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Using the PR2 gripper's reactive actions and services

Description: This tutorial teaches you to call the actions and services contained in pr2_gripper_reactive_approach: reactive grasp, reactive approach, reactive lift, reactive place, compliant close, and grasp adjustment.

Keywords: reactive grasp lift place adjustment compliant close pr2 gripper

Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE

Robot Setup

Bring up the robot and position it at the edge of a table, facing the table. When manipulating objects on tables, the workspace of the arms is generally increased by raising the robot torso all the way up. Place an object on the table, within reach of the robot. Start the left arm well out of the way, and start the right arm well above the table and somewhat off to the side.

Starting the Manipulation Pipeline

Start the manipulation pipeline (see the relevant tutorial here)

The Code

In the following code, the table height is hard-coded. Measure the height of the table above the ground, and modify the table_height line with the relevant height.

This code is also available in pr2_gripper_reactive_approach/test/test_pr2_gripper_reactive_approach_server.py:

   1 #!/usr/bin/python
   2 """test client for pr2_gripper_reactive_approach_server
   3 requires pr2_gripper_reactive_approach_server.py r (right arm) to be running
   4 """
   6 from __future__ import division
   7 import roslib
   8 roslib.load_manifest('pr2_gripper_reactive_approach')
   9 import rospy
  10 import math
  11 from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, PointStamped, \
  12     QuaternionStamped, Pose, Point, Quaternion
  13 from object_manipulation_msgs.msg import ReactiveGraspAction, \
  14     ReactiveGraspGoal, ReactiveLiftAction, ReactiveLiftGoal, \
  15     GripperTranslation, ReactivePlaceAction, ReactivePlaceGoal
  16 import actionlib
  17 from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectory
  18 from pr2_gripper_reactive_approach import controller_manager
  19 from std_srvs.srv import Empty
  20 from object_manipulator.convert_functions import *
  23 #call reactive_grasp to do a reactive grasp using the fingertip sensors
  24 #(backs up and move to the side if the tip contacts on the way to the grasp,
  25 #does a compliant grasp if it gets there, tries the approach and grasp 
  26 #several times if the gripper opening isn't within bounds)
  27 def call_reactive_grasp(ac, grasp_pose, trajectory):
  29     if trajectory == None:
  30         trajectory = JointTrajectory()
  32     goal = ReactiveGraspGoal()
  33     goal.final_grasp_pose = grasp_pose
  34     goal.trajectory = trajectory
  35     goal.collision_support_surface_name = "table"
  37     ac.send_goal(goal)    
  38     ac.wait_for_result()
  39     result = ac.get_result()
  40     print "reactive grasp result:", result
  42     return result
  45 #call reactive_grasp to do a reactive approach using the fingertip sensors
  46 #(backs up and move to the side if the tip contacts on the way to the grasp)
  47 def call_reactive_approach(ac, grasp_pose, trajectory):
  49     if trajectory == None:
  50         trajectory = JointTrajectory()
  52     goal = ReactiveGraspGoal()
  53     goal.final_grasp_pose = grasp_pose
  54     goal.trajectory = trajectory
  55     goal.collision_support_surface_name = "table"
  57     ac.send_goal(goal)    
  58     ac.wait_for_result()
  59     result = ac.get_result()
  60     print "reactive approach result:", result
  62     return result
  65 #call reactive lift (starts up slip servoing if using the slip controllers, 
  66 #otherwise just a Cartesian move)
  67 def call_reactive_lift(ac, lift):
  69     goal = ReactiveLiftGoal()
  70     goal.lift = lift
  72     ac.send_goal(goal)    
  73     ac.wait_for_result()
  74     result = ac.get_result()
  75     print "reactive lift result:", result
  77     return result
  80 #call reactive place (uses the slip controllers to detect when the object
  81 #hits the table, and opens the gripper)
  82 def call_reactive_place(ac, place_pose):
  84     goal = ReactivePlaceGoal()
  85     goal.final_place_pose = place_pose
  87     ac.send_goal(goal)
  88     ac.wait_for_result()
  89     result = ac.get_result()
  90     print "reactive place result:", result
  92     return result
  95 #pause for input
  96 def keypause():
  97     print "press enter to continue"
  98     input = raw_input()
  99     return input
 102 #move to a Cartesian pose goal
 103 def move_cartesian_step(cm, pose, timeout = 10.0, 
 104                         settling_time = 3.0, blocking = 0):
 105     if type(pose) == list:
 106         pose = create_pose_stamped(pose, 'base_link')
 107         cm.move_cartesian(pose, blocking = blocking, \
 108                    pos_thres = .0025, rot_thres = .05, \
 109                    timeout = rospy.Duration(timeout), \
 110                    settling_time = rospy.Duration(settling_time))
 113 #used to call compliant close or grasp adjustment
 114 def call_empty_service(service_name, serv):
 115     try:
 116         serv()
 117     except rospy.ServiceException, e:
 118         rospy.logerr("error when calling %s,%s"%(service_name,e))
 119         return 0
 120     return 1
 123 #return the current pos and rot of the wrist for the right arm 
 124 #as a 7-list (pos, quaternion rot)
 125 def return_current_pose_as_list(cm):
 126     (pos, rot) = cm.return_cartesian_pose()        
 127     return pos+rot
 130 #run the test
 131 if __name__ == "__main__":
 133     rospy.init_node('test_reactive_grasp_server', anonymous = True)
 135     use_slip_detection = rospy.get_param('/reactive_grasp_node_right/use_slip_controller')
 136     rospy.loginfo("use_slip_detection:"+str(use_slip_detection))
 138     rospy.loginfo("waiting for compliant_close and grasp_adjustment services")
 139     rospy.wait_for_service("r_reactive_grasp/compliant_close")
 140     rospy.wait_for_service("r_reactive_grasp/grasp_adjustment")
 141     rospy.loginfo("service found")
 143     rg_ac = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("reactive_grasp/right", \
 144                                              ReactiveGraspAction)
 145     ra_ac = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("reactive_approach/right", \
 146                                              ReactiveGraspAction)
 147     rl_ac = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("reactive_lift/right", \
 148                                              ReactiveLiftAction)
 149     rp_ac = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("reactive_place/right", \
 150                                              ReactivePlaceAction)
 151     cc_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("r_reactive_grasp/compliant_close", Empty)
 152     ga_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("r_reactive_grasp/grasp_adjustment", Empty)
 154     rospy.loginfo("waiting for reactive grasp action")
 155     rg_ac.wait_for_server()
 156     rospy.loginfo("reactive grasp action found")
 158     rospy.loginfo("waiting for reactive approach action")
 159     ra_ac.wait_for_server()
 160     rospy.loginfo("reactive approach action found")
 162     rospy.loginfo("waiting for reactive lift action")
 163     rl_ac.wait_for_server()
 164     rospy.loginfo("reactive lift action found")
 166     rospy.loginfo("waiting for reactive place action")
 167     rp_ac.wait_for_server()
 168     rospy.loginfo("reactive place action found")
 170     cm = controller_manager.ControllerManager('r', \
 171                              using_slip_controller = use_slip_detection)
 173     #joint names for the right arm
 174     joint_names = ["r_shoulder_pan_joint",
 175                    "r_shoulder_lift_joint",
 176                    "r_upper_arm_roll_joint",
 177                    "r_elbow_flex_joint",
 178                    "r_forearm_roll_joint",
 179                    "r_wrist_flex_joint",
 180                    "r_wrist_roll_joint"]
 182     #reactive approach from above 
 183     #table_height = .55  #simulated table
 184     table_height = .7239 #round table
 185     tip_dist_to_table = .165
 186     wrist_height = table_height + tip_dist_to_table + .02
 188     approachpos = [.52, -.05, wrist_height+.1]
 189     approachquat = [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]  #from the top
 191     current_goal = approachpos[:] + approachquat[:]
 192     small_step = .02
 194     while(not rospy.is_shutdown()):
 195         print "enter:" 
 196         print "appi to go to the approach position with interpolated IK"
 197         print "appc to go to the approach position with Cartesian controllers"
 198         print "appm to go to the approach position with move_arm"
 199         print "rg to grasp reactively, ra to just approach reactively"
 200         print "cc to do a compliant close"
 201         print "rl to do a reactive lift"
 202         print "rp to do a reactive place"
 203         print "ga to do a grasp adjustment"
 204         print "c to close, o to open"
 205         print "u to go up, d to go down, r to go right, l to go left"
 206         print "a to go away from the robot, t to go toward the robot"
 207         print "s to stop"
 208         c = keypause()
 209         pregrasp_pose = create_pose_stamped(current_goal)
 210         if c == 'appi':
 211             #Go to the approach position using the interpolated 
 212             #IK controllers (collision-aware)
 213             cm.command_interpolated_ik(pregrasp_pose)
 214         elif c == 'appc':
 215             #Go to the approach position using the Cartesian controllers
 216             cm.command_cartesian(pregrasp_pose)
 217         elif c == 'appm':
 218             #Go to the approach position using move_arm
 219             cm.move_arm_pose(pregrasp_pose, blocking = 1)
 220         elif c == 'rg' or c == 'ra':
 221             grasp_goal = current_goal[:]
 222             grasp_goal[2] -= .1
 223             grasp_pose = create_pose_stamped(grasp_goal)
 224             start_angles = [0.]*7
 225             trajectory = None
 226             if c == 'rg':
 227                 print "calling reactive grasp"
 228                 result = call_reactive_grasp(rg_ac, grasp_pose, trajectory)
 229             else:
 230                 print "calling reactive approach"
 231                 result = call_reactive_approach(ra_ac, grasp_pose, trajectory)
 232             print "result:", result
 234             #update current_goal
 235             current_goal = return_current_pose_as_list(cm)
 237         elif c == 'rl':
 238             print "calling reactive lift"
 239             lift = GripperTranslation()
 240             lift.direction = create_vector3_stamped([0,0,1])
 241             lift.desired_distance = .1
 242             lift.min_distance = 0.
 243             result = call_reactive_lift(rl_ac, lift)
 245             #update current_goal
 246             current_goal = return_current_pose_as_list(cm)
 248         elif c == 'rp':
 249             print "calling reactive place"
 250             place_goal = current_goal[:]
 251             place_goal[2] -= .1
 252             place_pose = create_pose_stamped(place_goal)      
 253             result = call_reactive_place(rp_ac, place_pose)
 255             #update current_goal
 256             current_goal = return_current_pose_as_list(cm) 
 258         elif c == 'cc':
 259             print "calling compliant close"
 260             call_empty_service("compliant close", cc_srv)
 261         elif c == 'ga':
 262             print "calling grasp adjustment"
 263             call_empty_service("grasp adjustment", ga_srv)
 264         elif c == 'c':
 265             print "closing gripper"
 266             cm.command_gripper(0, 100.0)
 267         elif c == 'o':
 268             print "opening gripper"
 269             cm.command_gripper(.087, -1)
 270         elif c == 'u':
 271             print "going up"
 272             current_goal[2] += .1
 273             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
 274         elif c == 'us':
 275             print "going up a small amount"
 276             current_goal[2] += .02
 277             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
 278         elif c == 'd':
 279             print "going down"
 280             current_goal[2] -= .05
 281             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
 282         elif c == 'ds':
 283             print "going down a small amount"
 284             current_goal[2] -= .02
 285             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
 286         elif c == 'r':
 287             print "moving right"
 288             current_goal[1] -= small_step
 289             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
 290         elif c == 'l':
 291             print "moving left"
 292             current_goal[1] += small_step
 293             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
 294         elif c == 'a':
 295             print "moving away from robot"
 296             current_goal[0] += small_step
 297             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
 298         elif c == 't':
 299             print "moving toward the robot"
 300             current_goal[0] -= small_step
 301             move_cartesian_step(cm, current_goal, blocking = 1)
 303         elif c == 's':
 304             print "quitting"
 305             break 

The above code runs a keyboard interface that allows you to try out the actions and services provided in the pr2_gripper_reactive_approach package. The initial (hard-coded) approach position is above the table surface, with the gripper x-axis pointed down for a grasp from above. When the script is first run, a good starting place is to type 'appm' to go to the approach position using move_arm, or 'appi' or 'appc' to go there open-loop (not considering collisions from the tilt laser) if move_arm fails to get the arm there.

Once any of the other commands are run, the approach position becomes the current pose of the gripper, so that you can re-position the gripper and have the new grasp goal be 10 cm below the current gripper pose. When the gripper is in a satisfactory pre-grasp pose 10 cm above a desired grasp, make sure the object to be grasped is somewhere below the gripper (perhaps off to the side/under one finger, if you're trying out reactive approach). From there, you can try out any of the functions in the keyboard interface: 'rg' to run the full reactive grasp; 'ra' to run just the approach and to not close the gripper; 'cc' to compliantly close the gripper; 'ga' to adjust a grasp; 'rl' to reactively lift an object within the gripper; 'rp' to reactively put it down again (if the slip controller version of the manipulation pipeline is not running, reactive lift and place are just plain Cartesian movements).

Also available are small Cartesian movements to reposition the gripper as desired by moving up, down, left, right, away from the robot, or toward the robot.

Wiki: pr2_gripper_reactive_approach/Tutorials/Using the PR2 gripper's reactive actions and services (last edited 2010-08-11 21:03:19 by KaijenHsiao)