Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials:Using package roch_navigation, move_base, map_server and amcl..
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Setup the Navigation Stack for Roch

Description: Setup the Navigation Stack for Roch.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: Using package of roch_teleop

This tutorial does not discuss too many thing in roch_navigation because it is a huge task to analysis each part of roch_navigation.

For this tutorial, we just discuss how to configure you own Roch for navigation, we will talk about some files and parameters for adjust your map building and navigation.

Move base

To find more details, please see move_base, and now we just talk about some files important in navigation.

Costmap Files

There have three costmap files such as *_costmap_common_prarms.yaml, *_global_costmap_params.yaml and *_local_costmap_params.yaml.

For more detail about these three files, please costmap_2d.


There have two planner such as global planner and local planner, but there is four files, base_local_planner_params.yaml and dwa_local_planner_params.yaml is beyond to local planner, and global_planner_params.yaml and navfn_global_planner_params.yaml is beyond to global planner.

note:daw_local_planner_params.yaml is used by 3D camera, and base_local_planner_params.yaml is used by 2d laser.

For global planner, just choose default.


Roch localization is provided by amcl. You can change parameters in *_amcl.launch file in roch_navigation/launch/include folder.

* matching current sensors which you used.


Roch map build used gmapping. You can change parameters in *_gmapping.launch file in roch_navigation/launch/includes folder.

* matching current sensors which you used.

Wiki: roch/Tutorials/Setup the Navigation Stack for Roch (last edited 2017-02-14 09:05:01 by SawYer)