<?cs if:note.0 && note ?>
Note: <?cs var:note ?>. This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: <?cs each:_note=note ?> <?cs if: last(_note)?> <?cs var:_note?><?cs else?> <?cs var:_note?>, <?cs /if?><?cs /each ?>. |
<?cs elif:note.0 ?>
Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: <?cs each:_note=note ?> <?cs if: last(_note)?> <?cs var:_note?><?cs else?> <?cs var:_note?>, <?cs /if?><?cs /each ?>. |
<?cs elif note ?>
Note: <?cs var:note ?>. |
<?cs else?> <?cs /if?>
<?cs if:domain_answers ?>
<?cs else?>
<?cs /if?>
<?cs var:title ?>
Description: <?cs var:description ?>
<?cs if:keywords ?> Keywords: <?cs var:keywords ?>
<?cs /if?>
Tutorial Level: <?cs if: level=="BeginnerCategory"?>BEGINNER<?cs elif: level=="IntermediateCategory" ?> INTERMEDIATE <?cs elif: level=="AdvancedCategory"?> ADVANCED <?cs else?> <?cs /if?>
<?cs if:next.0.link ?>Next Tutorial: <?cs var:next ?> <?cs each:_link=next?> <?cs var:_link.link?><?cs /each ?>
<?cs /if ?>