Revision 4 as of 2016-09-02 08:48:12

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Only released in EOL distros:  

Package Summary

Bring-up the dcm driver to control Pepper

Package Summary

Bring-up the dcm driver to control Pepper

Package Summary

Bring-up the dcm driver to control Pepper

Startup launch files for Pepper robot

The package contains launch and configuration files required to bring the robot's DCM Driver up and start the robot controllers.


* install dependencies

sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-pepper-robot ros-indigo-pepper-meshes ros-indigo-pepper-control

* clone and compile naoqi_dcm_driver

* then, clone the code from source and compile

* optionally, install pepper_moveit_config

How to use it

* first, re-start NAOqi without autonomous life, and stop the ALTouch module

nao stop
naoqi-bin --disable-life
qicli call ALTouch.exit

* wake up your robot

* export the robot IP address

export NAO_IP=<your_robot_ip>

* then, start the DCM bringup

roslaunch pepper_dcm_bringup pepper_bringup.launch

* you can launch MoveIt! (install it previously) and control your robot (arms by default)

roslaunch pepper_moveit_config moveit_planner.launch