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API below is for information purposes only. imu_monitor is only supported to monitor PR2 imu

The IMU Monitor,, monitors the drift on the IMU gyroscopes on the PR2. It detects when the PR2 base is not moving, and then start monitoring the drift of the gyroscopes around the vertical axis.

Subscribed Topics

torso_lift_imu/data (sensor_msgs/Imu)
  • The IMU data (accelerometers, gyroscopes, etc)
base_odometry/odometer (pr2_mechanism_controllers/Odometer)
  • The PR2 base odometry

Published Topics

/diagnostics (diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray)
  • Diagnostics about the status of the IMU drift.

Wiki: imu_monitor (last edited 2011-03-20 01:12:38 by KenConley)