
Selecting Blob Colors


rosrun cmvision colorgui image:=<image topic>

The above command will bring up an interface that provides a means for graphically selecting desired colors for blobs. colorgui displays values for RGB and YUV which can be used in a colors file.

Colors File Format

Blob parameters are specified to cmvision using two components:

  • Blob colors in RGB color space, specified as follows:

(r, g, b) merge expected_num name

  • Blob threshold parameters in YUV color space, specified as follows:

(min_y:max_y, min_u:max_u, min_v:max_v)

Example colors.txt for detecting a Research Robot Red RWI B21r

(159,  62, 71) 0.000000 7 ResearchRobotRed

(56:99, 108:117, 173:193)

Multiple blob colors can be specified in the same file by adding lines under colors and thresholds.

Detecting Blobs

rosparam set /cmvision/color_file /path/to/colors.txt
rosrun cmvision cmvision image:=<image topic>



Simple node for selecting blob colors.

Subscribed Topics

image (sensor_msgs/Image)
  • The image topic. Should be remapped to the name of the real image topic.


Node for detecting blobs.

Subscribed Topics

image (sensor_msgs/Image)
  • The image topic. Should be remapped to the name of the real image appropriately.

Published Topics

blobs (cmvision/Blobs)
  • A list of detected blobs.


/cmvision/color_file (string, default: "")
  • Specifies a path to the colors file.
/cmvision/mean_shift_on (bool, default: false)
  • If true, smooth the image using the mean shift algorithm before doing blob detection.
/cmvision/debug_on (bool, default: false)
  • Enables or disables debug output.
/cmvision/spatial_radius_pix (int, default: 0)
  • If using mean shift, sets mean shift's spacial radius parameter.
/cmvision/color_radius_pix (int)
  • If using mean shift, sets mean shift's color radius parameter.
(, default: 0)

Wiki: cmvision (last edited 2021-10-09 08:42:32 by TeshanLiyanage)