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Executing the asr_state_machine in the indirect search mode.

Description: Executes the indirect search of the asr_state_machine as standalone or as part of the object search.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER


Executes the indirect search of the asr_state_machine as standalone or as part of the object search.


Most of the asr_resources_for_active_scene_recognition

-> rosrun asr_resources_for_active_scene_recognition start_modules_sim.sh


In asr_recognizer_prediction_ism/param/scene_recognition.yaml

  • dbfilename: Adjust to current database of scenes and corresponding objects (Checkout asr_resources_for_active_scene_recognition for knowing to how scenes are learned and trained)

  • bin_size: If the scene is distributed over a large area it is recommended to choose a higher value, to handle errors in position

  • maxProjectionAngleDeviation: If the scene is distributed over a large area it is recommended to choose a higher value, to handle errors in orientation

If simulated: In asr_fake_object_recognition/param/params.yaml

  • config_file_path: Adjust the path to a XML file containing the poses of the object(s) of the scene(s)

In asr_state_machine/param/params.yaml

  • mode: 2 for indirect search

  • UseFakeMoveBase: true if simulated to save time and no error of navigation

Start the asr_state_machine and the other components like described in the asr_resources_for_active_scene_recognition.

Place the robot in front of some objects.

Adjust the PTU under the tmux window of ptu_mock, so that it contains the objects.

Insert the object types of the objects under the tmux window of the asr_state_machine.

Wiki: asr_state_machine/IndirectSearchTutorial (last edited 2019-12-27 17:41:18 by PascalMeißner)