Only released in EOL distros:  

ackermann_teleop: ackermann_hks | ackermann_qt

Package Summary

HKS game controller tele-operation interface for driving a vehicle with Ackermann steering under human control.

HKS game controller tele-operation interface for driving a vehicle with Ackermann steering under human control.

ROS Nodes


ROS node for issuing commands to a robot using Ackermann steering from using an HKS game controller.

Published Topics

ackermann_cmd (ackermann_msgs/AckermannDriveStamped)
  • commands for a robot using Ackerman steering.


Run the teleop script.

rosrun ackermann_qt hks_teleop


Plug the joystick into a USB 2.0 port. When first attached, four blue LEDs will blink, and the joystick is not yet active. Press the PS button, causing the blinking to stop, and the controller to connect.



  1. Press "PS" button when controller first attached.
  2. Use thumb wheel to steer left or right.
  3. Press blue "X" button to speed up.
  4. Press purple square button to slow down.

Wiki: ackermann_hks (last edited 2012-02-16 03:28:36 by JackOQuin)