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Package Summary

This package contains the ROS-independent library which provides the actual scene-recognition functionality of Implicit Shape Model (ISM) trees. It is referred to both by asr_ism for Passive Scene Recognition and by asr_recognizer_prediction_ism for Active Scene Recognition.

  • Maintainer: Meißner Pascal <asr-ros AT lists.kit DOT edu>
  • Author: Hanselmann Fabian, Heller Florian, Heizmann Heinrich, Kübler Marcel, Mehlhaus Jonas, Meißner Pascal, Qattan Mohamad, Reckling Reno, Stroh Daniel
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git (branch: master)

Package Summary

This package contains the ROS-independent library which provides the actual scene-recognition functionality of Implicit Shape Model (ISM) trees. It is referred to both by asr_ism for Passive Scene Recognition and by asr_recognizer_prediction_ism for Active Scene Recognition.

  • Maintainer: Meißner Pascal <asr-ros AT lists.kit DOT edu>
  • Author: Hanselmann Fabian, Heller Florian, Heizmann Heinrich, Kübler Marcel, Mehlhaus Jonas, Meißner Pascal, Qattan Mohamad, Reckling Reno, Stroh Daniel
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git (branch: master)



This package contains the ROS-independent library which provides the actual scene-recognition functionality of Implicit Shape Model (ISM) trees. It is referred to both by asr_ism for Passive Scene Recognition and by asr_recognizer_prediction_ism for Active Scene Recognition.


This library consists of three main components to record, train and recognize a scene, additionally it provides a tool-set to manipulate and generate the used data.

Main components

Recorder: Provides an interface to store sets of objects to a sqlite database. Each set of objects represents a configuration of objects for a certain scene.

Trainer / CombinatorialTrainer: The Trainer and the CombinatorialTrainer are interchangeable, both create a scene model represented by an ISM from the object poses stored in the recorded database and write it into a sqlite database. The ISM created by the CombinatorialTrainer should have a shorter computing time when it comes to recognizing a scene compared to the one created by the Trainer.

Recognizer: Given a set of objects, the Recognizer calculates the most likely scenes that those objects are part of. These calculations use the scene models created by the Trainer/CombinatorialTrainer.


DataCleaner: Delete the recordings or the models or both from the database.

DataMerger: Merge multiple databases into one.

MarkerRotator: Rotate the pose of objects which are determined by a marker e.g. asr_aruco_marker_recognition.

PoseInterpolator: Generates additional recording data between objects by interpolating the pose of two objects between consecutive recorded object sets.

RecordedObjectsTransformer: Transform the absolute pose of an entire scene relative to a world coordinate frame.

RotationInvariantObjectsRotator: Rotate Objects in the database which are rotation invariant to the y-Axis around this y-Axis to a given direction. As result these objects get distinct object poses.

Data Models

Sqlite database

The ism library uses sqlite to save its recordings and trained models, which can be differentiated by the prefixes “model_” and “recorded_”. Note: It's not necessary that a database contains both, recordings and models.

Tables for Recordings

recorded_patterns(id, name) - Stores the representing name for a pattern.

  • name: The name of the pattern (scene).

recorded_sets(id, patternId) - Stores a recorded object set at a point in time for a certain pattern.

recorded_poses(id, objectId, setId , px, py, pz, qw, qx, qy, qz) - Stores the object estimation pose obtained from a object recognizer during the recording process.

  • objectId: reference to object in recorded_objects
  • setId: reference to set in recorded_sets
  • px,py,pz: The absolute position of the object with respect to a coordinate system (baseFrame).

  • qw,qx,qy,qz: The orientation of the object stored as quaternion with respect to a coordinate system (baseFrame).

recorded_objects(id, type, observedId, setId, resourcePath) - Stores the object estimation meta-data obtained from an object recognizer during the recording process.

  • type & observedId: Stores the type of an object e.g. a cup and an id to differentiate objects with the same type belonging to the same pattern e.g. by using the color of an object as id (see Notes below).

  • resourcePath: The location of the mesh-file used for visualization.

Tables for Models

model_patterns (id, name, expectedMaxWeight) - Stores trained patterns.

  • name: name of the pattern (scene).

  • expectedMaxWeight: the mean value of the accumulated weights from all objects inside a certain pattern.

model_objects(id, type) - Store all objects which appeared while training the model.

  • type: Stores the type of an object e.g. a cup.

model_votes(id, objectId, patternId, observedId, radius, qw, qx, qy, qz, qw2, qx2, qy2, qz2,qpw, qpx, qpy, qpz, qpw2,qpx2,qpy2,qpz2, trackIndex, weght) - Stores the votes generated by the trainer.

  • observedId: Used to differentiate among multiple objects of the same type. E.g. by using the color of an object as id (see Notes below).

  • radius: The radius of the direction vector of the vote or in other words the length of the vote

  • qw, qx, qy, qz: The values of the quaternion which rotates the orientation of the object so that it points towards the potential reference, aka objectToRefQuat

  • qw2, qx2, qy2, qz2: The values of the quaternion which rotates the orientation of the object so that it has the same orientation as the potential reference, aka objectToRefPoseQuat

  • qpw, qpx, qpy, qpz: The values of the quaternion which rotates the orientation of the reference so that it points towards the potential position of the object which voted, aka refToObjectQuat

  • qpw2, qpx2, qpy2, qpz2: The values of the quaternion which rotates the orientation of the reference so that it has the same orientation as the potential object which voted, aka refToObject

  • trackIndex: Corresponds to setId in recorded_objects and represents a point in the trajectory of the voting object.

  • weight: Represents the significance of the object for the scene the vote votes for.


XML is used to represent a scene, a pattern or just a set of objects for convenient use in simulation or to just store a certain configuration of objects for further use. E.g. use the XML to publish the contained object-set as recognized object estimations with the provided tool of the asr_fake_object_recognition package.



  <Object type="" id="" mesh="" angles="quaternion"> x, y, z, qw, qx, qy, qz</Object>
  <Object type="" id="" mesh="" angles="euler"> x, y, z, alpha, beta, gamma</Object>




  • Saving the color as observedId will only be used for single-colored objects. In this case the id contains 12 numbers, each pair of 3 numbers represent an value between 0.00 and 1.00, and those 4 values in turn represent the values of the rgba color model, used in the ROS message std_msgs/ColorRGBA.


First a little overview of the directories and after that a overview of the main interfaces, to encourage the user to use this library in his own projects or contribute to the existing projects.

Directory Overview


Implemented tools which can be used via terminal, but all necessary tools were ported to ros nodes provided by asr_ism. Using the nodes instead of the terminal version is recommended.


This directory contains the actual source/functionality provided by the library.

  • combinatorial_optimization/: Contains the combinatorial optimization functionality (templates and algorithms), which can be used on arbitrary types, as long as they implement a cost- and neighborhood-function.

  • combinatorial_trainer/: Contains the actual classes to train hierarchical Implicit Shape Models using combinatorial optimization.

  • common_type/: Contains common data types used throughout the whole system.

  • heuristic_trainer/: Contains classes to train a hierarchical Implicit Shape Model using different types of heuristics.

  • rating/: Contains classes to rate a recognition result.

  • recognizer/: Contains the scene recognition functionality.

  • recorder/: Contains the recorder class.

  • soci/: Contains SOCI a database access library for C++, this library is used for all sqlite Database manipulations. For further information visit the sourceforge project site of SOCI.

  • tools/: Contains the actual code of the tools provided by ros nodes (asr_ism) or terminal (asr_lib_ism/libism/src).

  • utility/: Contains different types of classes which provide helper functions, e.g. a class to handle queries to the database.

  • typedef.hpp: contains forward declarations of some classes and general used typedefs.

Main Interfaces


General usage:

1. Include ISM/recorder/Recorder.hpp

2. Create a new Recorder instance:

Recorder(const std::string& dbfilename)
  • dbfilename:The path to the database, the recordings should be written to.

3. Insert objects of a recorded object configuration into the database:

void insert(const ObjectSetPtr& set, const std::string& patternName)
  • set: The objects which should be inserted.

  • patternName: The name of the pattern the objects belong to.


General usage:

1. Include ISM/heuristic_trainer/Trainer.hpp

2. Create a new Trainer instance:

Trainer(std::string dbfilename, bool dropOldModelTables)
  • dbfilename: Path to the database containing recorded data for which an ism should be trained.

  • dropOldModelTables: Whether already existing model data should be dropped or kept in the database.

3.1.Train ism for all patterns inside the database:

void trainPattern()

3.2. Train ism only for the given pattern (patternName):

void trainPattern(const std::string& patternName)

! Before using the trainPattern method, the training parameters should be set. An example how to set those parameters can be found at asr_ism/src/trainer.cpp


General usage:

1. Include ISM/'combinatorial'_trainer/'CombinatorialTrainer'.hpp

2. Create a new CombinatorialTrainer instance:

CombinatorialTrainer(CombinatorialTrainerParameters params)
  • params: Parameters to configure training process.

3. Train ism for all patterns inside the database:

std::map<std::string, std::pair<double, TreePtr> > learn()


General usage:

1. Include ISM/recognizer/Recognizer.hpp

2. Create a new Recognizer instance:

Recognizer(const std::string& dbfilename, double bin_size, double maxProjectionAngleDeviation, int raterType = 0)
  • dbfilename: Path to the database containing trained ism.

  • bin_size: Side length of a voxel (bins) of a voxel grid in which hough voting is performed and Maximal accepted distance between scene reference hypotheses of different objects in a bin.

  • maxProjectionAngleDeviation: Maximal accepted difference in orientations of scene reference hypotheses of different objects in a bin.

  • raterType: Function that is used to rate recognition results.

3. Recognize most likely pattern for a given object configuration:

const std::vector<RecognitionResultPtr> recognizePattern(const ObjectSetPtr& _objectSet_, const double filterThreshold = 0.0, const int resultsPerPattern = -1, const std::string targetPatternName == "")
  • objectSet: The object configuration in which a pattern should be recognized.

  • filterThreshold: Minimum confidence that a recognition result must dispose of to be returned.

  • resultsPerPattern: Maximum number of recognition results for each pattern in the database.

  • patternName: Name of the pattern which should be recognized. If empty, all patterns are recognized. This parameter has no influence on the voting and will only check the top-level ism and will filter the resulting recognitionResult.

  • returns: The recognition results ordered by recognition confidence in descending order.

ROS Nodes

This package only provides the library without any nodes, however the package asr_ism implements nodes for the actual usage of the recognition system.

Wiki: asr_lib_ism (last edited 2020-01-06 13:06:21 by PascalMeißner)