Only released in EOL distros:  

thormang3_opc: thormang3_action_script_player | thormang3_demo | thormang3_foot_step_generator | thormang3_navigation | thormang3_offset_tuner_client

Package Summary

This package provides a action script playing for thormang3. It can be used with thormang3_action_module and ros_mpg321_player.

ROS Software Maintainer: ROBOTIS

ROBOTIS e-Manual



Subscribed Topics

robotis/demo/action_index (std_msgs/Int32)
  • The message in this topic is used for the action script number to play.

Published Topics

robotis/action/page_num (std_msgs/Int32)
  • The message in this topic is used for the page number.
    1 ~ 255 : play action
    -1 : stop action
    -2 :brake action
robotis/action/start_action (thormang3_action_module_msgs/StartAction)
  • The message in this topic is used for the page number and joint names.
play_sound_file (std_msgs/String)
  • The message in this topic is used to play sound file.

Services Called

robotis/action/is_running (thormang3_action_module_msgs/IsRunning)
  • This service is used to check whether the action is running or not.


action_script_file_path (string, default: "thormang3_action_script_player/script/action_script.yaml")
  • This parameter is used to indicate the location of action script file.

Wiki: thormang3_action_script_player (last edited 2018-04-30 01:41:07 by Jaehyun Shim)