Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: ROS Tutorials.
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Setting up ROSOSC

Description: Setting up an environment to use ROSOSC and TouchOSC

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: Loading TouchOSC Layouts with ROS

Get TouchOSC

For iOS devices, TouchOSC is available from the Apple App Store.

For Android devices, TouchOSC is available on the Android Marketplace.

Note: The Android version of the TouchOSC application does not currently support custom layout files.

Later on in the tutorials, we will be using the TouchOSC Editor, which is available for Linux, Windows and Mac OSX operating systems. This is provided by the creator of TouchOSC, Hexler, at his website


The best way to get started with ROS OSC is to create a new ROS workspace.

If you are starting from a fresh install of ROS, you can set up a new workspace in your home directory to work from using the following commands:

source /opt/ros/electric/setup.bash
rosws init ~/tutorials
source ~/tutorials/setup.bash

Then, add the stacks that will be used for the rest of the tutorials, and refresh the environment:

rosws add rososc
rosws add rososc_tutorials
source ~/tutorials/setup.bash

Now, generate the messages to be used, and install dependencies:

rosmake --rosdep-install rososc_tutorials

If at any point, the rosdep install fails, you can manually install packages using the following for Linux:

sudo pip install pybonjour txosc

Now that your environment is set up, you can move on to Loading TouchOSC Layouts with ROS

Wiki: rososc_tutorials/Tutorials/Setting Up ROSOSC (last edited 2011-11-06 19:02:21 by MichaelCarroll)