
This stack contains packages related to Segway's RMP series robot platforms. This is based on the libsegwayrmp library.

Supported Hardware

There are several variations of Segway RMP's available, but only a few have been tested, if you would like to test one of the platforms or if you need a platform/feature that is not currently supported, email me.

Segway RMP Model


Tractor Mode

Balance Mode

Interface Method


Needs Testing

Needs Testing


usb, serial


Needs Testing

Needs Testing

Needs Testing*

usb, serial




Needs Testing*

usb, serial


Needs Testing

Needs Testing


usb, serial

* This mode is untested by me, because I don't have a balancing mode Segway. If you would like to test this out, email me and I will help you use my library in balance mode.


First you need to get a copy of the repository downloaded to your local machine in a directory in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

You can simply download the software by doing a git clone of the github.com repo:

git clone git://github.com/wjwwood/segway-rmp-ros-pkg.git

And then add it to your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.


You could use rosinstall to install this stack (and potentially others at the same time) that way. Here is an example rosinstall file:


- git:
    uri: 'git://github.com/wjwwood/segway-rmp-ros-pkg.git'
    local-name: segway-rmp-ros-pkg

Then you can install it with this command:

rosinstall ~/path/to/install/into ~/path/to/segway-rmp-ros-pkg.rosinstall

Once you have the stack in your ROS setup, you can build the segway_rmp stack, by running:

   1 roscd segway_rmp
   2 rosmake segway_rmp --rosdep-install

Older Versions

There is an older version of this ROS stack that was based on the drivers from Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial. If you would like to use those packages instead you can checkout their tag in git:

roscd segway_rmp
git checkout iri_version


The ROS nodes that interface with the RMP200 ATV and RMP400 used to be based on the segway_rmp200 and segway_rmp400 drivers from Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial.

Thanks to Evan Jensen from the Ingram School of Engineering at Texas State University for helping to test the RMP400 portion of the drivers.

Bug Reports & Feature Requests

I would appreciate anyone reporting bugs or requesting features by emailing me at wjwwood@gmail.com.

Wiki: segway_rmp (last edited 2013-03-14 23:11:34 by WilliamWoodall)