
The robotino_local_planner::RobotinoLocalPlanner is a local planner for Robotino which complies with the nav_core::BaseLocalPlanner interface.


The RobotinoLocalPlanner

The robotino_local_planner::RobotinoLocalPlanner is a simple local planner that simply follows the path set by the global planner. The RobotinoLocalPlanner looks for a next heading point on the global plan (which can be set as a parameter. See below.) and calculates and publishes linear and angular velocites for Robotino on the /robotino_cmd_vel topic.

The collision avoidance is carried out by the robotino_safety_node from the robotino_safety package which is subscribed to the /robotino_cmd_vel topic.


The robotino_local_planner::RobotinoLocalPlanner is loaded as a local planner plugin for the move_base node by default when launching the navigation.launch file from the robotino_navigation package.

ROS Parameters

~heading_lookahead (double, default: 0.3)

  • The minimum distance [m] between the center of Robotino and the next heading point from the global plan.
~max_linear_vel (double, default: 0.3)
  • The maximum linear velocity [m/s] allowed for Robotino during navigation.
~min_linear_vel (double, default: 0.1)
  • The minimum linear velocity [m/s] allowed for Robotino during navigation.
~max_rotation_vel (double, default: 1.0)
  • The maximum rotational velocity [rad/s] allowed for Robotino during navigation.
~min_rotation_vel (double, default: 0.3)
  • The minimum rotational velocity [rad/s] allowed for Robotino during navigation.
~yaw_goal_tolerance (double, default: 0.05)
  • The tolerance in radians for the controller in yaw/rotation when achieving its goal.
~xy_goal_tolerance (double, default: 0.10)
  • The tolerance in meters for the controller in the x & y distance when achieving a goal.

Wiki: robotino_local_planner (last edited 2012-03-26 16:15:30 by HozefaIndorewala)