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tulip_simulator: tulip_description | tulip_gazebo

Package Summary


tulip_simulator: tulip_description | tulip_gazebo

Package Summary


tulip_simulator: tulip_description | tulip_gazebo

Package Summary


Package Summary

In this package the geometric, inertial and visual properties of TUlip are described in urdf files. It is used by the package tulip_gazebo


tulip_tf_tree.png Above is an overview of the transformation tree. This tree shows all joints and their links in between. The offsets between the joints are indicated as well. The transformation tree is constructed as follows:

  • Torso: this is the base_link of the transformation tree. A IMU sensor is attached to the torso. Six transformation trees are connected to the torso:

    • Left leg: the left leg consists of six revolute joints: left_hip_yaw, left_hip_roll, left_hip_pitch, left_knee_pitch, left_ankle_pitch and left_ankle_roll. These joints connect three actual links on the robot: left_upperleg, left_lowerleg and left_foot, and three 'massless' virtual links: left_hipRoll2hipYaw, left_hipPitch2hipRoll, left_ankleRoll2anklePitch. The left leg is connected to the torso through left_hip_yaw. At each corner of the left foot a force sensor is placed.

    • Right leg: the right leg consists of six revolute joints: right_hip_yaw, right_hip_roll, right_hip_pitch, right_knee_pitch, right_ankle_pitch and right_ankle_roll. These joints connect three actual links on the robot: right_upperleg, right_lowerleg and right_foot, and three 'massless' virtual links: right_hipRoll2hipYaw, right_hipPitch2hipRoll, right_ankleRoll2anklePitch. The right leg is connected to the torso through right_hip_yaw. At each corner of the right foot a force sensor is placed.

    • Left arm: the left arm consists of two links: left_upperArm and left_lowerArm interconnect by a fixed joint: left_elbow_roll. The left arm is connected through a revolute joint: left_shoulder_pitch with the link: left_shldrDnmxl which is connected to the torso through a fixed joint: left_torso2shldrDnmxl.

    • Right arm: the right arm consists of two links: right_upperArm and right_lowerArm interconnect by a fixed joint: right_elbow_roll. The right arm is connected through a revolute joint: right_shoulder_pitch with the link: right_shldrDnmxl which is connected to the torso through a fixed joint: right_torso2shldrDnmxl.

    • Neck: The neck consists of three links: torso2neckYaw, neckYaw2neckPitch and neckPitch2head interconnected by two revolute joints: neck_yaw and neck_pitch. The head of the robot, which has two cameras for stereo vision, is connected to the neck through a fixed joint: neck2headfix. The neck and head are connected to the torso with the fixed joint: neckDnmxlfix.

    • Logo: The logo on the chest of the robot consists of two links: tuelogo_blue and tuelogo_pink interconnected by a fixed joint: logofix2. The logo is connected to the torso with a fixed joint: logofix.

Folders and files

Folder: "Media"

materials/scripts: Contains scripts for material properties of TUlip.

models: Contains the Collada mesh (dae) of a soccer field with dimensions as used in the RoboCup MidSize League. This field has been downloaded from Google Warehouse. A field with dimensions of the RoboCup Humanoid League Adult-size will be released soon.

models: Contains the Collada mesh (dae) of a soccer field with dimensions as used in the RoboCup MidSize League. This field has been downloaded from Google Warehouse. A field with dimensions of the RoboCup Humanoid League Adult-size will be released soon.

Folder: "meshes"

Contains the Collada meshes (dae) of all links of TUlip.

Folder: "urdf"

Contains xacro macros that generate the urdf model of TUlip. The main xacro macro is tulip.xacro. Also contains an urdf model of a soccer ball.

Folder: "worlds"

Contains world file for the RoboCup MidSize League field.

Folder: "worlds"

Contains world file for the RoboCup MidSize League field.

Wiki: tulip_description (last edited 2013-03-24 18:17:57 by Pieter van Zutven)