Note: Before starting this tutorial please compile the cyphy_CF,cyphy_height_estimator,cyphy_kbd,cyphy_mk_ui,cyphy_pole_detect and cyphy_serial_driver packages.. |
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Shared Control for a Quadrotor Platform
Description: This tutorial guides a shared autonomy control scheme for a quadcopter that is suited for inspection of vertical infrastructure. An unskilled operator is assisted by onboard sensing and partial autonomy to safely fly the robot in close proximity to the structure. The operator uses their domain knowledge and problem solving skills to guide the robot in difficult to reach locations to inspect and assess the condition of the infrastructure. The operator commands the robot in a local task coordinate frame with limited degrees of freedom (DOF). For instance: up/down, left/right, toward/away with respect to the infrastructure. We therefore avoid problems of global mapping and navigation while providing an intuitive interface to the operator.Keywords: cyphy_pkg, MikroKopter, quadrotor
Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
- What does this tutorial page aim for?
- Setup systems
- Compilation ROS packages
Putting them all together and running
- Running the ROS core on the ground station
- Running the Hokuyo ROS driver node on the Gumstix
- Running the cyphy_pole_detect and cyphy_height_estimator
- Running the cyphy_serial_driver package
- Running the cyphy complimentary filter node
- Running the cyphy_kbd node
- Running the joy
- Running the dynamic reconfigure node
- (Optional) Running the rxplot to plot data
- Flying
What does this tutorial page aim for?
This page presents ROS MikroKopter tutorial, technical documentation, and source code. The tutorial section provides detailed step-by-step explanations allowing other researchers to setup the same research quadrotor platform. The technical documentation aims to fulfill the demands of robotics and avionics researchers by providing scientific information. Lastly, we provide full source code packages, the Gumstixs ROS Hokuyo driver package, the core velocity estimator and control ROS packages, and the MikroKopter flight control patch.
Setup systems
This section is consisted of 3 subsections: The Gumstixs ROS Hokuro driver package, the velocity estimator and control ROS packages, and the MikroKopter flight control patch. This system is consisted of: Overo Fire COM MikroKopter L4-ME Hokuyo URG-04LX
The software versions are:
ROS cturtle(1.2.4) for the Gumstixs Ubuntu 10.04(Lucid), Kernel version 2.6.34
Versions of the ground station:
Ubuntu 10.10(Marverick), Kernel version 2.6.35-28 for the ground station. ROS diamondback 1.4.6, GCC 4.4
The Gumstixs ROS Hokuyo driver package
For running the Gumstixs ROS Hokuyo driver package, there are requirements of:
1. Ubuntu Lucid version running on the Gumstix
The tutorial can be found Gumstix
2. Gumros/ubuntu*
The tutorial page can be found Gumros/ubuntu
3. Dependences for Hokuyo driver package*
As presented in ROS Hokuyo tutorial page, there are 6 dependences of the Hokuyo driver package. However, there are more dependences since each dependency also requires its dependences. When you install Gumros/ubuntu on the Gumsixs, it only installs ROS core packages (roscore, rostools, etc) without useful stacks due to the lack of the Gumstix memory resources. Therefore, you need to check out and compile from the lowest level of a package to the higher, for example, (roscpp,rospy and rosservice -> dynamic_reconfigure -> driver_base -> hokuyo_node)
Compilation ROS packages
Gumstix ROS pkg
Compiling ROS Hokuyo pkg by typing
rosmake hokuyo_node
Three binaries will be generated, getFirmwareVersion, getID, and hokuyo_node under the "bin" folder. Note that there is an alignment issue with cross compilation on ARM. If you face this error message
Alignment trap: not handling instruction ed868b00 at [<0002f6be>] Unhandled fault: alignment exception (0x801) at 0x000875bb /opt/ros/cturtle/ros/bin/rosrun: line 35: 729 Illegal instruction $exepath "$@
then the patch code for the ROS serialisation is required.
MikroKopter flight control(FC) patch
It is required to patch FC source code and compile then put the binary into the flight controller with the following page. FC_source_compile
You can download the official V0.82b FC code and apply this patch MK_FC0.82b_cyphy.patch. This patch is created against MK FCV0.82b official versionV0.82b Please have a look "License.txt" file for permissions and copyrights.
Groundstation ROS pkg
There are six ROS packages: cyphy_CF,cyphy_height_estimator,cyphy_kbd,cyphy_mk_ui,cyphy_pole_detect and cyphy_serial_driver to be compiled.
This diagram shows the connections between nodes through topics. The blue boxes are nodes and solid and dash lines are topics. We use user-defined topics and pre-defined topic. More details can be found on the MK_Doc.pdf MikroKopter technical documentation.
One can check out from QUT cyphy launch pad repository by
bzr co lp:cyphy
Putting them all together and running
Running the ROS core on the ground station
Open a new console and type
Please make sure a connection between the Gumstixs and the ground station by setting the proper ROS_MASTER_URI and the host file. More details is available ROS & iRobot Create Setup
Running the Hokuyo ROS driver node on the Gumstix
The function of this node is acquisition of laser range finder data and transmitting over Wifi to the ground station. This node runs on the Gumstixs, not the ground station.
roslaunch hokuyo_node hokuyo_cyphy.launch
The only difference between our Hokuyo node and ROS Hokuyo node is parameters in the hokuyo_cyphy.launch file. We changed the maximum and minimun angles due to a laser hat. Note that please make sure the time interval between the Gumstixs and the ground station as possible as close. We exploited PTP protocol to syncronise systems.
It is nice to verify the connection using rostools or rviz.
rostopic list -v rostopic echo /scan
rosrun rviz rviz
Running the cyphy_pole_detect and cyphy_height_estimator
Open a new terminal and run the cyphy_pole_detect package by
rosrun cyphy_pole_detect cyphy_pole_detect
Open a new terminal and run the laser height estimator.
rosrun cyphy_height_estimator cyphy_height_estimator
Make sure /pole_pose2D and /height topic are subscribed.
Running the cyphy_serial_driver package
This node receives attitudes and status of the MikroKopter at 20Hz.
Run the executable file under the bin folder.
Open a new terminal and run the MikroKopter serial node.
rosrun cyphy_serial_driver cyphy_serial_driver
Make sure a ZIGBEE module is connected to ttyUSB0.
Running the cyphy complimentary filter node
This node involves the velocity estimator and controllers.
Open a new terminal and run the MikroKopter serial node.
rosrun cyphy_CF CompFilter
Note: GCC 4.4.6 is used to compile cyphy_serial_driver and cyphy_CF packages. There is a namespace issue on 4.5 or higher version. |
Running the cyphy_kbd node
Open a new terminal and run the cyphy_kbd node.
rosrun cyphy_kbd cyphy_kbd
Running the joy
In order to send supervisory command, joystick_drivers stack is required. joystick_drivers. Then run joy_node by
rosrun joy joy_node
Running the dynamic reconfigure node
This node allows a operator to change all gains of velocity controller, position controllers. Open a new terminal and type
rosrun dynamic_reconfigure reconfigure_gui
Select /CompFilter pkg from a drop down menu.
(Optional) Running the rxplot to plot data
It is possible to plot any data with rxplot. For example, the following command plots x,y and z. Open a new terminal and type the following command.
rxplot /pole_pose/x /pole_pose/y /height/data
The default update rate of the rxplot is 500ms. You can change the update rate by changing ros\tools\rxtools\src\rxtools\, line 172
1 self.redraw_timer.Start(100)
Turn motors on and activate the external control from the transmitter. Details of set-up the transmitter and MikroKopter tool can be found. MikroKopter Tools
Activate all packages in terminals. Select the cypky_kbd terminal to landing.
The available commands are
Press space = Taking off Press ESC = Landing Press 'f' = Increase height 0.2m Press 'v' = Decrease height 0.2m