Revision 6 as of 2012-10-26 15:14:12

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Only released in EOL distros:  

lse_miniq_robot: lse_miniq_bringup | lse_miniq_description | lse_miniq_driver | lse_miniq_msgs | lse_miniq_stage

Package Summary

This is the stack of the DFRobot miniQ robot hacked by the guys at the Embedded Systems Lab, ISR University of Coimbra for mobile robot olfaction.

The LSE miniQ Robot

The LSE miniQ robot was developed at the ISR for swarm olfactory research. The motivation behind this robot was to build a cheap unit to allow the purchase of large swarms.

Based on the 2WD miniQ from DFRobot, the LSE miniQ contains an e2v MiCS 5524 gas sensor and two LEDs place on the top of the robot for use with computer vision tracking software. Furthermore the 4 AA batteries were changed for a single 18650 cell.


The LSE miniQ robot is based on the popular Arduino, so it is unable to run ROS. Instead the LSE miniQ communicates with a host computer using XBee. The host computer then runs the ROS nodes in charge of controlling the robot. A single computer can runs swarm of LSE miniQs, and to the ROS ecosystem each LSE miniQ appears as any other robot would.

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