7 - decomposition of a
mappa bidimensionale mediante two-dimensional map by means of
quadtree quadtree
vertici delle celle e come rami i bordi. top of the cells and branches as the edges. Ottimale perché per Optimal because
definizione i percorsi da essa ottenuti si trovano alla massima defining the routes that have been obtained are the maximum
distanza da essi e permettono quindi passaggi a distanza di sicurezza away from them and then allow passages from a safe distance
dagli ostacoli. obstacles. La fase di definizione delle celle è però lunga e The definition phase of the cells, however, is long and
dispendiosa. expensive.
5. Visibility Graph [10]: 5. Visibility Graph [10]:
Gli The
ostacoli obstacles
vengono are
schematizzati come poligoni o summarized as polygons or
poliedri, polyhedra,
ogni each
vertice summit
è is
considerato un nodo del grafo ed è considered a node of the graph and is
connesso a tutti gli altri vertici connected to all other vertices
“visibili” dalla sua posizione, cioè "Visible" from its position, ie
quelli a cui è connesso da uno those to which it is connected by a
spigolo o per cui è possibile tracciare una linea retta di congiunzione edge or for which it is possible to draw a straight line of conjunction
che non intersechi ostacoli. that does not intersect obstacles. Il risultato è una roadmap che permette di The result is a roadmap that allows
calcolare i percorsi più brevi possibili per aggirare ostacoli, ma calculate the shortest routes possible to get around obstacles, but
difficile da usare perché prevede passaggi radenti ad essi. difficult to use because it provides sliding passages to them.
• Probabilistic roadmap (PRM) [11]: • Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) [11]:
Rappresenta Represents
un'alternativa alternative
alla a
creazione di grafi rispetto agli creating graphs than
approcci approaches
combinatori combiners
basati based
su on
scomposizione in celle, che sono decomposition in cells, which are
efficaci ma richiedono una potenza effective, but require a power
computazionale Computational
elevata high
perché because
analizzano sempre l'intera mappa, Always analyze the entire map,
anche quando sarebbe sufficiente una even when one would suffice
conoscenza molto più sommaria dell'ambiente. much more cursory knowledge of the environment. Per questo diventano Why become
importanti gli approcci probabilistici alla risoluzione del problema: i important probabilistic approaches to the resolution of the problem:
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1.9 - visibility graph ottenuto 1.9 - visibility graph obtained
partendo da una mappa starting from a map
bidimensionale two-dimensional
1.10 - Probabilistic roadmap 10.01 - Probabilistic roadmap
ottenuta su una mappa obtained on a map
bidimensionale two-dimensional
nodi del grafo non sono più scelti con un criterio specifico, ma sono nodes of the graph are no longer chosen with a specific criterion, but are
selezionati a caso tra le possibili configurazioni del robot appartenenti a randomly selected among the possible configurations of the robots belonging to
Cfree, la parte computazionalmente più complessa diventa creare le Cfree, the part becomes more computationally complex create
connessioni all'interno del grafo. connections within the graph. Ogni volta che viene aggiunto un nodo Each time you add a node
questo viene connesso a tutti quelli contenuti in una palla di raggio n this is connected to all those contained in a ball of radius n
centrata sul nodo, con n definito a priori, e raggiungibili attraverso un centered on the node, with n defined a priori and can be reached through a
percorso retto privo di ostacoli. straight path without obstacles. Un approccio alternativo è quello di An alternative approach is to
congiungerlo ai k nodi più vicini indipendentemente dalla distanza a cui tie it to k nodes closer regardless of distance to which
si trovano. They are.
L'aggiunta di nodi termina quando la roadmap è considerata abbastanza The addition of nodes is completed when the roadmap is considered enough
densa, a questo punto inizia l'utilizzo vero e proprio, ogni volta che voglio thick at this point begins using true, whenever I want
creare un percorso dovrò solamente aggiungere le configurazioni di start e create a path I'll just add configurations and start
goal alla roadmap connettendole ai nodi più vicini e sfruttare il grafo per goals by connecting them to the roadmap nodes closer and exploit the graph for
ottenere il percorso. get the path.
Questa soluzione non è più completa : non è possibile stabilire con This solution is not complete: it is not possible to determine
certezza se sia possibile o meno raggiungere un goal, ne trovare sempre in certainty whether it is possible or not to reach a goal, you always find in
tempi finiti una soluzione poiché l'algoritmo di ricerca ha una componente Rates finished a solution because the search algorithm has a component
casuale. random. E' però probabilisticamente completa : la probabilità di non E 'but probabilistically complete: the probability of not
risolvere un problema con questo approccio è talmente bassa che per solve a problem with this approach is so low that for
applicazioni pratiche è una delle soluzioni più usate, anche perché ha un practical applications is one of the most used, because it has a
altro vantaggio: una volta creata la roadmap può essere sfruttata per molte Another advantage: once created the roadmap can be used for many
query , di conseguenza il costo della fase di creazione viene ammortizzato . queries, accordingly the cost of being created is amortized.
Esistono varianti ottimizzate di questo algoritmo: There are optimized variants of this algorithm:
1. PRM* [12]: il valore del parametro n, definito nell'algoritmo 1. PRM * [12]: the value of the parameter n, defined in the algorithm
standard, varia dinamicamente, intuitivamente diminuendolo standards, varies dynamically, intuitively decreasing
all'aumentare delle dimensioni della mappa. as the size of the map.
2. LazyPRM [13]: Funziona come il PRM normale, ma l'assenza di 2. LazyPRM [13]: Functions as the PRM normal, but the absence of
collisioni nel cammino che congiunge start e goal viene verificata collisions on the road that connects the start and goal is verified
solamente al momento del bisogno. only when needed. The phase of creating the map
It is speeded up, but the single query is slower.
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• Rapidly exploring random trees [14]:
Another approach to the creation of graphs
which involves the creation of a tree
instead of a graph. The root
the tree is placed typically
in the configuration of start , at each
viene It is
una a
configuration in case: if it belongs to
Cfree looking for the nearest node and if it is
You can draw a straight course
without obstacles that connects the node is added to the configuration
the shaft, otherwise it is discarded. After a predetermined number of
iterations you try to connect to the shaft configuration goal, if
the cast succeeds, the problem is solved and it is sufficient to apply a
search algorithm on trees to get the path, otherwise
shaft expansion continues. The feature of this technique is that
He manages to "explore", ie make accessible areas of the map, in
very quickly: it is proved that already in very few interactions
(In the hundreds) the algorithm is able to cover a large part of the
Unlike the roadmap in this case the data structure is created single-
query : whenever a request is made to Schedule I is
created a new one. This may seem like a limitation, but the cost
Computational given by the creation is much lower than that of
a roadmap : the number of nodes and especially of branches is less and the
structure is not cyclical.
The heart of the system is the local planners, the component that has the
task to connect nodes and create the branches. If the latter is able
not only to see if the nodes are connected via free routes
obstacles, but also what commands to give the robot to make it move from
22 22
1.11 - RRT obtained from a map
two-dimensional, the pink zone
is the goal
first to the second is possible to realize a zero-cost algorithm that
also takes into account the dynamics of the system; in that case a node
It would be added only if actually achieved by the robot from
from the starting configuration.
There are some variations of this algorithm:
1. RRT-connect [15]:
It provides for the simultaneous expansion of two trees with one root in
start , the other in the goal . The expansion is alternating, after a certain number
iterations of trying to connect the two structures, if the connection
He manages the problem is solved.
2. RRG ( Rapidly exploring random graph ) [12]:
Provides for the possibility of cycles in the structure, is a cross between
RRT and roadmap : the expansion in the algorithm proceeds as the basis, but to
each additional node is looking into a ball of predetermined radius around
to it in search of possible nodes to connect. The structure becomes
then a graph, but the cost of creation is always less than the
Road map.
3. Optimal RRT (RRT *) [12]:
Proceeds as the RRG, but the creation of cycles is avoided by removing
redundant branches, that is not part of the shortest path from the
root of the tree to a vertex, the end is obtained a tree
optimized. In this way it combines the efficiency in determining the
paths of graphs to the practicality of management of the trees.
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• EST (Expansive Search Tree) [19]:
A further alternative to the geometric solution of the problem is this
approach that also provides for the creation of a tree, the expansion
is no longer completely random as nell'RRT but companion, so as to
not expand into areas already accessible. It uses a grid of cells for
discretize Cfree and track configurations already explored: cells
reachable from the root by a path in the tree; the points
with which to expand the tree will be taken from free cells close to the edge
the portion of the grid already explored. At each iteration is guaranteed
the expansion of the tree in areas previously unattainable, but the function of
point selection with which to expand the tree becomes more complex.
Even this algorithm provides for the simultaneous creation of two shafts,
one rooted at the start in the other goal . There are variants posticipates
verification of the validity of the path at the time of need, for example
SBL (single-query bi-directional lazy collision checking) [16]. In this
algorithm in the expansion phase connect only nodes according to the
relative proximity, when you have created a path between start and goal are tested
all branches to check for collisions, if there are not the
problem is solved, otherwise they delete branches invalid and proceed
a new expansion.
Search algorithms on trees and graphs:
Once you have a schematic of the environment which also includes
configurations start and goal, come in search algorithms on graphs or
trees, object of research for many years as fundamental for many
applications so that you have achieved optimal standards of
The algorithm most widely used in various applications is A * [17] . The idea
base is to examine the nodes of the tree or the graph according to some
order starting from the nodes directly accessible from the start , until
24 24
visiting the knot goal . Then you can determine a path
through nodes previously visited links departure and arrival.
The order in which they carry out the visits is determined by a special
heuristic function, this associates to each node a score based on its
distance from the start , just calculated, and the goals , obtainable only
using mathematical estimates in a precisely heuristic. Are
constantly maintained two lists: one of visited nodes and one of those still to be
visit, at each iteration: you make a visit to a node by adding it to
list visited, expands the list with other new nodes reachable, are calculated
the scores for the new items and you choose to continue with the next node
the expansion according to these. This algorithm is thus able to find the
the least costly path given good heuristic function, which can
establish with a low degree of error estimation of the distance from the goal .
In pesudocodice:
open = list of accessible nodes to visit;
closed = list of nodes already visited;
start = start node;
goal = node to be achieved;
goal_non_visitato = true;
while ( goal_non_visitato ) {
if ( primaEsecuzione ) {
x = start;
} Else {
x = estraiNodoConScorePiùBasso ( open ) ;
} }
effettuavisita ( x ) ;
if ( x == goal ) {
goal_non_visitato = false;
} Else {
closed .aggiungi ( x );
open .rimuovi ( x );
aggiuntaNuoviNodiRaggiungibili ();
aggiornamentoScoreDeiNodi ( closed );
} }
} }
25 25
1.2.3 Solutions based on control:
A different approach is to model already in the path planning the
kinematic and dynamic characteristic of the controlled robot. In this way
with only one algorithm it is possible to obtain a trajectory actually
executable by the robot and controls required to implement it, avoiding rework
next. The computational burden required to resolve each query ,
however, increases and you also need to be able to accurately model
dynamic characteristics of the system.
Intuitively, one must discretize somehow inputs that you can
send the robot from the outside. The simplest approach is to do this: to establish a
minimum unit of time t, starting from the configuration of start apply all the
possible combinations of input for a time t , and calculate all the configurations
reached belonging to Cfree , repeat the procedure for each state so
reached. The structure thus obtained will be a rooted tree in the start,
in the branches will be saved commands needed to move from one node to the next.
This procedure should then be repeated for each new node so obtained up
to achieve configuration goals.
An optimized version of this process is represented by the algorithm
KPIECE (kinodinamic plannign by interior-exterior cell exploration) [18].
exhaustive this it is proposed to pilot
the expansion of the shaft so as to
reach at each iteration areas
not previously visited. To do this,
It represents the state space by a
grid-cell multi-level and multi-
resolution that keeps track of the space already
explored. The focus is no longer placed on
mapped physical space, as on the states that the robot can take inside
of the same.
26 26
1.12 - Create a tree
a two-dimensional map
by algorithm KPIECE
This is made possible by the differentiation of cells outside the cells and internal : the
grid is initialized at the time of the call of the algorithm, but the cells no,
They will be created only when visited by a tree branch during a phase
expansion. It defines the internal cell with 2n neighboring cells initialized,
n size of the state space, cells outside all the others.
Choosing the point from which to expand the tree is not random, but established through
a score associated with each cell so as to direct it to an external cell
as a starting point, so the tree is able to cover the space available in
very quickly. The different resolutions of the grid allow
accelerate the selection of the cell from which: first comparing the cells of more
high level, the larger, then, found one with the most points, you
reapplies the steps within it recursively up to the
minimum resolution, decreasing the number of comparisons required
compared to directly use the grid with smaller cells.
This algorithm has proved able to obtain excellent results in riescendo
reach the goal within a reasonable time and with a data structure very light if
compared to those obtained by other algorithms. Although it presented as
algorithm based on the control, is simply used for the simple
Schedule geometric considering how the state space
3 3
and as possible
commands to be given all possible rototranslations in three dimensions.
1.3 Conclusion:
The solutions proposed both for the creation of maps that for the determination of
paths are many, each characterized by its strengths and weaknesses, but if as
concerns the maintenance of the map 's octomap it appears as the solution
better for the purposes of this thesis, in the world of planning routes
there is an algorithm clearly superior to the other in any situation. Own
for this in the following system it will be developed so as to adapt
dynamically to meet demand by choosing the most appropriate algorithm
Based on the start, goal and situation of the space around the robot.
27 27
28 28
Chapter 2:
To test and compare the algorithms described in the previous chapter, it was decided
not to produce new solutions from zero, where possible, but to attain
desired functionality by combining components already developed, tested and available as
software open-source.
In particular, it is used as a linking element for a dialogue between
the various components of their system ROS; the role of planning and mapping was
instead it made using the component MoveIt !, based on many libraries between
which OMPL for path planning and octomap for mapping .
2.1 ROS [20]
ROS , which stands for "robot operating system", is one of the solutions open source
more widespread within the frameworks that facilitate the development of software
robot. The system is defined as "meta-operating system" because it gives
disposal of the developer a number of features and services
traditionally offered by an operating system, although relying on a
other OS, typically ubuntu . It also allows you to facilitate the management of systems
complexes also consist of very different machines between them, providing a
unifying layer to facilitate the exchange of information.
The main services are made available to developers:
• mechanism of synchronous communication between processes with model
client / server, similar to ' rpc , through the use of services .
• Mechanism of asynchronous communication between processes by implementing a
pub / sub model by using topics .
• Mechanism shared memory communication between processes
leveraging a centralized server said parameter server .
• Possibility of structuring the application, or more generally the code,
stacks or package easily distributable and reusable, so as to
promote code reuse.
29 29
The system is able to handle independent processes weakly bound to each
to the other, easily relocatable or even replaceable to run-time even in
distributed and heterogeneous systems and structured on the package or stack for easy
It is not tied to a particular programming language: offers interfaces
to its services in C ++, Python, Lisp and experimentally also Java and Lua.
2.1.1 Key Concepts
What ROS realize is the "ROS Computation Graph" that is a peer network
to-peer processes ROS that process data together, communicating through a
centralized system of names.
The system is composed by:
• Nodes: the processes that run within the framework ROS .Sono I'm
standard executable that make up the graph of processes and exploit the
We offer libraries to communicate.
• Master: ( or ROS-master ) is the naming system integrated in ROS that associates
logical names to the physical location of the nodes or generally components
of the system. It acts as a DNS making it possible to get the
resources that interest us only by their logical name without
worry about the actual location.
• Parameter Server: currently integrated in the master, is a system
centralized to save data like a database simplified. All the
nodes running on the framework may at any time and read
save data on the server, changing according to them their behavior.
• Messages: Format through which the nodes communicate with each other, are
data structures composed of fields typed. The data are supported: types
primitive common to almost all programming languages, arrays, and
arbitrarily nested structures. They are described by special files with
extension ".msg" saved inside the packet of applications ROS.
30 30
• •
Topics: Mechanism through which it makes possible communication between nodes
with semantics pub / sub : a node produces messages and makes them available
outside "posting" on a topic ( publish), those interested in those
messages you "subscribe" to that topic ( subscribe) whenever there is a
Message ready to read the subscribers are notified by the framework in
so that they can "consume" that is read. In this way more
processes are in communication with each other without knowing each other
explicitly. Each topic must be strongly typed, ie
contain messages in a very specific format is known to the manufacturer that the
consumer, and it must be identified by a unique name. More nodes
can subscribe to the same topic , as well as more nodes can
publish on the same or more topics : each is a separate entity, a
communication channel independent of the processes that use them.
• Services: Mechanism through which communication is made between
knots with semantics Client / Server synchronous blocker. A node is able
exposing outside a function, those who want to invoke it can do
using a mechanism similar to that of remote procedure call .Il The
clients will have to know what features are available and how to invoke them,
then the signature of the functions are stored in special files descriptive
" .srv " and the list of possible functions is maintained in the Master.
• Bags: I am a format used to store and play back at a later
time ROS-messages.
ROS also provides a set of tools for the management of all
resources associated with the execution of the application, creating a system of
distribution of software packages similar to what you can find in many
Linux distributions. The resources are differentiated:
• Package: the main unit for the organization of the software, within
a package is all that is required to carry: knots, libraries,
configuration files and in general all that is related to
31 31
• Stack: is a set of packages logically related in some way between
of them.
• Manifest: it is a file xml in each package, which provides a
description together with a series of metadata, such as dependencies
• Stack Manifest: realizes the function of the manifest at the level of the stack .
• Message Type: description file messages ROS used by nodes
the package , typically found in the " msg "within the
package itself or other external. The file format is purely textual, you
indicate the fields and data structures that make up the message.
• Service Type: File description of the services provided by the nodes,
They are located in the " srv " inside the package . The file format is
textual, is indicate the input parameters and the output of the service.
In addition to these features ROS provides a convenient full suite
functions and applications invoked from the command line to manage resources,
perform nodes, invoke services, testing of applications and in general for
everything related to the management framework . In the latest versions all
monitoring tools at runtime were grouped into
a single application with a graphical interface, " rqt ".
2.1.2 Operation
Each node before being put into effect, if use of topic, must
be "remapped": you must indicate whether and on what topic should subscribe
He must publish. This information typically is not wired, but are
let parameterized so you have reusable nodes with different topics .Per For
carry out the re-mapping , that is, give a significant value to these parameters,
can specify command line values on invocation ( re-
mapping arguments ) or alternatively use a launch files : a file with syntax
like xml that lets you specify many of the properties of a node before
32 32
launch it.
If the node supports it, a part of the parameters of the launch file may be
saved on the server parameter so that it can be modified dynamically
run-time ; typically the mapping is not among them: Once a node is
tied to a topic as a publisher or subscriber is not able to detach and
connect to another.
At this point the system is ready, every time there is a new entry in a
topics in the framework will inform the various subscriber so that
can invoke the function callback associated with the management of messages
the topic . Similarly if there is a change of the parameters in the parameter
server will always be the task of the framework to inform the nodes of the new value.
As regards the services instead the system behaves with a semantics of
type client / server : the master provides a list of available services,
doing also by service names for the same; the client after a lookup on
server for the 'URI of who implements the service will connect
the same and make a call to the remote procedure similar to a PRC .
From a more technical point of view the semantics pub / sub is obtained by exploiting the
simple socket direct between publishers and subscribers with variants of protocols TCP or
Udp. The Master intervenes only at the stage of establishing a connection
by doing service names, once this is created no longer it interacts in
any way with the nodes involved. Even the semantics Client / Server of services is
achieved by using a connection established between the two processes by
socket to exchange requests and responses; again the Master does only
service names when establishing a connection.
The nodes are made available to the developer community in packages that
contain all that is necessary to its operation, is then provided
of the navigation commands and file system change that extend those
standard unix to exploit this hierarchical structure. The system for the
Software distribution is similar to that of many Linux distributions: here
the framework is able to solve only the dependencies of a package
33 33
software (shown in manifest.xml ) and then proceed to installation. As
Many packages are distributed in source format, they are made
available as tools to compile two versions of the command make :
ROSmake and catkin-make . As the command from which these also
based on a configuration file ( makefile ) present within each
package , which specifies where to find the libraries and sources to compile.
34 34
2.2 MoveIt! [21] [21]
Moveit! is a framework software developed by ROS and created with the idea
to make it simple and immediate the definition of trajectories without obstacles for
a robot within an environment and their subsequent execution. Scopo Purpose
the main system is to make available within the framework
ROS multiple external libraries that implement state of the art
algorithms for solving problems of path planning and mapping, coordinating the
operation, masking the complexity of the system and promoting
the immediacy of use; so that the developer does not need to worry
of general issues have already been studied and resolved, but can focus on
characteristics of your system. The framework was developed in
very modular way, it is therefore easy to expand it by replacing some parts
35 35
2.1 - Diagram of a high level of the various components of the
framework, the elements in gray are external components to
with other custom to be able to easily adapt to your needs. All is
controlled entirely by external configuration files, generated good
It starts automatically from a description of the robot to be controlled.
The system exploits the framework octomap for the part of reconstruction maps, the
library OMPL (Motion Planing Open Library) for the part of path planing a
set of libraries for the detection of collisions and alternative methods of planning .Il The
everything is coordinated by a single executable: the node ROS "Move Group" that
It manages the representation of the map (Planning Scenes), the system
Navigation within it (Pipeline Planning) and controller (Trajectory
Execution Manager) in charge of implementing the defined trajectories. The Move
Group also has the task of receiving the commands given by users,
therefore it represents the heart of the whole system.
2.2.1 Octomap [22]
To generate a map MoveIt! uses an implementation of costumizzata
Octomap framework, which implements a representation of the map
environment through Octree and uses probabilistic functions to update it in
From a PointCloud and dall'odometria robot.
The framework can provide a very detailed map of the places observed
without an exaggerated employment in the memory and with the ability to model both
the free space that is not yet explored. The efficiency in the management of
memory is guaranteed not only by particular choices embodiments, from the structure
data tree: if the children of a node all have the same value you can
remove them and leave only the parent node to describe that portion of
space. In this way the quantity of information to be stored is the
minimum and subsequent queries on the map are speeded up. The
Queries are also facilitated by the hierarchical structure that stores the
data: if we consider as minimum resolution such as a cube of 5cm
36 36
side will be enough only 16-level tree to represent an area enclosed in a
cube 327m from the side, more than enough for the majority of applications.
The update employment to every new input is always at the level
of the leaf nodes by means of a probabilistic function so as to have
an implementation robust even in the presence of possible noise on the data
coming from the sensors. Starting from the old value associated with employment
node and the new one coming from the sensors, by applying a function defined
a priori, the new value is obtained; the node is considered busy if the
result of this transaction exceeds a certain threshold, otherwise free. If it's not
yet it has been initialized the node is considered unexplored.
The basic structure of the single node is very simple: it contains the data value
associated employment and a pointer to an array of eight pointers to nodes
It is representing the eight possible children. This structure allows to obtain the minimum
memory footprint without loss of information, for example is not
necessary to store the coordinates at which is located a node or its size
as obtainable from the data structure. Despite the amount of data to be processed
is huge, there is talk of tens of thousands of points for each new measurement, the
system fails to update the map in reduced times, in the order of tenths of a
according to. The only action required when receiving the input is quantized
points in suitable voxel and go to update the value of employment
that part of the space. The framework must update the value of employment
even in case of free space, to differentiate it from what is not explored, of
Therefore, you must also quantify all the free space that is
between the observer and the points of the cloud so you can properly update
the map.
Each node can be associated additional information, eg
RGBD using sensors can be coupled to each voxel color.Ogni Each
added property needs of special blending modes to make
updating from the new input data, just as it is updated
37 37
The implementation exploited by MoveIt! has the objective the obtaining of
high performance, for this the resolution of the map is relatively large and
We do not consider the data rgb relating thereto. Furthermore, to ensure modularity is
You can be specified via the configuration file which plugin to use
perform the map update at each new input, so as to be able
use of personalized based on other data in place of the default based on
2.2.2 OMPL (Open Motion Planning Library) [23]
For the determination of the trajectories is used OMPL, a library open
source that implements many algorithms based on sampling for the motion
planning. The library was established for use in both research environment, both as
means to be used in industry robots, it must then combine ease of
expansion modularity and high performance. This is made possible by simplifying the
Library components and making them completely independent from each
other, so as to make it easily extensible, but also efficient.
What the library offers are simply a series of implementations
optimized algorithms of the main path planning based on sampling:
RRT, PRM, KPIECE, EST .... It is not explicitly represented geometry
robot or the environment in which is navigating, this allows to use these
algorithms and this library in fields outside those, industry-
eg in medicine. What is able to do is, given a set of elements and
a validation function of the same, to find a path between two points
belonging to such set; together and function will be defined at the time
the library call. In the case examined by the thesis together will be the
configuration space that the robot can occupy
3 3
and the function of
Validation will verify the absence of collisions with the world and respect for
constraints of self-collision . The validity of the path between two nodes neighbors occurred
by a special component, the Motion Validator, also only defined as
38 38
interface to be flexible in the implementation. It comes
Default validator that checks based on the interpolation of a discrete number
intermediate states between the two to connect. From these premises it follows that this
Seller can work both for the geometric planning for both the one based on
control simply by changing the set from which the sampling takes place and
function that checks the validity of the states.
Other features of this library are:
• Easy expansion: a new algorithm is Extra those
available simply by providing an implementation that befits
predetermined interface
• Capable of benchmark comparison it is possible to compare the
implementations of algorithms to determine performance
• Adaptability: data start , goals and state space, the system can determine
dynamically which algorithm is best to use to solve the
problem, in order to have always an optimal solution.
• High performance: to be as efficient as possible the library is written in
C ++ and makes extensive use of multi-threading for faster operation
resolution of queries .
Interfacing with MoveIt! it got through the package ROS
"Ompl_ROS" adapting the API library in the world ROS. Through MoveIt! You
You can have access to all features such as choice of OMPL
the algorithm to be used or the benchmark , without having to worry about defining
the set of elements to be sampled, the validator of them or the motion validator .
What the system will be sampled points of octomap that will be
validated using libraries for collision checking , FCL and the PCD
Specifically, using the three-dimensional description of the robot contained in the files of
configuration and three-dimensionally to establish
the validity or otherwise of a point and the configuration of the robot associated with it.
2.2.3 Move Group:
The Move Group is the main process of the application MoveIt !, is responsible
to coordinate the operation of all the libraries involved and to manage the
user requests, thus represents the core real application.
In order to work it needs:
• A description of the robot which specific joint, links and sizes in
format .urdf [24] standard in ROS .
• •
A process you post the odometry of the robot, in the format tf
[25] of ROS, in which for each link is indicated which is the transformation
to be made to bring a given taken in the reference system
centered in the link to an absolute reference system fixed.In questo In this
so it is possible to derive the position of the components of the robot in
space and bring to an absolute reference system any
relative measurement.
• A process can publish a PointCloud from rooms
External to be able to reconstruct the working environment. This requirement is
optional as it is not always necessary to take into account the environment
surrounding the robot.
The user interaction consists of three phases:
1. Creation of the configuration file from the file system ".urdf"
Description of the robot using a simple application to
GUI, the setup assistant , which creates an automated
all files needed by the application to work . A robot is
described as a series of links, that is, static elements, connected by the joint ,
movable joints, for each of them are described dimensions and degrees of
freedom as well as a description of the geometry and visual through mesh .In In
this phase also specifies the groups on which will go to act
MoveIt !, that is, sets of links and joint for which the system will plan
trajectories, as well as the robot is connected to a link that static
40 40
It represents the terrain; in other words if it is fixed, it moves on a plane, or
2. Configuration files previously produced are finished
by the user with the addition of the indications on the controllers that will have
implement trajectories and sensors to acquire information about the world.
From the previous stage you are also being created a series of launch file for
start the application itself, it will be responsibile
user go to customize these to integrate
control and perception of the external environment.
3. At this point everything is ready for the actual use, the user has three
primary means for interacting with the application: API via code in C ++,
command line and related API in python or via an interface
graphics created by a plugin in the viewer ROS "Rviz" ;
This allows you to issue the query of planning by specifying start and
Goals graphically and to get a representation of planning
scenes , that is, the map reconstructed from the system with the sensor data.Per For
the needs of this thesis the last option is the best as
It allows to obtain a visual representation of both the map
maintained by the system is calculated trajectories. In situations of
Use the real use of the API via code in C ++ remains the option
preferable because beg to have total control over all
facets of the application without masking the complexity as
It is done with the plugin graphic.
Once selected start and goal application calculates the distance to be traversed,
expressed as a series of positions in the space for the link and joint that
make the robot. This will then be sent to a manager controller
specified in the launch file , the trajectory execution manager that is responsible for
communicate the path to the process that materially change to
commands to execute and supervise its operation through feedback
41 41
by the executor and MoveIt !. In the case where there are problems, such as a
new obstacle appears in the path, the execution is canceled and
calculated a new route.
The controller itself can not be a simple process, should
granatire a certain degree of interaction and control. To this must implement
a ROS Action : a particular interface and library ROS, made
entirely by the use of topic, which allows to obtain a semantics of
Communication Client / Server with non-blocking ability to monitor
the trend and possibly cancel the request by the client. In practice
the node servers will exhibit a range of topics on which it will be possible to send requests
by the client to perform trajectories, get feedback or cancel
execution. To get all these features the controller must
obviously be structured in a parallel manner, since while the trajectory
is performed must also be listening on various topics for any new
All necessary information during execution are enclosed in
external configuration files generated, in good part, automatically. Ciò That
makes the application very flexible and reusable, for example it can be
also use to control robotic arms, while remaining very
simple to use.
42 42
2.3 Conclusions
The choice of platform ROS is derived from the large spread that it had
in the research community in robotics and automation and the consequent
plenty of software solutions based on it. The choice of MoveIt! as
application of reference, however, was given by the double purpose of getting in
a single executable application that can map and make path planning ;
in addition to having a system usable in real contexts high performance, but which
at the same time it can also be an interesting case study because of
possibility to benchmark between different algorithms.
In addition, although still in alpha test , MoveIt! represents the component that
the future will help to solve any problem related to planning within the
Platform ROS.
43 43
44 44
Capitolo 3 Chapter 3
To test the validity of the proposed software components has carried out a
series of tests using a simulator integrated in Ros for the simulation of
quadcopter and the surrounding environment. In this way it was possible
verify the effectiveness of the system and to compare the performance of various algorithms
proposed in operating situations realistic.
3.1 Gazebo & Hector_Quadrotor
To test the operation of the component MoveIt! he was chosen for the simulator
open source Gazebo [26], which began as official simulator integrated with the system
Ros , if they have recently posted becoming an independent component, but
however, it remains the reference point for testing applications developed
within Ros both for ease of integration, and especially for the large
number of Package for the simulation of the robot and sensors of various kinds are already created
and made available to the developer community .
The basic simulator is able by means of a physics engine to faithfully reproduce
the dynamics of a system, taking account of gravity, contact forces and friction.
It may be further extended to simulate also other factors, such as the
wind or propulsion in the case FVO, through a simple system based on
plugin. What we can do is to simulate the behavior of a robot
within an environment consisting of geometric elements. Structure
robots, as well as that of the elements that make up the world of work, is
contained in text in external files, but is represented in the
simulator by the use of mesh . The robot behaves exactly like that
using real physics engine inside to interact with the world more
any plugins for other functions. This way you can test the full
application operation Ros ; at the time of interfacing with the real-
the only changes to make robots will replace the topic of communication with
the simulator with those of communication with the real robot.
45 45
FVO simulation was used the package " Hector_quadrotor " [27] ,
created to provide within the world Ros a complete simulation of a
quadcopter, both as regards the controls low-level, managed by
PID cascade, that for those of high-level managed directly by means of
software Ros. Besides FVO itself (structure and engines), they are simulated
also a considerable number of sensors: IMU, barometers, magnetometers, sensors
ultrasonic and GPS. All information from the sensors are merged
by means of an EKF ( Extended Kalman Filter ) to obtain a single
representation of the state of the vehicle and to decrease the error inevitably
present in individual measurements.
This information will then be utilized by the controller to stabilize the
quadcopter. From the outside is instead to speed control: for imparting a
flight control will need to provide a vector representing the speed at
which should move the quadcopter; in the case where the magnitude of the vector is 0,
aircraft will simply fluctuate. The controller is implemented as a series of
cascades of PID, with the ' inner loop for controlling the attitude, speed
angular and vertical, while the ' outer loop controls the speed
horizontal, altitude and direction. Also these are simulated, in particular
by integration of a module matlab outside, so that it is possible
for users to go to customize or replace the controller with a
their implementation. The control approach based on the use of two loop
to coordinate two actions different control has been widely studied in
many scientific publications, for example [28] .
Very useful features of this package are the presence in the model
quadcopter sensor RGBD simulated (a Kinect ) chosen
source PointCloud in the final design and two nodes for the issue
odometry aircraft format tf [25] is required for the low level
control quadcopter is later for the rest of the application . The medium is
described, according to the common format in the world Ros, mainly through three
link : the base_link that represents the body of quadcopter, the camera_link that
46 46
represents the reference system of the room rgbd and the base_footprint that
It represents the projection of the aircraft on the ground, indicated by the frame fixed
odom_combined .
Publish the odometry of quadcopter within Ros means publishing in
each instant in the topic tf the transformation required to convert a given by
reference system centered in one of these links to a reference system
considered fixed, that inside the project takes the name of odom_combined.
For convenience the links are categorized in a hierarchical tree structure with the
root in the link fixed, so you need to publish only the
transformation that links a link to its parent. For each link just then
posting a single transformation, while all the others will be retrievable in
order to simplify and lighten the system. This task is carried out by
47 47
3.1 - Tree tf relative to simulated quadcopter
two nodes contained in the appropriate package simulation, so that
the end user should not worry about how it obtained the odometry. Over
what MoveIt! also it needs a topic in which they are explicitly published
positions of the link as coordinates in space relative to the fixed frame, this is
It obtained in the simulation by means of a suitable plug- in gazebo.
These features combine to provide MoveIt! all the data it needs
for a correct operation: the description of the robot is contained in the package
Hector_Quadrotor in the right format urdf , the odometry is published by
components mentioned above and the PointCloud is generated by the sensor simulated
through an appropriate plugin .
48 48
3.2 - Simulation of a quadcopter equipped with a Kinect inside
simulator Gazebo
3.2 Configuration
Defined simulation environment you have to create the configuration file for
MoveIt !; these can be created through a simple graphical interface,
the SetupAssistant, starting from the file ".urdf" descriptor of the robot.
Through this application you can add joint virtual so
define how the robot is connected to the ground, which is the fixed frame
the tree of tf; in the case of a joint quadcopter was added
Virtual fluctuating that connects the airplane to the ground, thus defining the aircraft
as capable of moving with six degrees of freedom in space. Sempre Always
interface should also be defined MoveGroup , ie groups of links and joint for
the system will issue trajectories, in our case, one group
composed of all aircraft. MoveIt! it was created for the management of any
type of robots, including models with automatic arms or parts can
to move independently from each other, so it is possible to refine
MoveGroup separate within the same robot to generate trajectories
for individual components of the same.
The result of this first phase are a number of automated file
configuration and launch files sufficient to start the application in "mode
demo ", ie not connected to a real robot or simulated, but already able to
produce trajectories valid for it. To complete the configuration, you must
specify, going to manually edit the configuration file, like
retrieve the data from the external sensors, a room rgbd in our case, and
for each j oint which controller is in charge of implementing the trajectory produced
for it .
Within the project of this thesis the sensor data are already
issued by the simulator through appropriate plugin , so it was necessary
only specify the application in which the topics are published. In caso di In case of
actual application instead would be necessary to place a driver that allows
application Ros to dialogue with the room rgbd such OpenNI and its
wrapper Ros , who deal with retrieving data from the chamber and publish
49 49
appropriate topic, just like in the simulator with the room and the simulated
In order to function for a large number of robots the application MoveIt! provides
a structure of the robot controller at two levels:
• A manager of controller, designed as a plug- in MOVEit !, which dialogues
directly with the application of planning and receives from it the trajectories
issued for MoveGroup . According to the definition of them and any
other configuration files get the list of joint to be controlled and forwards
requests to the controller in charge of implementing them. Also monitors
the execution of the trajectory and in case of problems, for example obstacles
first not received orders to cancel the current execution and
issue a new trajectory
• The controller real receiving trajectories to perform and
produce commands that shall be given to the physical controllers of the various joint .Per For
a total control on the part of the manager, for example,
cancel the run in progress, they should be structured
exploiting actionlib and a file action costum that allow to obtain
semantics client / server based on the use of non-blocking topic. In
especially in the file action is called a kind of contract of function,
ie what are the message formats to be issued on specific topics for
require the conduct of consultation to ' actionServer that implements the
action. They are normally defined formats topic of goal, result,
feedback, cancel and status.
The controller of the quadcopter has therefore been made in two parts: a
SimpleControllerManager, designed as plug- in
Moveit! , and a
ActionController, realized as independent node. For the realization
dell ' ActionController was necessary to define an action because those custum
already in the system provided for the control of the joint with only one degree of
libertà freedom
o or
di of
l ' action
è is
stata been
50 50
MultiDofFollowJointTrajectoryAction and provides for the issue as a goal of a
trajectory composed of a series of points in space.
Since the purpose of this thesis was mainly to test the validity of the algorithms
of mapping and path planning, the ' ActionController was made in a manner
simplified as pure filter that given an input trajectory converts it into
commands to be performed for the quadcopter. The realization otherwise exploits
actionlib, so everything is pre-configured for a realization competitor
usable in real situations outside of a simulator. The only change
make it a multi-threaded management controller so that while a
thread emits the series of commands another remains awaiting possible
Information on the change of course by the plugin MoveIt! .
The system is now ready to fly UAV simulated, for the sake of convenience is also
It defined a simple knot to tele-operate the robot via keyboard by
User. In this way, at first the aircraft will be flown
by the user so as to obtain a consistent representation of the environment
around him, then control will pass the application of planning
and it will be up to the user only specify the goal . Thanks to the system entirely
based on topics in the manual and automated control can coexist
not obstruct one another.
51 51
3.3 - Diagram final simplified communication between the nodes of the application,
ovals represent independent processes, arrows topics through which
The application as a whole is then composed by a series of executable
independent of each other; / move_group , node generated by MoveIt! ,
is the core of the application, receives the odometry produced by
/ Robot_state_publisher and / ground_truth_to_tf on the topic / tf, and according to them
It emits trajectories to be communicated to / my_controller_node , action controller
commissioned to translate them into commands to be issued in speed on topics / cmd_vel. Finally
/ gazebo is the process that is running the simulation itself, while
/ Quadrotor_teleop controller is the handling of the airplane. All this is visible in
Figure 3.3 represents a simplified view of all communications in
act in the application, such as the lack of topics related to data from
The end-user interaction with the system of planning is via a
handy plugin viewer Rviz that allows you to select graphically
the goals that the robot has to reach and which algorithm to use planning as well
to offer a real-time representation of the map reconstructed from
52 52
3.4 - Graphical interface for query generation of planning and visualization
map rebuilt
3.3 Test application
The application thus described allows to easily reconstruct the map
of the simulated and choose which algorithm to use to resolve the query
planning among those available: Kpiece, Bidirectional Kpiece, Lazy Bidirectional
Kpiece, EST, PRM, PRM *, RRT, RRT-Connect, RRT *, SBL. Alternatively,
You can delegate the choice of the planner application, leaving the option of
default "undefined": in this case will be the program itself to instantiate the
solver deemed most suitable data start, goal and situation of the planning stage.
All of the algorithms in each case are limited to the planning geometry, are not
I never considered approaches based on the control.
The ability to decide which algorithm to use can make
direct comparisons and comparisons between the various solution strategies proposed, both by a
the point of view of timing resolution of the query, both from the point of view of
memory footprint and breadth of the data structures created.
A simple test provides for the definition of an environment in the simulator compound
by a series of cylinders that surround the UAV. The purpose of the test is to verify the correct
the map creation and operation of the various algorithms to bring the paintings
Rotor out of an area dotted with obstacles, to increase the difficulty of the test
the work area of the application has been limited so that the airplane
can simply climb over obstacles, but needs to work around them through steps
close together, so simulating the presence of a ceiling.
53 53
3.5 - Working environment in the simulator on the left and its reconstruction
within the plugin MoveIt! on the right
In a first phase the frameworks rotor has been tele-operated by the user so as to
guide him to the observation of the surrounding environment to create a map, in
Following the control passes to the application that will try to determine a
way out of this area, the user will only have to indicate the goal by
reach .
As regards the part of the reconstruction of the map the test has failed
positive: thanks to the perfect odometry produced by the simulator map obtained
It is very accurate and precise, and the building and updating take place in
real time.
In reality the odometry of the medium can never be so accurate, as
deduced from measurements of sensors inevitably subject to noise and disturbances.
A common solution is to merge data from multiple sensors using
an EKF as is nell'uav simulated for the control of established. In this way
you can join the measuring systems of high-level as Visual odometry and
GPS with other more low level as IMU and magnetometers to obtain non-
only exact, but also a system capable of operating in the
different environments and hostile as it comes with a number of independent
calculating equipment odometry.
For the part of path planning library instead it has proved capable of
solve the problem posed no particular problems, but times
execution vary widely from execution to execution, since all the
algorithms require a random sampling of space then a
non-deterministic component in the calculation of the trajectory. Anyhow
on average the solutions are found with times of less than a tenth of
second and with a data structure composed of at most a few hundreds of states.
54 54
The output of the various algorithms is a trajectory formed by a series of points in
space, task controller will translate it into commands for the quadrotore. In In
practice will simply calculate the velocity vector need to move to the middle
from one station to the next and apply it to a unit of time. Per For
As simple as the controller has proved to be able to perform quite
faithfully trajectories, with very small errors due to sudden changes
55 55
3.6 - Example of queries submitted to the system on the left (the goal is
represented by the marker orange) and trajectory of solution to the right
3.7 - Another example of a query submitted to the system and resulting path, this time
been limited work area so as not to allow the overcoming of obstacles
direction and small instability in flight. It is not applied to any type of
simplification of the trajectory or optimization of commands, for this
the execution takes on average a long time and the flight is not fluid.
The tests have shown problems with certain algorithms, namely:
BKPIECE, SBL and LBKPIECE that, in this implementation, have problems
in the management of bodies and trajectories to six degrees of freedom, with the result of non-
to obtain optimum performance or even not be able to create a valid trajectory
even after the creation of structures with thousands of states. Probably these
and other problems will be solved in the future with the passage of MoveIt! versions
more stable than the current alpha.
The timing of implementation of the other algorithms, despite the diversity with which
approach the problem, they are quite similar exception that in this RRT *
implementation has been created to ensure consistent execution times, but
very high (about 5 seconds on the test configuration) but try
produce the trajectory more simple and straightforward as possible to reach the goal. The
trajectories produced by the other algorithms instead are not necessarily
optimal, indeed very often sharp or too long, while
while remaining viable. This in spite of each algorithm to a
first phase of resolving the query will follow a simplification of
trajectory time to make it as linear as possible.
The number of states created each execution is highly unlikely, since it is based
the random sample of the state space, so not very relevant to
analyze. Tend all algorithms do not require more than a few
hundred were before creating a valid path. Again, exception
RRT * which in this implementation also produces thousands of stages for
obtaining a solution as optimally as possible.
This analysis shows that even algorithms oldest definition as
PRM or RRT manage to achieve more than valid, resulting sometimes
even superior to most modern and sophisticated algorithms. This probably
56 56
because from the point of view of the quadcopter is seen as a cube
able to move freely in space, that is, the basic definition, as well as one
the simplest cases of path planning. There being no particular restrictions
Structural than to not collide with the environment in the generation of
direction, even algorithms based on brute force can make conversions
Optimal also thanks to the ease with which they can be parallelized for
increase performance.
3.4 Conclusion
The application is then able to effectively carry out the tasks for which
It was created, even if not yet ready for use in a real environment. Per For
As regards the part of mapping everything works fine provided you have
un'odometria perfect for the medium, for the part of path planning instead is
necessary to have a choice if you are looking for solutions in a short time we have a
wide selection of algorithms, but the path may need to be
softening before it is implemented; if instead we prefer to obtain already at this
phase optimal solutions the most reliable configuration is RRT *.
57 57
58 58
Chapter 4
This thesis is aimed at a preliminary study for the integration of a
framework for mapping and planning in an automated system
operating in real environments, specifically within the SHERPA.
The application developed and tested previously could provide a basis for
which to implement a number of features within the project.
4.1 Integration of the application in real environment
The application is already realized theoretically capable of operating in a
real, provided you make some small changes:
• Create a file ".urdf" description of the robot: The first step is created
a descriptive file of the real robot in "urdf" so that the system
You may know the structure of the robot.
• Create and edit the odometry: In a real context of the odometry
means is no longer generated by something external as in the simulator, but
It must be obtained starting from the observations of the onboard sensors. Per For
reduce errors due to wrong measurements or noise
typically they combine several sources of information using an EKF,
have independent systems for calculating odometry is indeed appropriate
is to increase the accuracy of the system and to ensure the
operation even in hostile environments. In the context of
It will be necessary to write a node that performs the dual task of
publish the changes on the appropriate topic / tf and posting
position of the joint of the robot on another.
• Get the data from the sensors of depth: In a real need to
a node that interfaces with the physical sensor by means of special drivers,
fetch data act and to publish them in special topics in a format
recognized by Ros and MoveIt !, typically a PointCloud.
59 59
• Interface with controllers: The system no longer needs to connect to
controller simulated, but to the real ones of the half. Regardless of the
controller actual communication with MoveIt! must always be
realized by means of a knot structured as ActionServer, which will have the
responsibility to communicate with controllers or even lower level
directly with the actuators. It will be given the trajectories
generated by the application, then it will be his task to transform them into commands or
pass to control lower level. The association joint controller
Anyway it remains specified in the configuration file.
• Simplification of trajectories: The trajectories generated are not always
optimal, even in some cases it is too tortuous to be
implemented in real situations. Serves then a component which monitors the
submission of queries to the system and possibly rerun until
when the result is not considered to be optimal. Then optionally
it is possible to apply a process of smoothing to make the trajectory
more simple to perform. An alternative is to use always
RRT * that in this implementation, as already said, seeks to obtain
once the optimal trajectory of the solution, not the tip speed
resolution but the quality.
In addition to these changes we need to consider the problems arising from the
computational power required: to manage real-time application
it would require a hardware least comparable to that of a
notebook midrange, but the physical weight of this architecture can represent
a not negligible problem in many situations, for example in the UAV. Una A
solution is to not perform all processing on board of the system by
check, but to delegate parts computationally heavier a
separate system, managing on-board only controls low-level and the
direct communication with the sensors. In other words, in the case of a real UAV
by the processor board and we will be extrapolated from the data coming from
60 60
sensors, actuators controlled physical and eventually calculated the odometry there
the reconstruction of the map and path planning could instead be
turning on a remote machine independent. This type of processing
distributed and coordination between systems is made possible by the very structure of the
system Ros, in particular by the possibility it offers to put into
communication, through the system of names managed by RosMaster centralized,
processes that are also running in different machines, provided connected to the same
rete. network.
SHERPA 4.2 (
Smart collaboration between Humans and ground-Aerial Robots for
Improving rescuing activities in Alpine environments
) [28]
The SHERPA project promoted by the European Union provides for cooperation
from seven universities, two companies and one association for the development of a
robotic platform for assisting human operators in the search operation
and rescue climbers missing, distressed or overwhelmed by avalanches.
Ultimate goal of the project is to develop a robotic system consists of three
independent entities: the small UAV (rotary wing), a high-altitude aircraft and a
land vehicle, acting in coordination under the direction of an operator
Human to support it in the search and rescue of missing persons in the alpine scenery.
The system will in fact be able to quickly scan large areas thanks to
audio-video sensors mounted on all the robots, the visual data from aircraft
They will also be combined to produce a three dimensional map of the area of
search. Everything is fully automated, operator's task will only give
simple commands, for example, which area to explore, then the implementation will be
entirely delegated to the intelligence board.
The three robots that compose the system take the name of " animals "and have
different roles:
• Land Vehicle ( Inteligent Donkey ): It serves as a base for operations
computationally heavy data processing and a vehicle of
transport and charging base for quadrirotori. It follows the human operator
61 61
freeing it from having to hand carry the necessary equipment to
coordinating the operation of the system contained in a form
independent of the Sherpas box , also it allows you to charge on-site aircraft
at low altitude, increasing the autonomy otherwise poor.
• Aircraft at low altitude (Trained Wasps) : Probably made
small quadrirotori, are able to carry only small loads and with little
autonomy, but they are very agile and necessary for the reconstruction of the place
by means of observations from privileged positions close to the ground. Sono I'm
automated as regards the stabilization of the flight, take-off and
the landing, but not able to perform complex tasks if not
coordinated by an external component. They are designed to fly in
nearby human operator equipped with sensors and depth
audio-video, coordinated by Sherpas box . They represent the "eyes
Flying "human operator.
• Aircraft at high altitude (Patrolling hawks) : Increase range
information available to the system through observations of the environment
high altitude. Both have the task of providing for panoramic
creating the map of the environment is to provide useful information for
coordination of the other components. They are available in two versions
both have great autonomy: a fixed-wing aircraft powered
by solar panels, energetically autonomous but not able to bring
very payload, and a helicopter able to replace the terrestrial vehicle
carrying the sherpa box in situation where access to the area
interest is precluded by land.
The Sherpas box performs the tasks of: contain all the necessary hardware to
communication and remote control of various animals, contain all
tools and equipment necessary to the human rescuer in its activities and
act as docking / recharge / deployment station for aircraft at low altitude.
It must be designed so as to be easily transportable from both the vehicle
62 62
Earth is from the aircraft at high altitude is the human operator, thus combining
lightness and strength of the structure. The interaction of the system with the user
Human occurs through wearable devices and devices for the reality
increased, so as to provide the additional information produced, without
distract the operator from their duties.
So the system can operate all the animals need to communicate to
other and with the sherpa box both to obtain the directives on the trajectories to be carried out
or commands to be performed, both for transmitting the data to the processing unit
perceived by the sensors. This communication is achieved where possible
leveraging technology wifi , while for communication with the components more
away are provided for other solutions, such as the use of radio waves.
4.3 Possible integration in SHERPA
From this high-level description can be obtained a series of
problems solved with the components software presented in this thesis:
• Communication: the final system must allow a large group
and heterogeneous of automated mechanisms to communicate with each other, we
You will therefore need a layer unifying between machines; if this
already foresaw a number of connection options and advanced features
It could greatly facilitate the work of developers software. Use
the ROS framework appears as a possible solution to the
carrying out communication between the various media, not only to allow
exchange simple messages between machines connected on the same network
leveraging technology standard socket, but also makes
all the functionality of high-level described above.
It 'also been developed to work even in configurations with
low hardware capacity, consequently could be executed by all
Components of the project.
• Creation of the map from several sources: the system Sherpas each
robot is equipped with a video sensor or depth which he uses to perceive
63 63
the environment that surrounds it. All these streams are then gathered to
obtain a unique representation of the environment in the form of map
three-dimensional. Make a single map for each robot and merge them into
Following is a computationally appears counterproductive, both as a mole
of data to send. Consequently there would be no need of a system that
centralizing the management of the map and its updating since the
stream of data coming from the sensors. The framework octomap allows
do so, in particular in the implementation of MoveIt! considered, the
map management is centralized, while for the update is
defined a plugin for each source of information. Publishing data
from sensors on different topics it is therefore possible not only to
update a single map with more data sources, but also manage
different types of sensors simultaneously defining the plugin appropriate
to associate the update. This would make it possible
exploit to update the same map several technologies:
rgbd rooms, laser projectors or room stereo.
• Producing trajectories for different robot configurations: The system is
composed of robot with motor skills very different, a choice
design may be to want a single system capable of
produce trajectories for each of them, rather than having many solutions
different customized. MOVEit! thanks to its high configurability
It allows to do so, provided to model adequately the three types of robots.
This is made possible by the use of the library OMPL that abstracting
completely from the representation of the problem outside of the
space of states, can be used for virtually any vehicle
automated, as long as it provided a validator been appropriate;
if this application is automatically generated by MoveIt!
starting from ' urdf robot.
Disadvantage of this approach is that you do not take advantage of unifying the
peculiarities of individual vehicles, for example in the case of the aircraft high-
64 64
a quota system as MoveIt! overly complex: view
the absence of obstacles almost always the trajectory can be a line
straight line joining the start and goal. On the other hand there is only one component
software to control and one starts from a basic system already realized,
tested and optimized.
Possible additions proposals do not represent a final and
usable in all the problems of the project, but a solid foundation from which you can
Starting and possibly adapt with customizations. Surely these
solutions will be less accurate than others created ad hoc for the system using
functionality lowest level, but already widely developed and tested by a
large community of developers and users.
All the components used, also, are open source with the possibility of
analyze and modify the source code to suit your needs.
MoveIt! has also been developed to adapt to situations and
many different configurations allowing extensive customization thanks
widespread use of plugins : program components independent
implement a specific interface and achieve a certain functionality. Tutte All
key features (map creation, planning and control) s s
implemented through plug external indicated in the appropriate file
configuration, you can then integrate their custom parts in the system
go hence without changing the core of which will continue to exploit all the
functionality. You would, for example, you can insert a plug of planning with a
custom algorithm, while continuing to leverage the map rebuilt
by the system, the libraries kinematic and those for the detection of collisions or
bring together even more plugins of planning, so you can compare the
own customized solution with the other proposals.
The only component of the system is not replaceable Ros as everything else
the application is based on it, especially on the use of widespread topic
to make all communications between the various components running.
65 65
4.4 Conclusions
The developed application has performed remarkably well in the
simulator, fully succeeding in the purpose for which it was developed.
But if we move to consider a scenario of the actual application
difficulties they face are many, in addition to the necessary changes
previously enumerated, for example, there is the problem of complexity
Computational . With the technology currently available is very
difficult to perform all the necessary processing to a chip mounted
directly onboard the quadcopter, a part of the processing
They will have to be carried out on a separate workstation. This is evidently
a problem since the aircraft will never be really autonomous until
be bound to another processing unit, it is, however, likely that within
few years also solutions Mobile computing will achieve
the power required to operate a system structured.
The major problems and limitations of the proposed approach are in phase
Schedule : If you want to get immediate answers to queries you
riaschiano trajectories to get too edgy to be implemented,
thereby making a step of simplification and validation
the trajectory before the execution. In the case of quadcopter would
probably already considered more effective algorithms that take into account
the dynamics of the medium or use optimized algorithms for
calculation of the optimal trajectory as RRT * at the cost of a decay of
As regards the step of mapping , however, the proposed algorithm
It works well with the data from the sensor rgbd succeeding to
update the map with an accuracy of centimeters in time
Real provided, however, to have a perfect for the odometry means.
66 66
Although there are problems to be solved before actual use, the base
the system is sound and the possibilities for development are many especially
thanks to the great capacity of customization that permits to exploit
only parts adapting the behavior of the system to your
need. The same community of users of Ros and in particular of
MoveIt! is constantly increasing, and with it the number of solutions and plugins
They can go to integrate and improve the project.
With this in mind you can think of many future developments for the project with
the ultimate goal of making fully self a real
quadcopter. For example you might test the effectiveness of the system with
the odometry calculated by the onboard sensors, in place of that generated by the
simulator, or may be integrated: algorithms planning
custom optimized for the control of this specific means, algorithms in
able to carry out automatic exploration of an environment controllers and more
sophisticated able to simplify the trajectories to perform.
67 67
68 68
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[28] Naldi, Furci, Sanfelice, Marconi "Global Trajectory Tracking for Underactuated
VTOL Aerial Vehicles using Cascade Control Paradigms "(2013)
accepted to IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control
70 70
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In questo modo la dimensione delle celle non è fissa, ma si può
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