electric files are no longer on svn, they can be found here: https://github.com/PR2/pr2_ethercat_drivers

fuerte files are no longer on svn, they can be found here: https://github.com/PR2/pr2_ethercat_drivers

groovy files are no longer on svn, they can be found here: https://github.com/PR2/pr2_ethercat_drivers


The pr2_ethercat_drivers stack provides support for the realtime ethernet variant that is used for communication on the PR2 robot. These drivers are brought up as part of the realtime loop from pr2_etherCAT.

The stack provides the following components:

  • eml: A third-party package that provides communication and initialization functions for EtherCAT slave devices.

  • ethercat_hardware: A driver package that supports the EtherCAT slave devices created by Willow Garage.

  • fingertip_pressure: A package that publishes ROS topics with information related to the PR2 fingertip pressure sensors.

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Wiki: pr2_ethercat_drivers (last edited 2014-08-19 19:09:14 by IliaBaranov)