

ROS Software Maintainer: Josh Villbrandt


The Mecanumbot was designed as a software research platform. It features a high-performance multi-core computer, a holonomic mobile base, a 2D laser scanner, and a Microsoft Kinect.


  • body
  • drivetrain
    • four 100mm mecanum wheels
    • four Devantech EMG30
    • two Devantech MD25
  • power
  • sensors
    • Microsoft Kinect
    • Neato Laser Scanner
    • Adafruit BMP085 pressure and temperature sensor
  • computer
    • Zotac H67ITX-C-E motherboard
    • Intel Core i3-2100T 2.5GHz
    • 8GB ram
    • 256GB SSD


The Mecanumbot has never seen full-time software development, but a few proof-of-concept applications are in place.


The teleop_xbox node takes messages from the xbox controller and publishes a cmd_vel message. Motor power is inhibited on startup for safety and needs to be powered on using the RobotHazardsEnable service. This application demonstrated the end-to-end integration of the robot's basic hardware, electronics, and software that were necessary for further development.

Ball Tracker

The ball_tracker node demonstrates the use of the Microsoft Kinect sensor and some basic functions from PCL. In addition to identifying the ball, the target_follower node can drive towards the target.


This exercise demonstrations a proper odometry and tf graph required for more complex applications like SLAM.

Mecanumbot Hector SLAM Upstairs Map

More Information

Wiki: Robots/Mecanumbot (last edited 2016-02-02 07:14:57 by JoshVillbrandt)