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Starting the Runtime Monitor

Description: The runtime_monitor is a useful tool for monitoring the state of your robot. It subscribes to the "/diagnostics" topic and displays the data into a simple, easy to use, format.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER


The Runtime Monitor (in the rqt_runtime_monitor package, runtime_monitor before Groovy) displays raw diagnostics data by listening to the "/diagnostics" topic. It's useful for viewing diagnostics data in real time.

For robots with a diagnostic_aggregator, the rqt_robot_monitor is recommended. Generally, small or simple robots will not have a diagnostic Aggregator, so users will have to use the runtime monitor.


Install ROS if you haven't already, then build the Runtime Monitor:

$ rosdep install rqt_runtime_monitor
$ rosmake rqt_runtime_monitor


Setting the correct master

First, make sure your ROS master is pointed at the right place.


It should give you something like:


If "localhost" isn't the name of your robot, set your master:

$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://COMPUTER_NAME:11311/

If this is a robot you'll be using often, it might be nice to set an alias for that master. Add the following line to your "~/.bashrc.ros":

$ alias NAME='export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://COMPUTER_NAME:11311/'

Replace NAME and COMPUTER_NAME with appropriate nickname and computer name of your machines.

Starting the monitor

It's easy with rosrun:

$ rosrun rqt_runtime_monitor rqt_runtime_monitor

Before Groovy:

$ rosrun runtime_monitor monitor

Viewing Data

In the left side of the screen, the diagnostics data will be displayed by name. They will be categorized according to status, as "Stale", "Error", "Warning" or "OK".

To view the complete state of an item, click on it, and the data will appear in the right window. By scrolling around in the window, you can track view the status, and watch for changes.


Additional Features

Resetting the Monitor

After an item stops publishing diagnostics for about 5 seconds, it will move to the "Stale" header in the left side of the monitor. To clear stale items, use the "Monitor >> Reset Monitor" in the menu. The monitor will quickly repopulate with all current items.

Changing topic

In some cases, diagnostics will not be published on "/diagnostics". To change the topic, use the "Monitor >> Change Topic" option in the menu.

IMPORTANT: The runtime monitor can only listen to topics of type "diagnostics_msgs/DiagnosticArray".


Some users like to set an alias for the runtime monitor, too.

$ alias runtime='rosrun runtime_monitor monitor'

Now typing:


Will open a runtime monitor that subscribes to /diagnostics from computer "COMPUTER_NAME".

Wiki: diagnostics/Tutorials/Starting the Runtime Monitor (last edited 2019-10-01 13:21:44 by ArvidNorlander)