Robo Explorer ROS Connector
Package Summary
This is a ROS Stack to control the fischertechnik Robo Explorer with ROS using liboboint.
- Author: Erik Andresen
- License: GNU GPL3
Source: git clone
You need to use the Robo Explorer with Wheels instead of Tracks because the Tracks are too inaccurate for Odometry. I used the Wheel Setup from Mobile Robots 2.
libft_adapter accesses the Interface over libroboint.
Published Topics
ft/get_inputs - (bool[8] inputs, int8[8] outputs, AX, AY, A1, A2, AV, D1, D2 - all int16)
- Digital (Count from zero) and Analog Inputs of the Robo Interface. The current output states are included.
Subscribed Topics
ft/set_output - (num (int32), speed (int32))
- Individual Outputs of the Robo Interface (Count from zero)
ft/set_motor - (num (int32), speed (int32))
- Motor Outputs of the Robo Interface (Count from zero)
Parameters provides the Robo Explorer functions. Publishes ft/set_motor and subscribes to ft/get_inputs
Published Topics
scan - (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)
- Laserscan data faked by the Sonar Sensor.
odom - (nav_msgs/Odometry)
- Odometry information.
Subscribed Topics
cmd_vel - (geometry_msgs/Twist)
- Celocity commands.
~ultrasonic_laser - (boolean, default: True)
- Fake laser scan with ultra sonic range finder.
~wheel_dist - (float, default: 0.1855)
- Distance between both wheels in meter.
~wheel_size - (float, default: 0.02575)
- Size of wheel Diameter in meter. Default: (5.15cm) * gear ratio (0.5) = 2.575cm
~speed_gradiant - (float, default: 64.3)
- Speed to PWM equation gradiant (The m in pwm = speed*m+b)
~speed_constant - (float, default: -1.7)
- Speed to PWM equation constant (The b in pwm = speed*m+b)