Only released in EOL distros:  

Package Summary


Package Summary


App Summary

This Android app aims to provide an easy way to use Android-enabled devices in ROS. The app currently supports publishing of GPS fixes as sensor_msgs/NavSatFix and accelerometer/magnetometer/gyroscope data as sensor_msgs/Imu.

Some needed improvements:

  • Topic remapping and parameters.
  • Publishing of sensor_msgs/Image messages for both front cameras and rear cameras

  • Improved User Interface
  • Proper translation to languages other than English.

If you want to help improve this app for the community, please join us at the android_sensors_driver GitHub project.



To install android_sensors_driver, you can get the app on the Android Market or install via this QR code:



For help connecting android_sensors_driver to your normal ROS system, please see the tutorials.

Report a Bug

Use Github to report bugs. [View active tickets]

Wiki: android_sensors_driver (last edited 2018-03-27 07:44:32 by TullyFoote)