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Starting Encoders

Description: Starting encoders on the Evarobot.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: Reading Odometry via Terminal

Connect via SSH to the Evarobot.

> ssh pi@evarobotDSK
> sudo -s

Execute evarobot_odometry.launch file.

# evarobot
> roslaunch evarobot_odometry evarobot_odometry.launch

In order to sync ros masters,

# evarobot
> roslaunch master_discovery_fkie master_discovery.launch

# evarobot
> roslaunch master_sync_fkie master_sync.launch

Wiki: evarobot_odometry/Tutorials/indigo/Starting Encoders (last edited 2015-09-17 08:10:09 by makcakoca)