Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: Mapping with Robotino.
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Navigation with Robotino

Description: Autonomous navigation of a known map with Robotino

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER


This tutorial requires a previously built map of the environment you would like Robotino to navigate itself on. In case you haven't done so, please complete the Mapping with Robotino tutorial and head back here.


Launch robotino_node

If the robotino_node hasn't been launched already, then launch it as follows:

roslaunch robotino_node robotino_node.launch

Launch navigation

Launch navigation.launch and also set the map_file parameter pointing to the yaml file of the map you created in the previous tutorial.

roslaunch robotino_navigation navigation.launch map_file:=/tmp/mymap.yaml

This should bring up rviz as well.

Localize Robotino

As you may note from rviz that Robotino is not localized. You can localize it as follows:

  1. Click the "2D Pose Estimate" button
  2. Click on the map where you think Robotino should be and drag the arrow in the direction Robotino is pointing to.

Repeat this procedure until you are satisfied with Robotino's location on the map.

Autonomous Navigation

Robotino is now ready for autonomous navigation. To perfom this, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "2D Nav Goal"
  2. Click on the map where you want Robotino to navigate and drag in the direction Robotino should be pointing at the end.

Path planning might fail if the path or goal is blocked. An example of navigation on our map:

Wiki: ja/robotino_navigation/Tutorials/Navigation with Robotino (last edited 2013-05-05 19:11:24 by EisokuKuroiwa)