
sr_utilities contains a merger for the joint_states. It is a simple and non optimal merger:

  • subscribe to two joint_states topics
  • when a message is received on one of those topics, wait until another message is received on the second topic.
  • when both messages are received, publish the merged message to the output topic.

Please note that the robot_state_publisher should soon implement this feature (with a cleaner implementation), as stated by Wim in the mailing list.


Input Topics

The node subscribes to the two topics to merge: /srh/position/joint_states and /sr_arm/position/joint_states. These are hard coded for the time being.

Output Topics

Publishes the merged joint state messages to /position/joint_states.

Wiki: sr_utilities (last edited 2014-02-17 11:53:24 by UgoCupcic)