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How to run rosworldwind

Description: This tutorial covers how to visualize a Marker on a virtual globe.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Setting up the demo environment

Initially start a roscore and a worldwindCircleDemo node:


rosrun rosworldwind worldwindCircleDemo.py

Starting the rosworldwind GUI

Open the Eclipse IDE and add a new Run Configuration:

Run > Run Configurations...
Java Application > New
Main class (org.ros.worldwind.Adapter)
Tab '(x) = Arguments" > VM arguments: -Djava.library.path=libs/native-libs/32bit/

The VM arguments are categorized into 32-bit and 64-bit. Accordingly the VM arguments on a 64-bit operating system are: -Djava.library.path=libs/native-libs/64bit/

Start the Adapter:

Run > Run 
// or press the Run button

Set origin to any point on the globe by pressing the "set origin" Button, followed by pressing the left mouse button on the desired origin on the globe. Add new Marker by pressing the "add" Button in the lower left corner and set the topic name to 'Marker01' (Enter is required to confirm the new topic name entry!). And another one named 'Marker02'.

If you see a green cube circling around a blue cube at the selected origin on the globe you are done.

Wiki: rosworldwind/Tutorials/HowToRunROSWorldWind (last edited 2011-09-30 14:08:31 by MichaelLichtenstern)