API review
Proposer: Tully Foote
Present at review:
- List reviewers
Question / concerns / comments
Enter your thoughts on the API and any questions / concerns you have here. Please sign your name. Anything you want to address in the API review should be marked down here before the start of the meeting.
yaml format change
rosdep_name: os: default_package rosdep_name2: os: version: package version2: package_varient rosdep_name3: os: language: python|bash check: "script to check for rosdeps presence" install: "script to install rosdeps" rosdep_name4: os: version: language: python|bash check: "script to check for rosdeps presence" install: "script to install rosdeps" rosdep_backwards_compat: os: "multiline| script" rosdep_backwards_compat2: os: version: "multiline| script"
other major changes:
Ubuntu versions to codenames from version numbers ala 9.04 -> jaunty
- backwards compatability in r7379 for hardy, jaunty, karmic with runtime warning
- A bash script to fix yaml files:
echo "replacing ubuntu version strings (8.04 etc) with codenames (hardy etc) in file" $1 sed -i "s/8.04/hardy/" $1 sed -i "s/8.10/intrepid/" $1 sed -i "s/9.04/jaunty/" $1 sed -i "s/9.10/karmic/" $1
add blacklist compliance see http://www.ros.org/wiki/roslib/Reviews/2009-12-17_API_Review#determine_buildability_.28OS_specific.29
Current Usage
rosdep -h Usage: rosdep [options] <command> <args> Commands: rosdep generate_bash <packages>... rosdep satisfy <packages>... will try to generate a bash script which will satisfy the dependencies of package(s) on your operating system. rosdep install <packages>... will generate a bash script and then execute it. rosdep depdb <packages>... will generate the dependency database for package(s) and print it to the console (note that the database will change depending on which package(s) you query. rosdep what_needs <rosdeps>... will print a list of packages that declare a rosdep on (at least one of) ROSDEP_NAME[S] rosdep where_defined <rosdeps>... will print a list of yaml files that declare a rosdep on (at least one of) ROSDEP_NAME[S] rosdep check <packages>... will check if the dependencies of package(s) have been met. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose verbose display -i, --include_duplicates do not deduplicate -y, --default-yes Tell the package manager to default to y or fail when installing -r, -k Continue installing despite errors. -a, --all select all packages
Meeting agenda
To be filled out by proposer based on comments gathered during API review period
Package status change mark change manifest)
Action items that need to be taken.
Major issues that need to be resolved
- do not support blacklist skipping (low level tool expected to run through rosmake
- do not extend markup for this release.
- work on tests
get float parsing working(see roslib/Reviews/2009-12-17_API_Review)