
Package proposal

We propose this package to provide a node that makes it easy to detect checkerboards in images.

API proposal

New msgs tbd_msgs/ObjectInImage

  • Header header
  • geometry_msgs/Point[] model_points
  • tbd_msgs/ImagePoint[] image_points

ROS Subscriptions

  • image_stream (sensor_msgs/Image): The image in which to detect the checkerboard

ROS Publications

  • corners_in_image (tbd_msgs/ObjectInImage): The corners of the checkerboard in the image

ROS Parameters

  • corners_x: The number of corners to expect for the checkerboard in the x dimension
  • corners_y: The number of corners to expect for the checkerboard in the y dimension
  • OPTIONAL spacing_x: The spacing between checkerboard cells in the x dimension (if left unset, model_points is not filled)

  • OPTIONAL spacing_y: The spacing between checkerboard cells in the y dimension (if left unset, model_points is not filled)

  • width_scaling: How much the passed in images are being scaled in x
  • height_scaling: How much the passed in images are being scaled in y

Package review meeting notes

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Wiki: image_cb_detector/Reviews (last edited 2009-11-12 21:13:47 by EitanMarderEppstein)