
Wrapper packages for Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) methods in the (MRPT) libraries.


See also: mrpt_navigation, mrpt_sensors

Please, see each of the packages for more details:

  • mrpt_ekf_slam_2d: Range-Bearing 2D EKF-SLAM (observations: 2D range-bearing; map: landmarks).

  • mrpt_ekf_slam_3d: Range-Bearing 3D EKF-SLAM (observations: 3D range-bearing; map: landmarks).

  • mrpt_icp_slam_2d: ICP-based SLAM (observations: laser scans, map: point map and/or gridmaps).

  • mrpt_rbpf_slam: Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF) SLAM. Multiple choices of observations and maps.

  • mrpt_graphslam_2d: Single-, multi-roobt pose-graphSLAM. observations: odometry, laser scans, map: point map and/or gridmaps.

Example videos (check out each package above for further instructions and other examples):


  • From the repositories:

# This will install all packages in the mrpt_slam metapackage
# Alternatively, install individual packages only as you need them
sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-mrpt-slam
  • From sources: Clone the Git repository and build with catkin as usual. Read mrpt_navigation/Tutorials/Installing for more detailed instructions for the dependency "mrpt_navigation".

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Wiki: mrpt_slam (last edited 2018-06-16 08:22:25 by Jose Luis Blanco)