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Cartesian Points

Description: Simple object representations for cartesian points.

Keywords: ecl points

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Cartesian Point

This is a simple templatised abstraction of a cartesian/euclidean point. The template arguments are used to define the dimension and the storage type (float or double for the point.

   1 #include <ecl/geometry/cartesian_point.hpp>
   3 using ecl::CartesianPoint;   // the template class
   4 using ecl::CartesianPoint3d; // a typedef
   6 CartesianPoint<3,double> p1; // template instantiation
   7 CarteisanPoint3d p2;         // same thing


   1 // Point by point - 2d/3d specialisations only
   2 CartesianPoint3d p1(0.1,0.2,0.3);
   3 // From eigen vector
   4 eigen::Vector3d v; v << 0.1, 0.2, 0.3;
   5 CartesianPoint3d p2(v);
   6 // Comma Initialisation
   7 CartesianPoint3d p3;
   8 p3 << 1.0, 2.0, 3.0;
   9 // From api - 2d/3d specialisations only
  10 CartesianPoint3d p4;
  11 p4.x(1.0); p4.y(2.0); p4.z(3.0);


   1 CartesianPoint3d p;
   2 p << 1.0, 2.0, 3.0;
   3 // From api - 2d/3d specialisations only
   4 double x(p.x()), y(p.y()), z(p.z());
   5 // From vector
   6 eigen::Vector3d v = p.positionVector();
   7 // From operator []
   8 double x(p[0]), y(p[1]), z(p[2]);

Error Handling

The class will throw exceptions in debug mode if ranges are exceeded at any time (comma initisalisations, operator []).

Wiki: ecl_geometry/Tutorials/Cartesian Points (last edited 2012-01-24 11:13:38 by DanielStonier)