
detect_wall_norm action is a node that provides an action interface for determining the wall normal near a given point in space.

The action turns on the textured light projector, then uses the pr2_head_action to point the head at the wall, calls the stereo wall detector to determine the wall normal, and finally turns off the texture projector when succeeded.

Action Goal

detect_wall_norm/goal (pr2_plugs_msgs/DetectWallNormGoal)
  • This is an empty goal that starts the detection.

Action Result

detect_wall_norm/result (pr2_plugs_msgs/DetectWallNormResult)
  • Returns the wall norm and a point on the wall.

Actions Called

head_traj_controller/point_head_action (pr2_head_action)
  • This action moves the head to a joint configuration.

Subscribed Topics

projector_controller/rising_edge_timestamps (roslib/Header)
  • This is used to determine if the textured light projector has turned on.

Services Called

stereo_wall_detection/detect_wall (stereo_wall_detection/DetectWall)
  • Returns the wall norm and a point on the wall.

Wiki: pr2_plugs_actions/detect_wall_norm_action (last edited 2010-02-24 21:46:38 by MeloneeWise)