BRIDE is a model driven engineering tool chain based on Eclipse. It is developed as part of the BRICS project.

In manually created ROS components, ROS-specific code parts are usually mixed with the framework-independent algorithmic core of a component. In contrast, BRIDE allows for a clear separation of framework-independent and framework-specific code: Component interfaces and behaviors are modeled in an abstract representation. This representation can then be used to auto-generate source code for different middleware and programming language targets.

BRIDE screenshot

The ROS-targeting of BRIDE gives you the following concrete features:

  • Graphical modelling of ROS nodes
  • Generation of source code in C++ or Python for the modeled ROS node with topics, services, dynamic_reconfigure and dependencies
  • ROS independent program stub for your algorithm/driver/...
  • Graphical modelling of ROS systems
  • Generation of launch files with parameters, "remap"-ing and dependencies

Installation of BRIDE as separate instance

See BRIDE Installation


Visit the tutorials page to get some hands-on experience with BRIDE.

Report a Bug

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with the hint that you are using the ROS-targeting of BRIDE.


The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. FP7-ICT-231940-BRICS (Best Practice in Robotics).

Wiki: bride (last edited 2014-03-10 13:40:27 by AlexanderBubeck)