
This package provides a driver for the Thymio II robot using the asebaros package. This driver listens to velocity commands and outputs odometry and tf data. In addition, we provide launch files to do SLAM and path planning with gmapping and navigation stack, should an Hokuyo sensor be taped on top of the Thymio, like in this picture:




Node: thymio_navigation_driver

This node interfaces the Thymio with ROS. It demands an asebaros node connected to the Thymio. Using asebaros, this node will accept twist commands and publish odometry/tf.

Subscribed Topics

/aseba/events/odometry (asebaros/AsebaEvent)
  • aseba odometry messages from the Thymio
cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • velocity commands from ROS

Published Topics

/aseba/events/set_speed (asebaros/AsebaEvent)
  • aseba speed messages to the Thymio
odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
  • odometry to ROS

Provided tf Transforms

  • tf from odometry

Node: joy_to_twist

This node transform a joystick command into a twist command to control the speed of Thymio.

Subscribed Topics

/joy (sensor_msgs/Joy)
  • joystick messages

Published Topics

/cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • velocity commands

Putting it all together

This driver provides a different launch files that together provide the complete integration with gmapping and the navigation stack, as you can see in this video:

The file to launch is aseba_slam_nav_viewer.launch. For this launch file to work, you must first connect the Hokuyo and then the Thymio, so that the Hokuyo gets /dev/ttyACM0 as device and the Thymio /dev/ttyACM1. This also means that you should have no other USB-serial device plugged in.

Wiki: thymio_navigation_driver (last edited 2012-07-23 14:04:12 by StephaneMagnenat)