New in diamondback The redesigned C++ API is now included in cv_bridge. Please see the documentation there; the released version differs slightly from the proposal below.
cv_bridge is the ROS user's gateway to the world of OpenCV, and is used ubiquitously in vision nodes. Although it gets the job done, I've noticed some recurring issues that trip up new (and sometimes old) users. I think the C++ API has enough room for improvement to warrant a redesign.
Problems with the current C++ cv_bridge
- Unpredictable memory ownership semantics. This is the biggest problem, and has confused people with strange bugs in the past. For example:
1 class Example {
2 sensor_msgs::CvBridge bridge_;
3 IplImage* saved_image_;
5 void imageCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& image_msg)
6 {
7 // Save incoming image for later use
8 saved_image_ = bridge_.imgMsgToCv(image_msg, "bgr8");
9 }
11 void foo()
12 {
13 // On some other event, do something with the most recent saved image
14 cvSaveImage("foo.jpg", saved_image_);
15 }
16 };
This will work, unless image_msg already has bgr8 encoding. In that case saved_image_ does not copy the image data, but instead points to data held by image_msg which is freed when the message goes out of scope. Later foo() is called and probably segfaults. I've seen cases of nodes that worked one day, then segfaulted when another image stream with the "mined" encoding was used.
More counter-intuitive ownership semantics: the returned IplImage* from imgMsgToCv is actually owned by the bridge, and must not be freed by the user. In practice users look at the cv_bridge code samples; adapt them to actually do something, creating more IplImage* with intermediate results; and then forget to free the images they created.
Need to create a CvBridge instance for each image stream. Due to the above behavior,
- looks plausible but results in unpredictable behavior.
Lack of const-correctness. imgMsgToCv returns an unqualified IplImage*, which may point to const message data. In that case users are free to modify the original message data, and may not even realize they are doing it. I anticipate this being another source of bugs as more image processing is done in nodelets.
It still uses IplImage*, when we've been actively pushing users towards the much safer and more convenient cv::Mat.
Header and encoding information is not preserved with the returned IplImage*. When publishing, the encoding is specified again as an argument to cvToImgMsg, and the header must be filled in separately. Forgetting to copy the header to the new Image is a common mistake.
Basic proposal
Note: the current implementation does not exactly match the API proposed here, but it's essentially the same.
First we declare an analogue of sensor_msgs/Image that uses a cv::Mat for data storage.
1 // File cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h
3 namespace cv_bridge {
5 class CvImage
6 {
7 public:
8 roslib::Header header; //!< ROS header
9 std::string encoding; //!< Image encoding ("mono8", "bgr8", etc.)
10 cv::Mat image; //!< Image data for use with OpenCV
12 protected:
13 // Allows sharing ownership with sensor_msgs::Image(Const)Ptr
14 boost::shared_ptr<void const> tracked_object_;
15 };
17 typedef boost::shared_ptr<CvImage> CvImagePtr;
18 typedef boost::shared_ptr<CvImage const> CvImageConstPtr;
20 // ...
22 }
ROS message to OpenCV
We will convert sensor_msgs/Image messages into CvImage, which addresses issues 5 and 6.
There are two basic use cases when converting a const sensor_msgs::Image:
- We want to modify the data in-place. We have to make a copy.
- We won't modify the data. We can safely share instead of copying.
Sharing the message data (vision researchers are neurotic about avoiding unnecessary copies) motivated the complexity of cv_bridge. Most of the problems come from not distinguishing between the two cases. In the proposed API we make them explicit:
1 // Case 1: Always copy, returning a mutable CvImage
2 CvImagePtr toCvCopy(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& source,
3 const std::string& encoding = std::string());
4 CvImagePtr toCvCopy(const sensor_msgs::Image& source,
5 const std::string& encoding = std::string());
7 // Case 2: Share if possible, returning a const CvImage
8 CvImageConstPtr toCvShare(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& source,
9 const std::string& encoding = std::string());
The empty default for encoding takes the place of passthrough; unless specified, the CvImage has the same encoding as the source.
In the shared case, we return a pointer to const CvImage to enforce the immutability of the image data (issue 4). If the desired encoding matches that of the source, toCvShare aliases the source image data. It also sets CvImage::tracked_object_ to the source pointer, ensuring the data is not deleted prematurely (issue 1). Note there is no overload taking a const sensor_msgs::Image&, because then there's no way to ensure the Image out-lives the CvImage.
Since there's no bridge object, and ownership is managed within CvImage, we sidestep issues 2 and 3.
OpenCV to ROS message
Now we'll add a couple methods to CvImage to go the other way:
Other functions
Analogous to cv::cvtColor, a convenience function for converting an image to another encoding:
And some functions for distinguishing categories of encodings. These might be better located in sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h.
Example usage
A complete example of a node that draws a circle on images and republishes them.
1 #include <ros/ros.h>
2 #include <image_transport/image_transport.h>
3 #include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h>
5 image_transport::Publisher pub;
7 void imageCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg)
8 {
9 cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_msg = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(msg, "bgr8");
10 cv::circle(cv_msg->image, cv::Point(50, 50), 10, CV_RGB(255,0,0));
11 pub.publish(cv_msg->toRos());
12 }
14 int main(int argc, char** argv)
15 {
16 ros::init(argc, argv, "processor");
17 ros::NodeHandle nh;
18 image_transport::ImageTransport it(nh);
19 pub = it.advertise("image_out", 1);
20 image_transport::Subscriber sub = it.subscribe("image", 1, imageCallback);
21 ros::spin();
22 }
A more complicated callback example. In this case we want to use color if available, otherwise falling back to monochrome. We avoid copies for bgr8 and mono8 encodings. In either case, we republish the source image with color annotations.
1 using namespace cv_bridge;
3 void imageCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg)
4 {
5 bool is_color = isColor(msg->encoding);
6 CvImageConstPtr source = is_color ? toCvShare(msg, "bgr8")
7 : toCvShare(msg, "mono8");
9 // Do vision processing on source...
11 // Now we create and publish an annotated color image
12 CvImagePtr display = cvtColor(source, "bgr8");
13 // Draw detected objects, etc. on display->image...
14 pub.publish(display->toRos());
15 }
Backwards compatibility
Since the proposal defines entirely new data structures and functions, the original sensor_msgs::CvBridge can continue to exist as-is. Eventually it would be deprecated and removed.
Possible extensions
Bayer support
The current cv_bridge doesn't support the Bayer encodings, as debayering should normally be done by image_proc. But maybe that would be a nice convenience?
Using CvImage as a message type
By hooking into the roscpp serialization API, it's possible to make CvImage a real ROS message, wire-compatible with sensor_msgs/Image. This is already implemented in the cv_bridge_redesign package, and it's quite nice; you can use callbacks of the form
void imageCb(const cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr& image_msg);
and publish CvImage directly. No toCvCopy/toCvShared/toRos required! And when publishing, we avoid the copy from converting to sensor_msgs::Image.
The big issue is how to make this play nice with image_transport. image_transport could be generalized, by templating the publish() and subscribe() methods, but it's somewhat complicated and would require more coding effort.