This package is developed by Adele Robots. It currently contains nodes for communication between ROS and Adele Robots´ AI cloud platform FIONA. The fiona_ros package has been developed as part of an ROSIN ITP project.
Purpose of fiona_pkg
The objective of the project of which this package is part, is to integrate FIONA with ROS and ROSIndustrial. This objective is divided into two main tasks:
- To adapt the FIONA servers and tools so that they can run ROS-based applications. This will allow developers to build new components for FIONA using the ROS framework, and integrators to include these ROS components in their FIONA applications in a simple and intuitive way.
- To make the client ROS compliant. This way, ROS and ROS-Industrial applications will be able to connect to and make use of all the functionality from FIONA by just adding this ROS-based FIONA client to their application.
This second objective, is the one that fiona_pkg is going to fulfil.
What is FIONA?
Fiona stands for Framework for Interactive-services Over Natural-conversational Agents and it’s an exciting new online platform to create the next generation of Virtual Agents and Avatars: more interactive, more striking and smarter.
Avatars and Virtual Agents consist of different components and functionalities, for example a TTS, an emotion recognition module, or the appearance of the character. In Fiona these components are called sparks.
Sparks represent certain features or processes within the operation of the avatar. A Spark is a wrapper for one of those functionalities and it can talk to other sparks about what it is doing. They offer and share information with each other, and they use that information to do a specific thing. For instance, there is a Spark that is able to render the face of a virtual agent in relation to data given to it by other Sparks as the position of the eyes, which in turn is extracted from another Spark that tracks human faces. This is only an example of Sparks working together to share data and make things happen.
You need interfaces for the sparks to be able to communicate with other sparks. Each interface has its own purpose and not all the interfaces can be used with every spark.
There are 2 groups of interfaces: Asking Interfaces and Answering Interfaces. There is always a dialogue between them. The Asking Interfaces call and the Answering Interfaces get the call.
You can find more information in Fiona´s Wiki.
Communication between FIONA and ROS
So far we know about FIONA, that its functionalities are called Sparks (you could think they are to FIONA what nodes are to ROS) and that sparks need interfaces to communicate.
As we want to establish a bidirectional communication between FIONA and ROS, we are going to focus in two main tasks:
- ROS getting information from FIONA.
- FIONA getting information from ROS.
All the code related to the following information in this page and to the project is available at this GitHub repository.
ROS getting information from FIONA
We establish a request / reply done via a Service. A providing FIONA ROS-based Spark offers a service under a string name, and a ROS node of fiona_pkg client calls the service by sending the request message and awaiting the reply.
FIONA ROS-based Sparks
ROSAnimationSpark: Used to make your avatar move.
ROSApplicationSpark: Used to launch a process.
ROSAsyncFatalErrorHandlerSpark: Used to handle errors.
ROSAudioSpark: Used to send and receive audio, and manage audio buffer.
ROSCameraSpark: Used to set position, angles and different parameters of the avatar's camera.
ROSConcurrentSpark: Used to start/stop threads.
ROSControlVoiceSpark: Used to make the avatar start/stop speaking and control its voice.
ROSDetectedFacePositionConsumerSpark: Used to send and receive the position of the detected human face through the camera.
ROSEyesSpark: Used to set the position of the eyes.
ROSFaceExpressionSpark: Used to change the expression of avatar's face.
ROSFrameEventSubscriberSpark: Used to I/O of video frames.
ROSNeckSpark: Used to set avatar's head position.
ROSRenderizableSpark: Used to synchronise video frames.
ROSThreadProcSpark: Used to process multithreads.
ROSVoiceSpark: Used to communicate with a Text To Speech.
ROSWindowSpark: Used to show/hide and get properties of window display.
Full code of ROS-based FIONA sparks is available here.
ROS nodes in fiona_pkg
Our fiona_pkg contains a node (client) for each of the FIONA interfaces.
Services are defined using srv files, so they are compiled into source code by our fiona_pkg client library. As there is a service for each FIONA interface, there is a srv file and a ROS node client for each interface too. This means that each srv file has specific requests and response depending on the interface they want information from.
Some of the interfaces do not need any data coming from the request, so these requests are constant values already established into the launch files of the corresponding fiona_pkg node. From now on, these requests will be called void_request.
Client for ROSAnimationSpark: Sends the avatar file name as a request and awaits a boolean reply that indicates if the avatar moves or not.
Node: fiona_animation_client.cpp.
Srv: Animation_srv.srv
Client for ROSApplicationSpark: Sends a void_request and awaits a boolean reply that indicates if the process is running or not.
Node: fiona_application_client.cpp
Srv: Application_srv.srv
Client for ROSAsyncFatalErrorHandlerSpark: Sends the exception/error msg and awaits a boolean reply that indicates if that error occurrs.
Node: fiona_errorhandler_client.cpp
Srv: AsyncFatalErrorHandler_srv.srv
Clients for ROSAudioSpark: Sends three requests: "queue" or "dequeue" to select that operation on the audio buffer, the buffer name and the audio size. Then awaits a boolean that indicates if the operation took place.
Nodes: fiona_audiobuffer_client.cpp
Srv: AudioBuffer_srv.srv
Nodes: fiona_audiosize_client.cpp Srv: AudioSize_srv.srv
Clients for ROSCameraSpark: Sends 4 camera parameters and awaits a boolean reply indicating if those parameters were set correctly.
Nodes: fiona_cameraparameters_client.cpp
Srv: CameraParameters_srv.srv
Nodes: fiona_cameraposition_client.cpp
Srv: CameraPosition_srv.srv
Nodes: fiona_camerarotation_client
Srv: CameraRotation_srv.srv
Client for ROSConcurrentSpark: Sends a start/stop and awaits a boolean reply that indicates if a thread has been started or stopped.
Node: fiona_concurrent_client.cpp
Srv: Concurrent_srv.srv
Client for ROSControlVoiceSpark: Sends a command for the avatar to start/stop speaking and select the voice. Then the reply is a boolean indicating if the action succeeded.
Node: fiona_controlvoice_client.cpp
Srv: ControlVoice_srv.srv
Client for ROSDetectedFacePositionConsumerSpark: Sends a boolean that indicates if there is a face in front of the camera and its x and y position. The response is a boolean that tells if there is or not a face in that position.
Node: fiona_faceposition_client.cpp
Srv: DetectedFacePositionConsumer_srv.srv
Client for ROSEyesSpark: Sends the position of the eyes in terms of two camera parameters: tilt and pan. The reply verifies if the eyes are indeed where we have indicated.
Node: fiona_eyes_client.cpp
Srv: Eyes_srv.srv
Client for ROSFaceExpressionSpark: Sends the name of the face expression and float indicating its intensity. Then the reply indicates if that is the expression detected.
Node: fiona_faceexpression_client.cpp
Srv: FaceExpression_srv.srv
Client for ROSFrameEventSubscriberSpark: Sends a void_request to receive a boolean that says if a video frame has been detected.
Node: fiona_frame_client.cpp
Srv: FrameEventSubscriber_srv.srv
Client for ROSNeckSpark: Sends the same parameters that fiona_eyes_client but in this cas for the head position. It receives a boolean indicating if a head is in that position.
Node: fiona_neck_client.cpp
Srv: Neck_srv.srv
Client for ROSRenderizableSpark: Sends a void_request to synchronise video frames. Returns a boolean indicating the success.
Node: fiona_render_client.cpp
Srv: Renderizable_srv.srv
Client for ROSThreadProcSpark: Sends a void_request to allow multithread.
Node: fiona_threadproc_client.cpp
Srv: ThreadProc_srv.srv
Client for ROSVoiceSpark: Sends a command of "say"/"stop"/"wait" and a text, to tell the avatar to say that text, to stop speaking or to wait until it ends what it is saying. A boolean reply tells if the action succeded.
Node: fiona_voice_client.cpp
Srv: Voice_srv.srv
Clients for ROSWindowSpark: Sends a command to show, hide or make an operation with a window display and gets a boolean reply.
Nodes: fiona_window_client.cpp
Srv: Window_srv.srv
Nodes: fiona_windowcolordepth_client
Srv: WindowColorDepth_srv.srv
Full code of fiona_pkg is available here.
In order to see the steps for building fiona_pkg in your catkin workspace, go to
FIONA getting information from ROS
We have a Spark that creates a publisher so we have a topic associated with a particular message type. As we are focusing on ROS-FIONA communication, this Spark will publish a string to this topic, asking ROS the message or the information that FIONA wants to receive. We could´ve used services as before, but with this, we also show an example of publisher/subscriber nodes.
The publisher in this case is: ROSTalkerSpark.
And the subscriber is the node in fiona_pkg: fiona_listener.cpp.
In order to test our project, we have built one test for each service. In [fiona_pkg/src](fiona_pkg/src) we have the clients and the listener explained before, but we also have servers, which are the ROS-node equivalent of the ROS-Sparks and a talker that is the ROS-node equivalent of ROSTalkerSpark.
This is going to be clearer with an example. For this example we are going to focus on fiona_animation. * Real scenario: We allow ROS to get information about FIONA Animation interface with a ROS node as the client and a FIONA Spark as the server.
Client (ROS Node)
Server (FIONA Spark)
* Testing scenario: In order to check that client and server are built correctly, we create a ROS node server which is equivalent to FIONA Spark server, that is, we use the exact same code but we write it as an executable program running on our ROS machine instead of a Spark, which at the end FIONA uses as a dynamic library. That is why we say that the ROS node servers are equivalent to FIONA Sparks servers.
Client (ROS Node)
Server (ROS Node)
A test for each service is available in fiona_pkg/tests. All services have been successfully tested as you can find in fiona_pkg/test_results so this means that FIONA Sparks, that are the servers in the real scenario, are correctly built.
Example applications of the connection between ROS and our AI cloud FIONA will be shown as part of the following milestone of the project.
To see the steps for testing, go to
Continuous integration
We have used Travis CI to build and test this project and all the previous tests. So, with each git push, travis would build the project and test it.
You can see that the project is succesfully built here.
Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components. More information:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.