Navigating the AR100 robot through SLAM techniques

Description: Navigating the AR100 robot through SLAM techniques involves using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping technology to enable the robot to autonomously move within its environment. SLAM allows the AR100 to create real-time maps of its surroundings while simultaneously pinpointing its own location within those maps. This capability is crucial for the robot to traverse complex spaces, avoid obstacles, and follow paths or respond to dynamic changes in its environment. By implementing SLAM techniques, the AR100 robot can achieve a high level of autonomy and adaptability in a wide range of applications, from industrial automation to research and exploration.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

The following tutorial demonstrates the process of initiating navigation within a simulated environment. To follow along, make sure you have the AR100 repository available. Additionally, you can consult this installation guide for further assistance with setting up the necessary repositories.


To enable autonomous navigation using the created map, follow these steps:

  • Launch the navigation stack:

   1 roslaunch anscer_navigation anscer_navigation.launch map_name:=<map_name>
   2 #  Replace map_name with the name of the map you want to use.
  • Once you've initiated AR100 within your target map in RViz, utilize the "2D Pose Estimate" tool found in the top toolbar. This tool helps align AR100 laser scan with the map features, ensuring accurate placement within the map prior to setting a Navigation Goal. Without this initial pose estimate, achieving the correct pose using the Monte Carlo localization method, as illustrated in the accompanying image, is improbable.
    • Initialize Robot
    • Initialize

    • Goal
    • goal

    • Navigation
    • Navigation

With these instructions, you should have the ANSCER simulation up and running, allowing you to explore autonomous mobile robot capabilities within the ROS environment. Happy robot simulating!

Wiki: AnscerRobotics/AR100/Tutorials/Navigating the AR100 robot through SLAM (last edited 2023-10-11 17:48:05 by AnscerRobotics)