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eyantra_drone: edrone_client | edrone_server

Package Summary

This package is used to communicate between drone and PC/Laptop through ROS. Drone will send the accelerometer,gyroscope, magnetometer and altitude data. You can subscribe to the roll, pitch, yaw and battery level

  • Maintainer status: developed
  • Maintainer: Simranjeet Singh <simranjeet AT DOT com>
  • Author: Simranjeet Singh <simranjeet AT DOT in>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git (branch: master)
eyantra_drone: edrone_client | edrone_server

Package Summary

This package is used to communicate between drone and PC/Laptop through ROS. Drone will send the accelerometer,gyroscope, magnetometer and altitude data. You can subscribe to the roll, pitch, yaw and battery level

  • Maintainer status: developed
  • Maintainer: Simranjeet Singh <simranjeet AT DOT com>
  • Author: Simranjeet Singh <simranjeet AT DOT in>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git (branch: master)

Note: Current package is for Pluto drone by DronaAviation.
(!) Please ask about problems and questions regarding this tutorial on Don't forget to include in your question the link to this page, the versions of your OS & ROS, and also add appropriate tags.

Description: This package is used to communicate between drone and system through ROS. Drone will send the accelerometer, gyro, magneto and altitude data. You can subscribe to the roll, pitch and yaw values.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: Multi_drone(Swarm)


# libavcodec and libsdl2-dev for camera
sudo apt install libavcodec-dev libsdl2-dev


# Navigate to your catkin workspace

# clone repository
git clone

# Build the Package

Run Package

First connect to the drones wifi. Run roscore command and follow the step:

rosrun edrone_server

roslaunch edrone_server drone_comb.launch


  • /droneservice(edrone_services): Drone gives data on this service after request. This service gives the data like accelerometer, gyro, Magneto and altitude.


  • /drone_command(edrone_msgs): This topic used to give the motion command to drone

  • /drone_cam(sensor_msgs): This topic can be used to get the camera feed. This is only for the on-board camera drone variation.

Keyboard keys to control the Drone

  • Contolling Drone

You can control your drone after launching the drone_comb.launch. Type the following sequence to control the drone in particular coordinates.

NOTE: The key pressed will not be visible in the terminal.

Control Your eDrone!
Moving around:
   u    i    o
   j    k    l

a : Arm drone
d : Dis-arm drone
w : Increase Altitude
s : Increase Altitude
u,o: Change Yaw

CTRL-C to quit

Control Commands (varies from 1000 to 2000: Default- 1500)

  • Arm

rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1000, rcAUX1: 0, rcAUX2: 0, rcAUX3: 0, rcAUX4: 1500}"
  • Disarm

rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1000, rcAUX1: 0, rcAUX2: 0, rcAUX3: 0, rcAUX4: 1000}"
  • Motion Command: You can set the rcRoll, rcPitch , rcYaw and rcThrottle to control the direction of drone.

# Increase Roll value to move forward with respect to x-axis

rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1600, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 0, rcAUX2: 0, rcAUX3: 0, rcAUX4: 1500}"

# Decrease Roll value to move backward with respect to x-axis

rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1400, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 0, rcAUX2: 0, rcAUX3: 0, rcAUX4: 1500}"

# Increase Pitch value to move forward/left with respect to y-axis

rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1600, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 0, rcAUX2: 0, rcAUX3: 0, rcAUX4: 1500}"

# Decrease Pitch value to move backward/right with respect to y-axis

rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1400, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 0, rcAUX2: 0, rcAUX3: 0, rcAUX4: 1500}"

# Increase Throttle value to move up with respect to z-axis

rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1600, rcAUX1: 0, rcAUX2: 0, rcAUX3: 0, rcAUX4: 1500}"

# Decrease Throttle value to move down with respect to z-axis

rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1400, rcAUX1: 0, rcAUX2: 0, rcAUX3: 0, rcAUX4: 1500}"

# Increase Yaw value to rotate in clockwise direction

rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1600, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 0, rcAUX2: 0, rcAUX3: 0, rcAUX4: 1500}"

# decrease Yaw value to rotate in anti-clockwise direction

rostopic pub /drone_command edrone_client/edrone_msgs "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1400, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 0, rcAUX2: 0, rcAUX3: 0, rcAUX4: 1500}"


Developed by e-Yantra at IIT bombay


Wiki: eyantra_drone (last edited 2019-09-11 13:29:25 by Simranjeet)