
This package contains configuration and launch files to run a simple simulation using stageros. The simulated robot is generic, it could be adapted to a specific robot. The robot is able to navigate around using the navigation stack. In a nutshell, this package presents a simulated scenario created following navigation_stack tutorials, so it could be considered another navigation stack example also. MTTD_interface will use this scenario as twoLevelMTTD testing environment.



initial_sender set the robot initial pose.

Published Topics

initialpose (geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped)
  • Just set the initial pose.


~x_pose (double, default: 8.0)
  • x initial position
~y_pose (double, default: 31.0)
  • y initial position
~z_pose (double, default: 0.0)
  • z initial position
~theta_pose" (double, default: 0.0)
  • theta initial orientation


In order to run the simulation, just typing

$ roslaunch MTTD_simulation simulation.launch

and then set the robot initial pose using rviz, or typing (in a new terminal)

$ rosrun MTTD_simulation initial_sender

Remember to kill initial_sender node after.

Wiki: MTTD_simulation (last edited 2010-11-10 09:56:14 by Enea Scioni)