
== Overview ==
{{{#!wiki version fuerte electric
This package is no longer supported, and un-related to the Indigo version of robot_calibration (which is an entirely new package.

{{{#!wiki version indigo_and_newer
This package is still in development, but offers calibration of a number of parameters of a robot, such as:

 * 3D Camera intrinsics and extrinsics
 * Joint angle offsets
 * Robot frame offsets

These parameters are then inserted into an updated URDF, or updated camera configuration YAML in the case of camera intrinsics. More details are currently available in the [[https://github.com/mikeferguson/robot_calibration/blob/indigo-devel/README.md|README]] on the project !GitHub page.

== Robots-Specific Configurations ==

The following is a list of robot-specific configuration packages for robots using robot_calibration:

 * [[fetch_calibration]]
 * [[maxwell_calibration]]

== Limitations ==

 * This package is currently not available on amd64 on Saucy due to a broken build of the Ceres package.
