
In Boxturtle, Cturtle, Diamondback and Electric, this stack contained several camera driver packages.

New in Fuerte: each camera driver formerly included here now resides in its own separate stack. For backwards compatibility, those stacks are listed as camera_drivers dependencies, but external dependencies should refer directly to the desired driver stack.

New in Hydro: the camera_drivers metapackage is no longer supported. Update dependencies to refer to specific drivers, instead.

Now, this page serves as a documentation node for common camera driver information.

Supported Hardware

The following camera drivers were formerly included in this stack. Each has its own separate stack now:

Other camera drivers:


To encourage compatibility between camera nodes, it is recommended that cameras provide one or both of the the following minimal APIs. The image_transport package provides a CameraPublisher class to help implementing this API. The camera_info_manager package exports a CameraInfoManager C++ class that provides sensor_msgs/CameraInfo data and handles sensor_msgs/SetCameraInfo service requests.

Streaming Camera Nodes

This API is for cameras that produce a continuous stream of images.

Published Topics

camera/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
  • Stream of images
camera/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)
  • Camera intrinsics for images published on camera/image_raw


camera/set_camera_info (sensor_msgs/SetCameraInfo)
  • Sets the camera's intrinsics

Polled Camera Nodes

This API is for cameras that produce an image only when polled. There may be multiple clients, each with their own response_namespace. These topics are only published in response to the request_image service. The polled_camera package provides support for implementing this API.

Published Topics

<response_namespace>/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
  • The polled image topic for a particular client.
<response_namespace>/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)
  • The corresponding camera state.


set_camera_info (sensor_msgs/SetCameraInfo)
  • Sets the calibration parameters stored internally on the camera.
request_image (polled_camera/GetPolledImage)
  • Captures an image and publishes it in the namespace specified by the request message. Returns the timestamp.

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<<TracLink(ros-pkg camera_drivers)>>

Wiki: camera_drivers (last edited 2013-10-01 15:28:10 by JackOQuin)