Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: understanding ROS services and parameters .


Description: Test descriptionand rxloggerlevel for.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: Writing a simple publisher and subscriber (python)

Using rxconsole and rxloggerlevel

rxconsole can attaches to ROS's logging framework to display output from nodes. rxloggerlevel allows us to change the verbosity level (DEBUG, WARN, INFO, and ERROR) of nodes as they run. First we need to make rxtools:

$ rosmake rxtools

Now let's look at the turtlesim output in rxconsole and switch logger levels in rxloggerlevel as we use tutrlesim. Before we start the turtlesim, new terminals let's start rxconsole and rxloggerlevel:

$ rxloggerlevel
$ rxconsole

Wiki: ScottHassan/TestIncludes3 (last edited 2009-09-11 00:30:38 by ScottHassan)