
This package contains a node to synchronize the local ROS master to remote ROS masters discovered by master_discovery node. For synchronization the Master API will be used. Thereby the regitration of topics/services are performed only on the local ROS master. To obtain a complete synchronization of two ROS master one master_sync node in each "ROS system" have to be started.

The syncronization will be performed on each time the remote ROS master is changed. The change detection is done by the master_discovery node. To avoid multiple calls over unreliable connections e.g. WiFi, needed for a synchronization, the XML-RPC server of the master_discovery node is used to get the current state of the remote ROS master.

Note: in the current state the ROS Parameter server will be not synchronized.


Getting started

Run the master_discovery node first.

Run this node:

rosrun master_sync_fkie master_sync

Note: do not rename the master_sync node! If it does, use the ignore_nodes filter to prevent synchronization of the master_sync nodes, otherwise unpredictable effects will occur

The services and published topics of the master_discovery node are detected automatically!


Subscribed Topics

~changes (master_discovery_fkie/MasterState)
  • Description of the discovered ROS master


~get_sync_info (master_discovery_fkie/GetSyncInfo)
  • The list with synchronized nodes and services

Subscribed Topics

~changes (multimaster_msgs_fkie/MasterState)
  • Description of the discovered ROS master


~get_sync_info (multimaster_msgs_fkie/GetSyncInfo)
  • The list with synchronized nodes and services


~interface_url (str, default: )
  • The URL to the interface file, e.g. pkg://master_sync_fkie///sync_interface.sync. On valid interface all ignore_ and sync_ lists are ignored.
~resync_on_reconnect (bool, default: True)
  • Performs resync after the host was offline: unregister and register again to avoid connection losses to python topic. These does not suppot reconnection!
~resync_on_reconnect_timeout (float, default: 0)
  • A configurable period that controls how long the offline-online period [sec] is before the resync kicks in. (Since version 0.5.9)
~do_not_sync (list, default: [])
  • A filter list with patterns. If this pattern merges to a node, topic or service it will not be synchronized. (Since version 0.5.4)
~ignore_hosts (array, default: [])
  • This list with names of ROS master to ignore
~sync_hosts (array, default: [])
  • This list with names of ROS master to synchronize. Only this ROS master in this list will be synchronized. The ~ignore_hosts list is processed first.
~ignore_nodes (array, default: [/rosout, "/*master_sync* node", "remote /*master_discovery* node", "/*node_manager", /*zeroconf])
  • The list of nodes, which are to be ignored while a synchroniation. All their topics and services are ignored! The defaults cannot be removed!
~sync_nodes (array, default: [])
  • The list of nodes to synchronize. Only topics of this nodes are synchronized. The ~ignore_nodes, ~ignore_topics and ~ignore_services lists are processed first.
~ignore_topics (array, default: ['/rosout', '/rosout_agg'])
  • The list of topics, which are to be ignored while a synchroniation. The ~ignore_nodes list is processed first. The defaults cannot be removed!
~ignore_publishers (array, default: [])
  • The list of published topics, which are to be ignored while a synchroniation.
~ignore_subscribers (array, default: [])
  • The list of subscribed topics, which are to be ignored while a synchroniation.
~sync_topics (array, default: [])
  • The list of topics to synchronize. The ~ignore_nodes and ~ignore_topics lists are processed first.
~ignore_services (array, default: ['/*get_loggers', '/*set_logger_level'])
  • The list of services, which are to be ignored while a synchroniation. The ~ignore_nodes list is processed first. The defaults cannot be removed!
~sync_services (array, default: [])
  • The list of services to synchronize. The ~ignore_nodes and ~ignore_services lists are processed first.
~sync_topics_on_demand (boolean, default: False)
  • This parameter is only regarded, if sync_nodes or sync_topics are set. In this case the subscribed and published topics are synchronized even if they are not in the sync_* list
~ignore_type (array, default: ['bond/Status'])
  • The list of types to ignore.
~sync_remote_nodes (boolean, default: False)
  • The nodes which are running not at the same host as the ROS master are not synchronized by default. Use sync_remote_nodes to sync these nodes also.

Wiki: master_sync_fkie (last edited 2021-07-01 13:46:47 by AlexanderTiderko)