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Installation of a ROS4HRI environment

Description: This tutorial will take you through the steps to install a working 'ROS4HRI' sandbox environment to explore the framework

Keywords: hri

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: Getting Started With ROS4HRI

Base system

Many of the ROS4HRI packages require Python3. As such, ROS noetic is strongly encouraged.

Please follow these instructions to install a Ubuntu 20.04/ROS noetic environment.

Choose the desktop-full version of ROS, to have access to visual tools like rviz.

Base HRI packages

Install the following packages to get the basic ROS4HRI packages:

  • sudo apt install ros-noetic-hri-msgs: the ROS4HRI ROS messages

  • sudo apt install ros-noetic-hri: libhri, a C++ library to ease integration of ROS4HRI in your C++ nodes

  • sudo apt install ros-noetic-pyhri: pyhri, a Python library to ease integration of ROS4HRI in your Python nodes

  • sudo apt install ros-noetic-human-description: a parametric kinematic model of a human, in URDF format

  • sudo apt install ros-noetic-hri-rviz: rviz plugins to display detected humans (faces and bodies) and the humans' 3D skeletons (if you run a skeleton tracker)

Additional ROS4HRI nodes

some of these nodes are not packages in noetic and require manual installation.

To get started, you might want to install:

Useful nodes to play with ROS4HRI

To explore ROS4HRI without eg a robot, you might want to use your webcam instead of the robot's cameras. ros-noetic-usb-cam is a popular choice.

Wiki: hri/Tutorials/Installation of a ROS4HRI environment (last edited 2022-10-04 09:28:44 by SeverinLemaignan)