Setting up ROS on Ubuntu on Android on a mobile phone
How to set up ROS on Ubuntu on Android on a mobile phone.
I had some build errors when "Building the higher-level/tools (Layer 2)", but roscore, turtlesim, rxconsole, rxgraph, and rxplot work.
An overview of the steps:
- Rooted your phone. (Beyond the scope of this wiki page)
- Install the Terminal Emulator program from the Google Play app store.
- Download "Complete Linux Installer" from the Google Play app store.
- Use that to download and install Ubuntu (large version).
- Follow the guide in the Complete Linux Installer (unzip the image, and move it)
- Make the .img file bigger because there is not enough space for ROS. In the terminal, outside of Ubuntu: :
cd /mnt/sdcard/ubuntu dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=1000000 >> ubuntu.img
(the "count" may have to be adjusted, or this command executed multiple times until the image is big enough)
- Follow the instructions on the [|ROS Debian install page.] - There are a couple of lines in turtle.cpp that need to be changed to get it to compile (typecast a constant to qword in the std::max function call) - As per, cp -r /swig /usr/local/share.
It's slow, but it seems to be faster than the Rasperry Pi.