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Moving the torso

Description: Moving the torso

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Next Tutorial: Teleoperation

Controlling the torso

This tutorial demonstrates how to move the robot's torso up and down. The torso can be controlled by sending std_msgs/Float64 messages to the torso_controller/command topic. Open a new terminal window, and type the following command:

$ roslaunch robotican_armadillo armadillo.launch gazebo:=true

Gazebo window should appear with the robot model in it.

Note: Omit gazebo:=true argument if you want to control the torso of the real robot.

Open a new terminal window, and type the following command:

$ rostopic pub /torso_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 0.2

You should be able to see the robot's torso goes up. Press ctrl+c and the type:

$ rostopic pub /torso_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 0.07

You should be able to see the robot's torso goes down.

Note: Robot's torso elevator std_msgs/Float64 minimum value is 0.05, and maximum value is 0.37. Trying to send values below minimum will cause the elevator to go almost all the way down, leaving a safety space of about 5 cm above the robot base link, and values above maximum will cause it to go almost all the way up, leaving a safety space of about 3 cm below the top of the elevator range.

Wiki: robotican/Tutorials/Moving the torso (last edited 2016-09-15 13:16:18 by tomwiss1231)