Common used Komodo2 ROS topics

Komodo2 has some common used ROS topics that can help you to get the data from the sensors and controllers and publish some data as well.

  • /GPS/fix - Contains GPS data - latitude, longitude, altitude and more.

  • /IMU/data - Contains IMU data in quaternions.

  • /URF/right - Contains data from the right Ultrasonic range finder (in meters).

  • /URF/rear - Contains data from the rear Ultrasonic range finder (in meters).

  • /URF/left - Contains data from the left Ultrasonic range finder (in meters).

  • /mobile_base_controller/odom - This topic provides odometry info

  • /scan - This topic contains the data from the lidar laser scanner.

  • /espeak_node/speak_line - This topic will make the robot speak the line you entered.

  • /joint_states - This topic contains the position, velocity and effort of the robot's joints.

  • /battery - This topic contains the data from the battery management system, such as battery voltage, capacity, charge status etc.

For further details on the topics structure, type:

$ rostopic info <topic name>

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Wiki: komodo2/CommonUsedRosTopics (last edited 2019-03-04 06:48:36 by YairShlomi)