Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: roscpp tutorials.
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Understanding Timers

Description: This tutorial explains roscpp Timers, which allow you to schedule a callback to happen periodically.

Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE

What are Timers?

Timers let you schedule a callback to happen at a specified rate. They are a more flexible and useful form of the ros::Rate used in the Writing a Simple Publisher and Subscriber tutorial.

Note that Timers are not a realtime thread/kernel replacement, and make no guarantees about how accurate they are, which can vary wildly because of system load/capabilities.

See also: roscpp Timers overview

Using Timers

Creating a Timer works very similar to creating a Subscriber.

   1 ros::Timer timer = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.1), timerCallback);

Timer callbacks take the form:

   1 void timerCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& e);

A full example

Now that you've seen the basics, let's go through a larger example, with multiple Timers.

The code

  28 #include "ros/ros.h"
  30 /**
  31  * This tutorial demonstrates the use of timer callbacks.
  32  */
  34 void callback1(const ros::TimerEvent&)
  35 {
  36   ROS_INFO("Callback 1 triggered");
  37 }
  39 void callback2(const ros::TimerEvent&)
  40 {
  41   ROS_INFO("Callback 2 triggered");
  42 }
  44 int main(int argc, char **argv)
  45 {
  46   ros::init(argc, argv, "talker");
  47   ros::NodeHandle n;
  49   /**
  50    * Timers allow you to get a callback at a specified rate.  Here we create
  51    * two timers at different rates as a demonstration.
  52    */
  53   ros::Timer timer1 = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.1), callback1);
  54   ros::Timer timer2 = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0), callback2);
  56   ros::spin();
  58   return 0;
  59 }

The code explained

I'll ignore parts that have been explained in previous tutorials, which really just leaves two lines:

  53   ros::Timer timer1 = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.1), callback1);
  54   ros::Timer timer2 = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0), callback2);

Here we create two timers, one which fires every 100 milliseconds, and one which fires every second. If you run this program, it should output something like the following:

[ INFO] 1251854032.362376000: Callback 1 triggered
[ INFO] 1251854032.462840000: Callback 1 triggered
[ INFO] 1251854032.562464000: Callback 1 triggered
[ INFO] 1251854032.662169000: Callback 1 triggered
[ INFO] 1251854032.762649000: Callback 1 triggered
[ INFO] 1251854032.862853000: Callback 1 triggered
[ INFO] 1251854032.962642000: Callback 1 triggered
[ INFO] 1251854033.063118000: Callback 1 triggered
[ INFO] 1251854033.162221000: Callback 1 triggered
[ INFO] 1251854033.262749000: Callback 1 triggered
[ INFO] 1251854033.262864000: Callback 2 triggered
[ INFO] 1251854033.362643000: Callback 1 triggered
[ INFO] 1251854033.463158000: Callback 1 triggered

The TimerEvent Structure

The ros::TimerEvent structure provides you information about the timing of the current timer. Here is its definition:

   1 struct TimerEvent
   2 {
   3   Time last_expected;                     ///< In a perfect world, this is when the last callback should have happened
   4   Time last_real;                         ///< When the last callback actually happened
   6   Time current_expected;                  ///< In a perfect world, this is when the current callback should be happening
   7   Time current_real;                      ///< This is when the current callback was actually called (Time::now() as of the beginning of the callback)
   9   struct
  10   {
  11     WallDuration last_duration;           ///< How long the last callback ran for, always in wall-clock time
  12   } profile;
  13 };

Wiki: cn/roscpp_tutorials/Tutorials/Timers (last edited 2014-05-02 06:00:31 by flluo)