Revision 1 as of 2010-03-02 00:57:08

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Only released in EOL distros:  

pr2_navigation_apps: pr2_2dnav | pr2_2dnav_local | pr2_2dnav_slam

Package Summary

This application allows the PR2 robot to navigate autonomously with a pre-specified static map.

pr2_navigation_apps: pr2_2dnav | pr2_2dnav_local | pr2_2dnav_slam

Package Summary

This application allows the PR2 robot to navigate autonomously with a pre-specified static map.

pr2_navigation_apps: pr2_2dnav | pr2_2dnav_local | pr2_2dnav_slam

Package Summary

This application allows the PR2 robot to navigate autonomously with a pre-specified static map.

pr2_navigation_apps: pr2_2dnav | pr2_2dnav_local | pr2_2dnav_slam

Package Summary

This application allows the PR2 robot to navigate autonomously with a pre-specified static map.

Package Summary

This application allows the PR2 robot to navigate autonomously with a pre-specified static map.

Package Summary

This application allows the PR2 robot to navigate autonomously with a pre-specified static map.

Package Summary

This application allows the PR2 robot to navigate autonomously with a pre-specified static map.
