Node wrappers for cartesian-LatLong conversion functions in libswiftnav. Serves as the glue between sensor_msgs/NavSatFix-producing sensor nodes and robot_pose_ekf.



Receives navigation fixes, and publishes ENU Odometry messages in a local frame cartesian frame, either specified by parameters, or simply taking the initial fix as origin.

Subscribed Topics

fix (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix)
  • Input fixes from a satellite navigation system or other source.

Published Topics

enu (nav_msgs/Odometry)
  • Input fix transformed into local cartesian frame.
enu_datum (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix)
  • Latitude, longitude, and altitude of the point used as origin in the local cartesian frame.


~datum_latitude, ~datum_longitude, ~datum_altitude (doubles)
  • Location to use as origin in local frame. If unspecified, use location from initial message on fix topic.

Wiki: enu (last edited 2013-07-12 16:33:21 by MikePurvis)